Cuomo Appalled By “Disrespectful” People Congregating In NYC Parks, Orders City To Reduce Density


Governor Andrew Cuomo paid a pre-announced visit to NYC on Saturday and says he was shocked to see New Yorkers gathering in close proximity in the city’s parks, playing basketball, shopping in open-air markets, and generally behaving as if the city was not in the grips of a deadly pandemic.

“I was in NYC yesterday, it was a pretty day. There is a density level in New York City that is wholly inappropriate,” Cuomo told reporters at a Sunday press conference about the latest COVID-19 news. “You would think there is nothing going on in New York City. You would think it’s just a bright sunny Saturday. I don’t know what I’m saying that people don’t get…This is not life as usual. I was in these parks and you would not know there is anything going on. This is just a mistake! A mistake! It’s insensitive! It’s arrogant! It’s self-destructive! It’s disrespectful to other people! It has to stop and it has to stop now! This is not a joke and I am not kidding!”

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2 thoughts on “Cuomo Appalled By “Disrespectful” People Congregating In NYC Parks, Orders City To Reduce Density

  1. Nothing about CUOMO increasing the density ratio in nyc. What a phukking hypocritr…. oh i forgit he is one of them hook nosed holier than the rest of us feller. Phukk you cuomo.

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