Common Core math education intentionally designed to make America’s children mentally ill

mathNatural News – by Mike Adams

If you look around America today, mathematical mental illness is found everywhere. It’s found in the federal budget, where numbers only mean what we are told they mean, not what they really mean. Mental illness is also found in medicine, where mentally ill victims of mercury in vaccines viciously attack parents who seek to protect their children from those very same vaccines. It’s also found in the new “Common Core” curriculum, spearheaded by the federal government, which seems intentionally designed to make children mentally ill and as confused as possible.  

Case in point: See this homework assignment from an elementary school in New York. The “mathematics” exercise instructs children to “Draw the cubes you colored in the number bond” and then “Show the hidden partners on your fingers to an adult.”

The final instruction asks students to “Color the fingers you showed.”

I do PhD-level work in analytical chemistry and code complex relational databases, yes despite my best efforts to grasp this Common Core exercise, I have no idea what on Earth this lesson is attempting to teach.

Here’s the homework assignment. See if you can figure it out:

Examining these lessons, I feel a genuine sense of alarm for the future of America. If even the people writing mathematics lessons can’t communicate clearly, then we are rapidly descending into Idiocracy. The real aim seems to be about making schoolchildren mentally ill so that they cannot possibly understand the federal budget deficit, national debt, or the coming collapse of the U.S. dollar (which will destroy their paychecks and life savings when it ultimately happens).

The mystery of the shaded parts

Here’s another Common Core lesson that just baffles the mind. The lesson asks children to “Match the picture with the fraction that names the shaded part.”

As you can clearly see, there are no shaded parts! Yet this appears to be the whole point: to drive children insane by making them believe they cannot grasp reality.

Your schoolchild can get extra credit, as you see at the bottom left of the sheet, by, “telling how you made each match.” I have no doubt the correct answers here would be along the lines of, “I used government math to figure it out” or even, “The pretty one is the best answer.”

The worst math question in human history

Finally, there’s one more Common Core exercise that the Daily Caller has named the “worst math question in human history.”

Here’s a scan of the question:

Juanita wants to give bags of stickers to her friends. She wants to give the same number of stickers to each friend. She’s not sure if she needs 4 bags or 6 bags of stickers. How many stickers could she buy so there are no stickers left over?

This question really only makes sense if you replace “stickers” with “bags of cocaine.” Then it actually sounds slightly less insane, figuring that people who snort bags of cocaine probably don’t care much about mathematics in the first place:

Juanita wants to give bags of cocaine to her friends. She wants to give the same number of bags of cocaine to each friend. She’s not sure if she needs 4 bags or 6 bags of cocaine. How many bags of cocaine could she buy so there are no bags of cocaine left over?

The answer, of course, is FIVE.

How to educate Americans to take vaccine shots, believe in Big Government spending and obey your commands

The Common Core curriculum, of course, is all about training young minds to be so utterly confused that they will agree to inject their own children with mercury in vaccines while voting for whichever candidate promises to give them the most “free” stuff.

Common Core is about making American children incredibly stupid so that as those children reach voting age, more people will vote for stupid government that enacts stupid laws to achieve stupid results.

It’s about making intelligent thought as elusive as possible so that people can be easily manipulated into thinking that drinking diet soda makes you thin or that taking blood pressure medications makes you feel healthy and vibrant. (Or even that eating Happy Meals makes you happy.)

As long as the population is trained to exist in a state of total confusion and bewilderment, they will actually believe the news they hear on MSNBC or the dodgy answers coming from the White House press secretary. In a nation where the political party with the greatest number of stupid people wins the next election, dumbing down the masses is a key strategy for long-term power!

Nations like China, India and Russia, meanwhile, are actually teaching their children to succeed at math and science.

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11 thoughts on “Common Core math education intentionally designed to make America’s children mentally ill

  1. True story: my daughter is going to a college in Texas as an elementary education major (mostly to teach English in Asia), likely 3rd or 4th grade. Texas has NOT accepted the Common Core curriculum (thank you, God!). However, her textbook for teaching math was written by one of the folks who put together the Common Core math guidelines. Each section of the book contains Common Core elements for specific grades, and, yes, the section I helped her work on her homework over Spring break looked a bit like what is shown above in the article. So why did she need my help (I taught HS and Jr.High math in public school years ago before I homeschooled my son and daughter)? Because having been taught at home she couldn’t make hide nor hair of what the assignments were about…yes, the coloring of squares and other nonsense was part of the assignment (geared toward 6th-8th grade), as well as something called “ratio tables” which make no sense. So she had this problem that one could do in one’s head and requires a minimum or number sense in about 5 minutes…well, it took us half an hour to get the answer!

