29-Jun-12Bel Marra Health – by Dr. Marchione

When you picture anger it is likely that you are picturing the emotion as a negative thing. And for the most part it is considered to have an association with an unstable state of mental health. Anger can be associated with feelings of stress, that are let to boil over and they can begin to affect many aspects of your life. Including your home life, social relationships, kids and grandkids, and your ability to be effective in the workplace.   Continue reading “Being Angry Can Make You Live Longer”

Mr. Conservative – by Warner Todd Huston

The left in America today has ginned up hatred for our Second Amendment so badly that even a gun salesman being dropped off at a major gun show is assumed to be a terrorist by authorities–and treated as such despite the facts.

Italian Daniele Perazzi, the grandson of the owner of the company that makes some of the most expensive shotguns in the world, was on his way to a major gun show in Denver, Colorado, when his taxi driver turned him in claiming he was a “terrorist.”   Continue reading “Shotgun Manufacturer Accused Of Terrorism For Transporting Firearms To Gun Show”

marijuana bud 263x164 Marijuana Helps 6 Year Old Beat Severe Seizures, Replaces PharmaceuticalsNatural Society – by Elizabeth Renter

As if the medical marijuana industry wasn’t controversial enough—with opponents arguing it encourages drug addiction and crime and supporters citing years of research to the contrary—there are now children benefiting from it. While there are several cases across the country of children being given various forms of cannabis to treat disease and illness, the case of 6-year old Jayden David is getting a particularly heavy dose of attention, where marijuana helped the boy beat severe epileptic seizures.   Continue reading “Marijuana Helps 6-Year Old Beat Severe Seizures, Replaces Pharmaceuticals”

Before It’s News – by Tom Dennen, the paranoid historian

US Department of Energy study projected that African oil production would rise 91 percent between 2002 and 2025. 

The United States is the largest consumer of oil in the world, China the second largest – is there going to be a fight over African oil?   Continue reading “Oprah Builds a School, Michelle, Hillary tour, Now Obama Plans June Visit to South Africa. Why? Because 25% of US Oil Imports Now Come from Africa?”

Veterans Today – by Dr. Kevin Barrett

Vernon Hershberger is Wisconsin’s best-known accused criminal. Like Jesse James, Butch Cassidy, Pancho Villa, Billy the Kid, and plenty of others, Hershberger has developed an “outlaw mystique.” People are flocking to Baraboo, Wisconsin to witness his trial, which begins today.

But Hershberger hasn’t killed anyone. He hasn’t even robbed anyone. His alleged crime: Milking cows and selling the milk – without cooking it first.   Continue reading “Vernon Hershberger trial puts food freedom “on the table”!”

Prepper Podcast – by James Smith

“Honor was never taking the easy way when it was also the wrong one. Never telling a falsehood unless the truth was painful and unnecessary, or a lie was necessary to save others. Never manipulating the truth to serve only yourself. Protecting the weak and helpless; standing fast even when fear made you weak. Keeping your word.
― Mercedes Lackey, Exile’s Honor   Continue reading “Why men do evil (while wearing a badge)”

AgathaThe Real Agenda – by Be The Media

Operation Agatha 7 is being held all along the Brazilian border with ten South American countries. Altogether 25,000 military and Federal Police, Highway Patrol, Military and government agencies are involved. According to the Department of Defense,  this is the largest mobilization ever conducted by the Brazilian government in combating illicit trade.

