Before It’s News – by Live Free or Die

A RADCON 5 Alert has been issued in Edison, New Jersey as shown in the charts from the Nuclear Emergency Tracking Center – NETC. RADCON 4 warnings have also been issued from Virginia Beach, Virginia up as far North as New York. Is this more Fukushima radiation that has made its way across the Pacific Ocean and across America all the way to the east coast? This chart shares that not even the East coast of America is immune to Fukushima’s radiation as Japan enacts their tyrannical ‘state secrets law’ to coverup the ongoing Fukushima disaster as shared in the 1st video below while the 2nd video shares how to protect yourself from this.   Continue reading “RADCON 5 Alert: New Jersey – RADCON 4 Up & Down East Coast”

 Malloy Calls For Action On Metro-NorthThe Hartford Courant – by DON STACOM

Alarmed by Metro-North‘s seven-month-long string of train wrecks and derailments, the Federal Railroad Administration on Friday issued emergency orders to make the nation’s busiest commuter railroad operate more safely.

The new rules force Metro-North to modify its signals and train-control systems to prevent the kind of high-speed crash that killed four passengers and injured 75 others in the Bronx on Sunday, when a Hudson Line train jumped the tracks at 82 mph on a curve with a 30 mph speed limit.   Continue reading “U.S. Orders Safety Improvements At Metro-North”

NYC PAPERS OUT. Social media use restricted to low res file max 184 x 128 pixels and 72 dpiNY Daily News – by Denis Slattery , Rocco Parascandola AND Barry Paddock 

An emotionally disturbed man was shot by police in Brooklyn Saturday morning after he attacked them with his cane, police sources said.

The 27-year-old man, whose name was not immediately released, started pounding on an empty marked police car parked on Broadway and Lewis Ave. under the elevated subway tracks in Bedford-Stuyvesant with his wooden cane about 10:35 a.m, police said.   Continue reading “Cops shoot emotionally disturbed man who attacks police car, officer — with his cane”

Global Times

A man in Qingdao, Shandong Province used a vacuum cleaner to save his father who began choking on a fish ball during dinner on December 1.

The son explained he had resorted to using a vacuum after he was unable to dislodge the fish ball from the throat of his 64-year-old father with his fingers or a chopstick.   Continue reading “Man saves father choking on fish ball with vacuum cleaner”

Global Times

Yang made the remarks when attending a meeting of BRICS senior representatives on national security held in South Africa’s Cape Town, saying that the world is undergoing profound and complicated changes and facing new security challenges.

He also said cyber and information security is vital to national security and social stability, and thus BRICS members should jointly promote information security, and solve cyber disputes through negotiation.   Continue reading “BRICS nations should strengthen security cooperation: Chinese state councilor”

Russian flag incident at Bloodhound Gang concert in Odessa RT News

The Fair Russia party has put forward a bill that classifies insulting a Russian’s patriotism as extremism, making it a criminal offence punishable with a prison term.

The author, MP Oleg Mikheyev describes patriotic feelings as the emotional connection between a person and his or hers country of citizenship. The feeling must also involve the love to this country, responsible attitude to its fate and respect to its culture and history. If approved, the bill would make insults to such feelings equal to extremist activities – a criminal offence with punishment ranging from 100,000 ruble fine (about $3000) up to five years behind bars.   Continue reading “Opposition party proposes 5 year jail term for insulting patriotism”

Police officers detain participants in "people's gathering" in Moscow's Biryulyovo district. Local residents urge the authorities to find the murderers of Yegor Shcherbakov.(RIA Novosti / Iliya Pitalev)RT News

Russia’s populist nationalist party LDPR suggests amending the criminal code making different ethnicities of participants of any insignificant brawl an aggravating condition, much like bodily harm, allowing criminal prosecution.

MP Vladimir Taskayev proposed the move to the State Duma on Thursday.   Continue reading “Different strikes: Russia may criminalize multi-ethnic fights between individuals”

Breitbart – by AWR Hawkins

Senator Kay Hagan (D-NC) is a red state Democrat who voted for gun control earlier this year and is now losing ground in the polls.

To be fair, Hagan and other red state Democrats were assured this would not happen.

For example, just weeks weeks after Hagan voted for Senator Joe Manchin’s (D-WV) failed gun control bill on April 17th, various media outlets reported that her support for gun control would actually help her in North Carolina. TalkingPointsMemo said Hagan “actually bolstered [her 2014] re-election prospects by supporting” Manchin’s gun bill.    Continue reading “Senator Hagan Loses Ground After Voting for Gun Control”

Breitbart – by DEBRA HEINE

In his attempt to downplay the IRS scandal during his soft-ball interview with Chris Matthews, Thursday, the President of the United States subverted the ongoing DOJ investigation of the scandal.

