On CPS And Other Examples Of Totalitarian Government Monopolies

Activist Post – by Scott Lazarowitz

There is a reason for concern about the rise in totalitarianism in Amerika. The government-monopolized judicial system is a banana republic-like system.

The lawlessness and criminality within the system is rampant. Not just with the judicial system but now it seems that everything associated with government, from medical care to the local zoning board, operates as a racket, and many of those who are a part of the system seem to view the civilian population as the “enemy,” or as toys to play with, or as insects to step on.  

This recent post by Martin Armstrong describes his own experiences with the judicial system and his time in jail. Armstrong links to this article on Zero Hedge regarding power-hungry judges who criminally overstep their authority. Armstrong concludes:

I have no compassion for anyone who works in the Justice Department and would never hire a lawyer who ever worked for the government. There is nothing these people will not do to win. You have zero rights and they will kill you and go celebrate at dinner afterwards. You cannot possibly image the type of people who gravitate to these positions. I believe they are the kids who tortures cats and dogs for fun.

And as I mentioned recently, there are the corrupt prosecutors with their prosecution quotas, and all the innocents whose lives have been ruined or ended by the vicious agents of the State.

So yes, there are many criminals and degenerates who are judges and lawyers or otherwise law bureaucrats who are power-hungry and would run over their own children to attain more power over others as well as enrich themselves with others’ fortunes.

And take “Child Protective Services.” (Please.) CPS bureaucrats are really part of the judicial system, as everything else seems to be. This article on Activist Post describes the ordeal that Jeffrey and Erica Henderson went through. The government police broke into their home without a warrant, beat up Jeffrey and charged him with “resisting.” Eventually their kids were taken from them, their possessions and finances stolen from them. All this based on an anonymous tip from a “neighbor” who wanted to accuse them of “endangerment.” In the article, a statement from Mrs. Henderson includes: “The officers searched our home, strip searched and interviewed our children and found no evidence of abuse. I was never arrested or ticketed.”

“Strip searched”? No evidence of abuse? Excuse me, just who here is endangering innocent children? The parents who happen to oppose vaccination and who homeschool their kids, or the government police who are strip searching innocent little children? (Incidentally, Bill Sardi has this article on the recent study on vaccinated kids vs. non-vaccinated kids. Very important information. But I digress.)

Mrs. Henderson also notes: “The prosecution alleged we were guilty of resisting an officer by not opening the door when the police said to, and child endangerment because of the psychological damage suffered by the children from watching the door being beat down.”

Of course, legally, if the government police don’t have a warrant (and to get a warrant there needs to be reasonable suspicion, probable cause), then they don’t enter the place without your consent, period. And the children’s “psychological damage” caused by watching marauding thugs break into their home? Well who the hell is responsible for THAT? Yes, the ones who criminally broke into innocent people’s home!

Now, I’ve been a law-abiding citizen my whole life. So, I expect our government police to obey the law, too, you know. There are rules they must follow. But really the one who should be arrested here is the damn neighbor for making an anonymous complaint. That neighbor should be charged with false accusation, harassment and endangerment. S/he started all this.

And then there was Tom Ball, who ended up self-immolating as a protest against the court system, CPS and the police, after a ten-year ordeal. In a nutshell, a mental health counselor told his wife that if the wife didn’t call the police on him, the counselor would have them botharrested. (That would mean more CPS child-kidnapping.) His conclusion later on was that the wife called the police on him to protect the kids not from him but from CPS.

That way of protecting the kids from CPS is substantiated by Mr. Henderson, mentioned above, who agreed to divorce Mrs. Henderson in order to save the kids from being taken away from them by CPS.

So the system here is really anti-father, anti-husband, anti-male. (My conclusion is that many who work for CPS are not married and don’t have children themselves. What do you think? Am I all wet on that?)

CPS also makes a lot of money every time its agents kidnap an innocent child.