Among the issues being tackled are drug trafficking, smuggling and embezzlement, arms trafficking and ammunition, environmental crimes, smuggling of vehicles, immigration and illegal mining. In less than two years there have been six editions of Operation Agatha in a boundary zone that comprises 27% of the country.   Continue reading “Massive Military Operation led by Socialist Regimes now Happening in South America”

Iron_CurtainReihl World News – by Dan

Senior Investigative Reporter at ABC News Josh Margolin tweets out a link to his latest:

Stonewalled in Cincinnati: Scenes from the front lines of the @irsnews scandal abcn.ws/10J9mkM.   Continue reading “IRS, Or Iron Curtain? Armed Security Follows ABC, Tells Employees – Don’t Talk To Media”

7 Things About The Mainstream Media That They Do Not Want You To Know - Based On A Photo By Doug WaldronThe Economic Collapse – by Michael

Have you ever wondered who controls the mainstream media?  In America today, we are more “connected” than ever.  The average American watches 153 hours of television a month, and we also spend countless hours watching movies, playing video games, listening to music, reading books and surfing the Internet.  If someone could control the production of all of that media, that would make them immensely powerful.  They would literally be in a position to tell people what to think.    Continue reading “7 Things About The Mainstream Media That They Do Not Want You To Know”

Before It’s News – by Tom Dennen, the paranoid historian

The Israeli regime’s security bodies are working on a plot to assassinate Syrian President Bashar al-Assad with the help of terrorist groups and armed rebels in the country after Damascus showed strength and months of resistance against the terrorist attacks orchestrated by US, Israel and their Arab partners, the Israeli media reported.

The Israeli Vala news website reported that the Israeli security and spy agencies were shocked at Assad’s resistance against two years of terrorist and sabotage operations against the country and are mulling other ways to topple him.   Continue reading “Israel Media Report: We Will Assassinate Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.””


[This is a long post, on something I’ve been kicking around in my head for quite some time…  so please bear with me.  If nothing else, pull up the chair, pour a glass of wine, and I’ll hopefully give you some useful food for thought.]

“There are no ‘mitigating circumstances’ when it comes to rebellion against a liege lord.” Yoshi Toranaga   Continue reading “The ONE Mitigating Circumstance…”

kokeshajFreedom Outpost – by Tim Brown

“The best way to control the opposition is to lead it.”

–Vladimir Lenin

I have written on the armed march that is supposedly scheduled for July 4, 2013 in Washington, D.C. as well as its organizer Adam Kokesh. In the article on Kokesh, I presented many reasons why one should be wary of him because of his political ties. In the first article I presented why one should not even think of attending his event. However, yesterday, I think it’s quite clear why one should not attend an event that Kokesh is involved in. He was arrested at a marijuana rally in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania as a crowd of people gathered to smoke pot out in the open to protest the laws in place against marijuana. While his Facebook page is claiming he is in Federal custody, no one actually knows where Kokesh is.   Continue reading “Armed March Leader Kokesh Arrested At Marijuana Rally – Real Or Staged?”

Life Site News – by J. MATT BARBER

Under President Obama, “justice” is anything but blind. Neither is it deaf. In fact, based on recent revelations, it appears to be watching your every move and listening to your every word. Still, if you happen to be a federal employee, now it’s even listening for your silence.

The only thing this Obama White House seems to generate is scandal. Well, here’s yet another to add to the growing list. In addition to the Benghazi cover-up, IRS targeting of political dissenters and the illegal seizure of media phone records, whistleblowers within DOJ have contacted Liberty Counsel to express grave concerns over this administration’s latest attack on freedom.   Continue reading “Justice Department: Employees must affirm homosexuality”


The US government’s green car program has been under scrutiny with the recent failure of two of the companies that received the loan, including coverage of a $US675 million lawsuit by an inventor claiming he was denied funding for his inflatable electric car company because of politics. What hasn’t gotten much scrutiny is the unsuccessful serial inventor behind the lawsuit.   Continue reading “Meet The ‘Inflatable Car’ Inventor Suing The US For $675 Million”

The Prepper Project – by Chet

If you are looking for a list of items you should stock in your medical kit for treating a traumatic injury, then here’s our list of 21 Medical Kit Must Haves for treating a gunshot wound when the SHTF.

While some critics argue that a Medical Kit won’t help someone who doesn’t know how to use it, I would argue that it would be better to have a medical kit like this, and be out trying to recruit a doctor who has surgical skills, then to find someone with the skills, but have no supplies for them to use.   Continue reading “21 Medical Kit Must Haves”