Central-America-Ultimate-Belize-8-ruinsThe Organic Prepper

There’s been trouble in the tropical paradise of Belize.

Despite the fact that the federal government of Belize has banned all GMO seeds from the country’s borders, a field of GMO soybeans was found growing in the northern portion of the country.  (Two weeks ago, an errant field of unapproved GMO wheat was discovered in Oregon – these examples make it clear that Monsanto and the rest of the biotech industry have no regard for the regulations that disallowed these crops to be planted.)   Continue reading “Trouble in Paradise: Belize Destroys Unauthorized GMO Soybean Crop”

GreeneWave TV - Phoenix, AZSHTF Plan – by Mac Slavo

With seemingly endless scandals rocking the country, economic malaise spreading across the world, and super powers positioning their military assets on the grand chessboard, one can’t help but notice that the entire planet is devolving into completely insanity.

Uncertainty is at such a level that it’s impossible to know what happens next.   Continue reading “Must See Commentary: “I Don’t Know What We’re Going To Wake Up To Tomorrow…””

Ron PaulNewsMax – by Paul Scicchitano

Former GOP presidential hopeful Ron Paul insisted on Tuesday that NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden is not a traitor, but he fears the U.S. government may send drones or a cruise missile to kill the 29-year-old, who has fled the United States.

“I don’t think for a minute that he’s a traitor,” Paul told Fox Business’ Melissa Francis.    Continue reading “Ron Paul: Fear Snowden Could Be Target of Drone Assassination”

130612nsaWND – by Drew Zahn

The National Security Agency surveillance scandal could now cost the federal government and its corporate cronies a cool $20 billion or more.

The NSA, Department of Justice, President Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder and the 12 companies allegedly collaborating with the government to conduct warrantless surveillance of American citizens are all named defendants in a class action lawsuit brought by former Justice Department prosecutor Larry Klayman, founder of Freedom Watch.   Continue reading “NSA Slapped With $20 Billion Class-Action Suit”

Mr. Conservative – by Warner Todd Huston

Many people don’t know that there are thousands of agents of the Internal Revenue Service that are allowed to carry firearms anywhere they go. Apparently South Carolina Republican Jeff Duncan was one of them. As it happens, Duncan was surprised to find that on a visit to the IRS, he saw agents practicing with AR-15s (and perhaps as full auto machine guns, at that).

Not long after the visit, Duncan took to Twitter to report what he saw saying, “A few weeks ago when I toured a DHS facility I saw IRS agents training with AR-15′s.”   Continue reading “IRS Agents Training With AR-15′s According To Republican Congressman”

NSA-Logo2-600x350The Daily Sheeple – by David Harris Gershon, The Daily Kos

Have you ever Tweeted a politically subversive message, attended a protest, or signed an oppositional petition? If so, you may have a dedicated file on you kept by the FBI and/or the NSA.

With a simple Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, any U.S. citizen can obtain one’s NSA or FBI file, if such a file exists.   Continue reading “Want to See Your NSA or FBI File? Here’s How…”

German Justice Minister Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger speaks during a session of the Bundestag, the lower house of parliament in Berlin, about a neo-Nazi group that had been on a nationwide ten-year killing spree, November 22, 2011. REUTERS/Thomas PeterReuters by Noah Barkin

German outrage over a U.S. Internet spying program has broken out ahead of a visit by Barack Obama, with ministers demanding the president provide a full explanation when he lands in Berlin next week and one official likening the tactics to those of the East German Stasi.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s spokesman has said she will raise the issue with Obama in talks next Wednesday, potentially casting a cloud over a visit that was designed to celebrate U.S.-German ties on the 50th anniversary John F. Kennedy’s famous “Ich bin ein Berliner” speech.   Continue reading “Germans accuse U.S. of Stasi tactics before Obama visit”

Bluegrass Pundit

Douchebag alert…

Via NRO:

On Fox News this afternoon, Peter King (R., N.Y.) called for the prosecution not just of Edward Snowden, the ex-CIA employee who leaked details about NSA surveillance operations and the government’s PRISM program, but also of Glenn Greenwald, the reporter who first broke the details in the U.K.’s Guardian. Greenwald is an American citizen currently living overseas. […]   Continue reading “Stupid: GOP Rep. Peter King calls conservatives worried about NSA spying “Michael Moores””

FredaLibertyUpendedZen Gardner

A well written piece today again from Activist Post tells the real story of what’s going on in our beyond Orwellian world. While the glaring truth of an almost infinitely instrusive government hits the headline, the tables are once again turning on the informer versus the truth that’s being told.

