MULLAN, Idaho (AP) — An Idaho State Police trooper shot and killed a motorist along Interstate 90 at Lookout Pass as a sheriff’s deputy struggled with the man over a gun.
A proposed law on the verge of approval by the Belgium parliament would allow children to decide for themselves whether they should be euthanized (“killed”) by medical personnel. Currently, Belgian law limits euthanasia to persons 18 and older, but with the rise of autistic children thanks to biopesticides, GMOs and vaccines, nations are increasingly trying to figure out what to do with all these children who have been permanently damaged by the medical and biotech industries. Continue reading “Euthanasia for children nears approval by Belgian Parliament; doctors to mass-euthanize children and Alzheimer’s patients”
When the Waldo Canyon Fire roared into Mountain Shadows last summer, horrified residents throughout the city thought they were witnessing a once in a lifetime event.
Here are some things to consider about the use of slings.
I have no experience of using a sling as an actual aid to marksmanship, other than with .22 target shooting in the cadets at school. This post is not about that. I would suggest that it is not an option unless you are set up in a static position, in the role of a sharpshooter. Continue reading “Tactical Tip – Sling Use (+ comment on muzzle flagging)”
NEW YORK — Bargain hunters from around the world flock to Manhattan’s Chinatown for legally sold bags, jewelry and other accessories bursting onto sidewalks from storefronts along Canal Street.
Sarah Gilliam, a professional photographer from Tennessee, was busy at work on May 30 when she received a disturbing and confusing email. The note contained a link to a blog about a 3-year-old named Reilly who had passed away from cancer. Gilliam recognized the boy right away. There, staring back at her from the screen was her own 5-year-old, Jack, in a photo she had taken herself on his birthday. Continue reading “‘Remembering Reilly’ Hoax: Mom Sarah Gilliam Discovers Photos Of Son On Fraudulent Cancer Blog”
An enormous explosion shook a chemical plant in Geismer, Louisiana, just south of Baton Rouge on Wednesday. The blast was followed by a huge fire. 25 have been injured in the blast, with fatality numbers currently unconfirmed.
The 15-page gun control initiative filed yesterday in Olympia will get national attention for several reasons, but perhaps the most important of those is because billionaire New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG) may want to see how it works here before trying it somewhere else.
CARSON CITY, Nev. — After 13 years of waiting, medical marijuana patients in Nevada will soon have a legal way to obtain the drug without growing it themselves.
Republican Gov. Brian Sandoval signed SB374 into law Wednesday evening. The measure establishes the framework to make pot available to medical marijuana card holders, and imposes fees and requirements for growers, processors and dispensaries. It also contains provisions to continue to allow home-growing until 2016. Continue reading “Nevada Medical Marijuana Dispensary Law Signed By Brian Sandoval”
INSIDE FORT MEADE, Maryland, a top-secret city bustles. Tens of thousands of people move through more than 50 buildings—the city has its own post office, fire department, and police force. But as if designed by Kafka, it sits among a forest of trees, surrounded by electrified fences and heavily armed guards, protected by antitank barriers, monitored by sensitive motion detectors, and watched by rotating cameras. To block any telltale electromagnetic signals from escaping, the inner walls of the buildings are wrapped in protective copper shielding and the one-way windows are embedded with a fine copper mesh. Continue reading “The Secret War”
Over the last week and a half American voices have made themselves heard. The loudest voices are seemingly shocked and disgusted at the level of hubris our federal government must have. For almost seven years they have been vacuuming up much of our most intimate correspondence in some misguided attempt to fight the War on Terror. While the loudest voices may be angry, polls seem to show that the majority of Americans are content with the news they’ve heard thus far – and that could be an even greater cause for alarm than the snooping scandal itself. Continue reading “Americans Happy to Give Up 4th Amendment Rights”
Over the counter pain remedies such as aspirin, acetaminophen, and ibuprofen have been the go-to choices for killing pain and/or inflammation fast. But they have their vast array of side effects.
Lawyers and intelligence experts with direct knowledge of two intercepted terrorist plots that the Obama administration says confirm the value of the NSA’s vast data-mining activities have questioned whether the surveillance sweeps played a significant role, if any, in foiling the attacks.
There appears to be no limit to how far the processed food industry will go to maximize its profits, even if it means reprocessing animal meat waste and adding it to completely unrelated foods like ice cream. This is the latest endeavor by industrial food researchers in Italy, Belgium, and elsewhere, who are right now developing novel methods to turn meat industry leftovers into protein-rich powders and slurry for the factory food industry. Continue reading “Meat scrap leftovers now being reprocessed into ice cream: The dismal future of food”
Second Amendment supporters from all across the country are looking upon the great people of Colorado with pride. Unlike many of us who sit and whine about our government officials, the people of Colorado are taking action and looking to remove the cancers that are metastasizing within their Senate.
Establishment politicians from both major political parties are rushing to defend the NSA and condemn whistleblower Edward Snowden. They are attempting to portray Edward Snowden as a “traitor” and the spooks over at the NSA that are snooping on all of us as “heroes”. In fact, many of the exact same politicians that once railed against government spying during the Bush years are now staunchly defending it now that Obama is in the White House. Continue reading “22 Nauseating Quotes From Hypocritical Establishment Politicians About The NSA Spying Scandal”