Cops: Obama’s gun control fetish will make America more dangerous

Bob Owens

The bloody-shirt waving fascist in the White House is going to make the United States more dangerous with the unconstitutional gun control he’s pushing on Capitol Hill.

Don’t take my word for it.  

Listen to the results of the largest poll ever taken of cops on guns.

“Contrary to what the mainstream media and certain politicians would have us believe, police overwhelmingly favor an armed citizenry, would like to see more guns in the hands of responsible people, and are skeptical of any greater restrictions placed on gun purchase, ownership, or accessibility.”

That’s the conclusion of Doug Wylie, editor of, in his write-up of a national survey of more than 15,000 law-enforcement officers about possible new restrictions on gun owners. Those would be the kind of new restrictions President Obama and Vice President Biden continue to campaign for. On Tuesday, Biden invoked “black helicopters” to belittle those who oppose the administration’s proposals.

A day earlier, however, the survey showed thatlaw enforcement officers overwhelmingly believe the legislative package Obama and Biden have been pushing would be ineffective at best and detrimental at worst.

President Obama loves to trot out his whorish inner city police chiefs to argue for gun control, because they are all good little appointed Democrats that do what they are told. Real cops, the ones that respond to calls instead of sitting behind a podium, strongly favor Americans to be armed.

2 thoughts on “Cops: Obama’s gun control fetish will make America more dangerous

  1. “Cops: Obama’s gun control fetish will make America more dangerous”….
    …..especially for the cops who try to confiscate guns.

    1. That is exactly what obama wants Jolly Roger. It is bound to happen and then obama will say I told you all so. That is just like something he would say.

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