Obama declared that the IRS office in Cincinnati was merely trying to “streamline the system” for “bureaucratic reasons” and that agents weren’t intentionally singling out “Tea Party folks.”   Continue reading “POTUS Subverted DOJ Investigation During Chris Matthews Interview”

Breitbart – by JOHN NOLTE

Apparently the media is growing tired of the White House selectively releasing ObamaCare data that gets to the heart of nothing but makes the program look like it is much more popular than it likely is. For instance, today the White House informed the media that between Sunday and Friday, enjoyed 3.7 million visits.

We have also been told  that the site’s error rate was .077 percent, the response time averaged under a second, and a whopping (and improbable) 93% of consumers did come back later after they were asked to due to the site being too busy.   Continue reading “Media Tires of White House Selective Release of ObamaCare Data”

londonembassy12.jpgFox News

The State Department on Friday defended its decision to commission a $1 million sculpture for the American embassy in London just days before the partial government shutdown in October.

The department awarded the contract for the granite sculpture to Sean Scully, an Irish-born American artist, as part of its Art in Embassies program, which curates exhibitions for American embassy and consulate facilities.   Continue reading “State Department defends $1 million sculpture for London embassy”

Maryland_website.jpgFox News

The top Maryland official in charge of the state-run ObamaCare exchange resigned this weekend amid major efforts to fix the problematic website.

Rebecca Pearce, executive director of the Maryland Health Benefits Exchange, resigned Friday, according to several news sources.

She appears to be the first official to lose a job as a result of problems with ObamaCare exchanges since they went live Oct. 1.   Continue reading “Maryland official who led problematic, state-run ObamaCare site resigns”

Stanford – by BRUCE GOLDMAN

A brain region activated when people are asked to perform mathematical calculations in an experimental setting is similarly activated when they use numbers — or even imprecise quantitative terms, such as “more than”— in everyday conversation, according to a study by Stanford University School of Medicine scientists.

Using a novel method, the researchers collected the first solid evidence that the pattern of brain activity seen in someone performing a mathematical exercise under experimentally controlled conditions is very similar to that observed when the person engages in quantitative thought in the course of daily life.    Continue reading “Method of recording brain activity could lead to ‘mind-reading’ devices, scientists say”

GOP USA – by Washington Times DC

President Obama launched a marketing blitz this week in an attempt to get back some public support for his health care law and salvage his legacy. The problem with his plan is that Americans’ overwhelming dislike of Obamacare stems from finally finding out how big of a disaster it is for their families. No fancy public relations campaign can change reality.

The White House is planning a daily event from now until Christmas to sell the supposed benefits of Obamacare. The president wrongly thinks that the past two months of disastrous press and plummeting poll numbers were all a result of the broken website.   Continue reading “The lipstick-on-a-pig Obamacare tour”

An undated handout photo of the revamped lethal injection room (Reuters)RT News

A recent maneuver out of the state attorney general’s office in Tennessee is being called unprecedented after officials there asked the Supreme Court for permission to execute 10 prisoners currently on death row.

Those ten inmates have been awaiting execution an average of more than 27 years, but the state put a hold on the practice of putting prisoners to death in 2011 after it was forced to surrender its supply of sodium thiopental, a sedative that had up until then been one of three components used in the lethal cocktail administered by executioners in Tennessee.   Continue reading “After acquiring necessary drug, Tennessee wants to execute 11 inmates”

RQ-180 (Image from News

The US Air Force is testing a large, top secret drone at Area 51, which outdoes the currently used unmanned aircrafts in terms of stealth and aerodynamic efficiency, US media report.

The new superior drone is scheduled to enter production and may be operational for the US Air Force as early as 2015, an exclusive report by Aviation Week magazine said.    Continue reading “US tests classified spy drone with ‘superior stealth, efficiency capabilities’”

Romanian protesters tear down the fence of the exploring perimeter of US energy giant Chevron in Pungesti, Romania on December 7, 2013. (AFP Photo / Daniel Mihailescu)RT News

Hundreds of protesters have broken into a Chevron site after the US oil giant resumed its search for shale gas in northeast Romania. RT’s Lucy Kafanov reports from the scene, where clashes ensued as riot police started streaming in.

Some 400 people gathered on Saturday in the village of Pungesti, according to local media.

RT’s Lucy Kafanov reports that the demonstration kicked off quite peacefully with the protesters chanting “Chevron go home.”   Continue reading “Anti-fracking clashes in Romania as activists break into Chevron site”

WolvesThe Western Center for Journalism – by SUZANNE EOVALDI

Surfacing this week are two seemingly unrelated events, but both carry the glaring theme of the federal government’s gross intrusion into the private lives of families and into the workings of local and state governments nationwide.  The long tentacles of the US Department of Justice appear to be stifling parental dissent against Common Core, while the US Department of Fish and Wildlife continues to force predatory wolf packs into already inundated Western rural communities and wilderness areas.   Continue reading “Wolves Kill Female Hikers, Liberals Cover It Up”