    Now my daughter is somewhat lacking in number sense (esp. fractions) but she’ll catch on eventually like I did (I didn’t get math until about age 25!…I’m 61 now)…but neither she nor I can imagine public school elementary students ever grasping simple math concepts if Common Core is forced on them. So yes, Common Core is designed to make our children either stupid or mentally ill, or both.

    God help Texas if the legislature ever adopts Common Core! I can see a mass exodus into homeschooling unless the parents are too lazy to homeschool…

    1. In other words, 2 + 2 = 5.

      If 1984 was written today it would feature Common Core, where the right answer either doesn’t matter or cannot be found…there is no truth except what “the Party” says…

      1. Yep, the dumbing down of America. And Communist Core seems to be at the heart of it all.

        “my daughter is going to a college in Texas as an elementary education major (mostly to teach English in Asia), likely 3rd or 4th grade.”

        DL., I taught ESL in Asia for 5 years. It is so much easier than it is here in the U.S. and the teachers are respected and revered. It’s the exact opposite here. She would have no problem teaching there if she wanted to. It pains me to even say that, but it’s the truth.

        We need to end this Communist Core education system and start bringing real education and the real truth about what happened to our history and government back into this country. It’s the only way we can start to cure this indoctrinated disease that the elite have infected on our children. Sadly, the only way to do that at this point in time is to home-school them with teachers or people who know the truth and who can teach it.

        1. Thanks for your truthful words, NC. Her plan at this point is teach in Texas a year or so and get her TESOL in the meantime (she doesn’t really need a TESOL but the more credentials the better)…her problem is that she wants to teach in Japan which is in big trouble (Fukushima). If not then South Korea (always in danger from N. Korea). Not China (Communist and very polluted) or
          Taiwan (in danger from Red China)…if I could convince her about Mongolia that would suit me fine. Mongolia is a colder version of far west Texas, plus she’s really into horseback riding like they are.

          1. I taught mostly in China and Taiwan. It’s really not that bad to teach there. It’s just a matter of getting over the culture shock and pollution of it all. I loved Japan but it is bad now because of Fukushima. Don’t recommend it at all. South Korea is also too saturated of a market and they tend to always find an excuse to break your contract before it is up so they don’t have to pay for your bonus/return airfare. Vietnam and Thailand are ok, but the pay is shitty. Given the current political climate around the world, it’s not really safe to even go abroad anywhere these days. It sucks.

            In any case, she doesn’t need a teaching degree to teach in Asia at all. All she needs is a BA in anything and a TEFL certificate (as in a two week training course or online course that can be taken anywhere for a cheap fee. Oxford Seminars or Bridge-Linguatec usually does the trick. CELTA is also great if you can afford it and really impress them) and they will hire you as long as you can create lessons that keep the students laughing, happy and having fun while learning. More like entertaining while teaching. That’s all they care about. Easy money. I don’t even have a Masters in TESOL and it’s not even worth it unless you plan on getting into the management sector of it all.

            Just giving you some info. based on my experience.

  2. “Juanita wants to give bags of cocaine to her friends. She wants to give the same number of bags of cocaine to each friend. She’s not sure if she needs 4 bags or 6 bags of cocaine. How many bags of cocaine could she buy so there are no bags of cocaine left over?

    The answer, of course, is FIVE.”

    How the hell do you get five? I’m still figuring out how many friends she has so I know how many bags assigned to each friend. If I don’t know that, how the hell am I suppose to know the answer? This problem and its answer makes no sense to me. Maybe that’s the idea.

      1. How the hell do you get 13? 😕

        I guess I’ll just sticking to solving easy problems like the security question below. 😆

        1. 13 is the Illuminati number for Satan.

          If anything is Satanically inspired, it’s this Commom Cr@p program.

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