And then there was the case of the late Georgia state Sen. Nancy Schaefer, who was investigating CPS kidnappings of innocent children and a possible linkage to child sex-trafficking. With government agencies, especially those dealing with the more vulnerable of society, for some reason such an institution seems to attract the sexual deviancy of degenerates. The State is a cult, in my view.

Sen. Schaefer ultimately was killed in an alleged “murder-suicide” along with her husband, killings that were very suspicious and could cause people to conclude that she was “suicided.”

But the corruption and abuse isn’t just with the judicial system, it is very much with government itself, and the cronies who associate with them.

For example, more recently, according to Erin Elizabeth, there have been several suspicious deaths/murders of doctors associated with holistic medicine/alternative treatments for disease and cancer (other than the Big Pharma poison that most people get). I am not accusing anyone involved with Big Pharma of actually killing innocent people in order to suppress information about nutritional alternatives for treating disease or cancer. But, given all the tax-funded handouts and the FDA-Big Pharma revolving door, it wouldn’t surprise me, that’s what I meant to say.

And I have frequently mentioned the plight of teenager Justina Pelletier. Now almost 19, while in her mid-teens she was being treated for mitochondrial disease, but when her regular doctor was away she was seen, or scheduled to be seen by a different doctor. But there she was seen by psychiatrists instead, who dismissed her treatment as being unnecessary and that her disease was really “somatoform disorder,” i.e. it was “all in her head.” From that point onward, the “doctors” i.e. quacks changed her medical treatment and attempted to force her into a program of “behavior modification,” while at the same time had DCF seize custody of Justina away from her parents, and had her placed in this prison-like facility. Besides criminally kidnapping Justina, the “doctors” and their aiders and abettors put her into worse health, she then had to use a wheelchair, and now the Pelletiers are suing the hospital and doctors for doing these things to her. And good for the Pelletiers. Actually, I believe the “doctors” should be charged criminally with kidnapping, endangerment, child abuse, assault and battery, and human enslavement, as well as sued financially.

Those “doctors” might have been using Justina as a guinea pig in their psychological studies as well as being part of getting government grants for research. So these dishonest practitioners, too, are inter-connected with the State. When the State gets involved with medical care, it turns the doctors into government doctors. Governments use and abuse people for the government agents’ own purposes, for political or social power, financial enrichment, and/or for the sake of furthering their brainwashed ideologies. In this case with the Pelletiers, the “doctors” brainwashed ideology is “behavior modification,” in which they attempt to fit the medical patient into such an ideology like forcing a square peg into a round hole.

For more information, Natural News lists some medical kidnapping cases, and there’s a website devoted to such criminality. In many cases, Establishment practitioners consider a parent’s disagreement with doctors’ diagnosis or course of treatment as “abuse” of the child. In some cases, doctors are just plain wrong in their course of treatment of patients, but such doctors are too ignorant to know that or too arrogant to acknowledge it.

Besides the aforementioned Tom Ball who self-immolated after a ten-year ordeal with CPS, one other victim of the bureaucratic gestapo was Andrew Wordes. This case didn’t involve children or CPS. Wordes was a resident of Roswell, Georgia who kept chickens on his back yard and gave away eggs, according to this article by Jeff Tucker. However, the local zoning fascist bureaucrats didn’t like the chickens so they tried to get Wordes to remove the chickens even though he was not violating any ordinance. He actually won in court, but later the fascists got the city council to rewrite the law for the purpose of further harassing Wordes. So the town’s bureaucrats went after this guy for no good reason, except to exert power and control over him. Eventually, after a long battle inflicted on him by hardcore Nazi-wannabes that he felt he could not win, he blew up his house and himself with it.

To conclude, government is different from other institutions. Government is a monopoly. It is a forced, compulsory monopoly over the people. Government therefore attracts the worst of the worst (with few exceptions) who become addicted to the power over others that governmental monopolistic authority gives those people, and that gives the people associated with it or who benefit from such power grabs.

Scott Lazarowitz is a libertarian writer and commentator. Please visit his blog.

Activist Post – by Scott Lazarowitz

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