Colorado governor pardons felon to stave off deportation

Washington Times

DENVER (AP) – Colorado’s governor on Friday pardoned a Cuban immigrant for an armed robbery he committed 19 years ago in an effort stave off the man’s deportation after immigration authorities detained him following a judge’s ruling that he should no longer be imprisoned.

The pardon from Gov. John Hickenlooper, a Democrat, was the latest twist in the saga of Rene Lima-Marin, 38. He came to the U.S. as a toddler as part of the 1980 Mariel boat lift from Cuba and had legal residency until it was revoked following his 2000 criminal conviction. Lima-Marin was sentenced to 98 years in prison for the robbery. But he was mistakenly paroled from Colorado state prison in 2008.  

Lima-Marin married, had a child and got a steady job installing glass before state authorities realized their mistake in 2014 and sent him back for the remainder of his 98-year prison sentence.

A Colorado judge earlier this week ordered Lima-Marin released from state prison, saying it would be “draconian” to keep him incarcerated. But before he could return to his family, immigration authorities picked him up, citing a still-active deportation order from 2000. His lawyers said a pardon was his only chance to stave off deportation.

Lima-Marin’s case has become a bipartisan cause celebre in Colorado, as 98 members of the state Assembly, Democrats and Republicans, called on Hickenlooper to grant him clemency. Though the legal roots of Lima-Marin’s deportation order stretch back to actions of the Obama administrations, his detention comes as the Trump

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One thought on “Colorado governor pardons felon to stave off deportation

  1. Please keep showing everyone how illegitimate your governance is, maybe one day we will stick your heads on pikes and tar them so we can laugh at you for a few years while we get back to living free and prosperous.
    Have fun throwing China at us, their soldiers will stick out like a sore thumb, we will take everything they bring with them simply because we have spirit, the moral high ground and the home field advantage (Remember the Alamo? American Riflemen will be your worst nightmare, so keep pushing freaks).

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