No better analogy or contrapostion could be had to our falteringly credible reality, yet a media adoring public buys this disinformational misdirecting rubric with glee.  Continue reading “Who’s The Real Traitor?”

Hawaii Reporter – VOA News

Three big Internet companies want the Obama administration to let them reveal details of federal court orders to turn over information about their users to U.S. spy agencies.

Google, Facebook and Microsoft say they want everything transparent and out in the open. Google’s chief legal official said Tuesday his company has “nothing to hide.”   Continue reading “Internet Companies Want Permission to Reveal Details of NSA Spy Program”

IBM layoffs: IBM lays off hundreds of employees and more cuts are on the wayExaminer- by CHRISTIAN SAVOY

IBM layoffs: After a less than stellar first quarter earnings report, IBM revealed that there would be more layoffs coming in the second quarter, Newsday reported on June 12. According to the report, hundreds of IBM employees have already received pink slips and the layoffs were just the start of more to come.   Continue reading “IBM layoffs: IBM lays off hundreds of employees and more cuts are on the way”

The DC Caller – by Caroline May

Republican members of the House Energy and Commerce Committee are looking into allegations that the Internal Revenue Service seized 60 million medical records from a California health care provider.

“(T)he Committee on Energy and Commerce is investigating allegations that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), in the course of executing a search warrant at a California health care provider’s corporate headquarters in March 2011, improperly seized the personal medical records of millions of American citizens in possible violation of the Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution,” members of the committee wrote in a letter Tuesday to Acting IRS Commissioner Daniel Werfel.   Continue reading “House committee looks into IRS seizure of 60 million medical records”

Edward SnowdenHuffington Post – by Rebecca Shapiro

The South China Morning Post published another article early Thursday morning local time about its exclusive interview with Edward Snowden, the person responsible for leaking top-secret information about the National Security Agency’s secret surveillance programs. The Post reported that Snowden said that the U.S. government “had been hacking into computers in Hong Kong and [in China] for years.”   Continue reading “Edward Snowden Tells South China Morning Post: U.S. Has Been Hacking Hong Kong And China Since 2009”

WKYC – by Jason Nguyen

NORTH RIDGEVILLE — The Ohio Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals wants Humane Officer Barry Accorti fired for allegedly shooting five kittens in a home’s back yard on Monday.

OSPCA Executive Director Teresa Landon says Accorti should be fired and charged with five counts of animal cruelty.   Continue reading “SPCA wants humane officer who shot kittens fired”

About.com – by Rod Powers

“Any commissioned officer who uses contemptuous words against the President, the Vice President, Congress, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of a military department, the Secretary of Transportation, or the Governor or legislature of any State, Territory, Commonwealth, or possession in which he is on duty or present shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.”   Continue reading “Punitive Articles of the UCMJ Article 88—Contempt toward officials”

from HGTVRadio Fox News – by Todd Starnes

HGTV viewers are expressing outrage after the network suggested they use American flags as table cloths for Fourth of July celebrations. Many viewers called it offensive, un-American and an insult to the American military.

“Using an American flag as a table cloth dishonors all Americans who love Old Glory – especially those who gave their lives defending it,” one viewer wrote. “No one dies for a table cloth.”   Continue reading “HGTV: Use American Flag as Table Cloth”

Uniform Code of Military JusticeArmy – by Cheryl Rodewig

FORT BENNING, Ga. (Feb. 9, 2012) — Soldiers who use social media must abide by the terms outlined in the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

“Commenting, posting or linking to material that violates the UCMJ or basic rules of Soldier conduct is prohibited,” said Staff Sgt. Dale Sweetnam of the Online and Social Media Division, Office of the Chief of Public Affairs. “Talking negatively about supervisors or releasing sensitive information is punishable under the UCMJ. It’s never appropriate to be disrespectful of superior officers or NCOs (noncommissioned officers), no matter if you’re in the company area or posting to Facebook at your desk at home.”   Continue reading “Social media misuse punishable under UCMJ”