xvi-pope-benedict.nRT News

Pope Benedict XVI is to resign for reasons relating to his health, according to a Vatican spokesperson. He’s the first head of the Catholic Church to quit the highest post since the Middle Ages.

The 85-year-old is due to step down on February 28. The Pope said he is “fully aware of the gravity of this gesture” but that he lacks the strength to govern Church due to age, according to Vatican’s spokesperson Federico Lombardi. Continue reading “Pope Benedict XVI to resign, first pontiff to quit since Middle Ages”

Police handout photo of Christopher DornerRT News

Amid a massive manhunt for the fugitive LA ex-cop suspected of having killed three people, authorities announced a reward of $1 million for information leading to his arrest.

“Hopefully, the reward will motivate people that may be involved with assisting him or might be reluctant to talk to us to call us and to put an end to this,” Sgt. Rudy Lopez said ahead of the announcement by LA Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa on Sunday. Continue reading “$1 million reward offered for fugitive LA ex-cop”

dont_shoot_im_not_dornerLAIST by Emma G. Gallegos

If you’re ready for some gallows humor about this whole Christopher Dorner situation, head on over to eBay.

There you’ll find a bumper sticker that reads “Don’t Shoot! I’m NOT DORNER!!” Get it? Because so far the LAPD has fired at two Hispanic women and the Torrance Police Department fired at a white man. In both cases, police said they thought they were firing at Dorner. There’s a window decal, too. (h/t Reddit) Continue reading “‘Don’t Shoot! I’m NOT DORNER!!’ Bumper Stickers Hit eBay”


Trenton, NJ –-(Ammoland.com)- Keep flooding legislators with calls, faxes, and emails And then come pack the Committee hearing room on Wednesday!

This is the worst threat to NJ gun rights in history Your efforts matter most right now!

Buses to Trenton on Wednesday are being planned, But you must register immediately so Arrangements can be finalized.

As reported in our last alert, the New Jersey Assembly Law & Public Safety Committee is scheduled to hold hearings on a package of 24 gun bills on Wednesday, February 13 beginning at 10 a.m. in the State House Annex, Committee Room 11, 4th Floor, Trenton, NJ (directions here). Continue reading “NJ Shotgun Ban! Ammo Ban! Magazine Grabs! – Gun Owners Mobilize Now!”

russian flagSteve Quayle Alert

I saw two Russian soldiers in the Asheville Mall, Asheville, NC last night, Friday 2/9. They were walking towards me, two young men who didn’t look much older than 16 to me. They were both probably 6′-4″, but didn’t look like they weighed 150lb.

They were both wearing full camo fatigues and what struck me first was the camo patterns were different from what I had seen. But the camo patterns each had on were different from one another (one was a dark digital, the other more of a darker woodlands). Continue reading “Russian Soldiers in Asheville Mall, South Carolina”

new diseaseCBS Local Philadelphia – by Stephanie Stahl

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) – It’s a mysterious, newly discovered disease that strikes mainly young women, and it’s often misdiagnosed. Doctors who discovered it, here in Philadelphia, say it’s like your brain is on fire. 3 On Your Side Health Reporter Stephanie Stahl says it starts with personality changes.

Young women dazed, restrained in hospital beds, acting possessed and then becoming catatonic. They’d been so normal, when suddenly their lives went haywire. Continue reading “Health: Mysterious Disease Discovered Locally, Strikes Mainly Young Women”

brooksYahoo News – by MARTIN GRIFFITH | Associated Press

Troubled Nevada Assemblyman Steven Brooks was arrested early Sunday in Las Vegas on suspicion of physically attacking a family member, then grabbing for an officer’s weapon.

The arrest came only days after the North Las Vegas Democrat embarked on a three-week leave following a string of bizarre events that began with his Jan. 19 arrest for allegedly threateningAssembly Speaker Marilyn Kirkpatrick. Continue reading “Nev. lawmaker accused of grabbing for cop’s weapon”

sandyhookfenceJon Rappaport

Slashing through the bland authoritative front the media have presented, people want to know more about the Sandy Hook massacre. But the elite networks have no intention of answering the most obvious questions.

Why? Because the follow-up agenda of gun control is all important, and the official Sandy Hook scenario must stand, in order to forward that agenda. Continue reading “10 things the media don’t want to discover about Sandy Hook”

tiny-surveillance-cameraEnd the Lie – by Madison Ruppert

The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) has filed a new amicus brief in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals asking the court to reconsider a finding allowing people to enter private homes and conduct warrantless video surveillance.

While a decision like that might seem totally insane to some readers of End the Lie, it should be noted that federal Judge William Griesbach, the chief judge in the U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Wisconsin, ruled that federal agents can enter private property without permission and place hidden surveillance cameras without a warrant. Continue reading “EFF asks appeals court to reconsider allowing video surveillance in private homes without a warrant”

big bearLA Times

As the ground search resumed Saturday in Bear Bear for a disgruntled ex-cop suspected of hunting down LAPD officials and their families, authorities pledged to continue until they find Christopher Jordan Dorner.

Dorner, a 33-year-old former Los Angeles police officer, is suspected of killing three people and wounding two. Continue reading “Dorner manhunt: Search resumes in Big Bear mountains”

gunsBreitbart – by Awr Hawkins

The Democrat leadership in the New Jersey Assembly plans on ramming through 24 different anti-gunmeasures on Feb. 13 and 14.

Included in the measures are bans on magazines holding more than 10 rounds, the creation of even more gun free zones, prohibitions against purchasing ammunition on internet, the registration and regulation of ammunition sales, and the end of private gun sales.  Continue reading “NJ Plans 24 Gun Control Laws”

copDaily Intelligencer – by Joe Coscarelli

To push the release of its “Stop and Frisk Watch” iPhone app today, the NYCLU released a short clip of police officers demonstrating the technology on the previously mentioned Android version. Whereas the technology was designed with the hope of “[empowering] New Yorkers to confront abusive, discriminatory policing” by allowing them to tape the controversial searches in action and submit them for a legal review, the NYPD officers in the promo just giggle, say bad words, and give the middle finger. Continue reading “Cops Inadvertently Endorse Stop-and-Frisk iPhone App”

ATFBadgeBreitbart – by Mary Chastain

The ATF has another failed gun operation on their hands. Undercover agents in Milwaukee, WI posed as store workers at a company called Fearless Distributing and ran “a storefront sting aimed at busting criminal operations in the city by purchasing drugs and guns from felons.”

The sting was filled with mistakes over the course of its 10 months. The operation ended after someone broke into the storefront and stole $35,000 in merchandise, including an ATF military-style machine gun that ended up on the city’s streets. No big time arrests were made, only low-level players were apprehended and charged with gun possession. In at least three cases, the police captured the wrong person. In one instance, police charged a man who was already in prison when the agents said he was selling drugs to them. Continue reading “ATF Wisconsin Gun Operation Loaded with Mistakes, No Oversight”

bloombergBusiness Insider – by Rick Pearson and Bill Ruthhart , Chicago Tribune

New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s super political action committee has spent at least $660,000 for 12 days of TV ads blasting Democratic congressional candidate Debbie Halvorson’s past support from the National Rifle Association, records filed by local affiliates of the four major networks showed Thursday.

When its current ad buy ends Sunday, the Independence USA super PAC will have aired 574 half-minute broadcast TV commercials to influence the outcome of the 2nd Congressional District special election, records show. Continue reading “Michael Bloomberg’s PAC Spent $660,000 In 12 Days To Try To Sink The Candidacy Of A Pro-Gun Democrat”

35505_431139780293925_2094683056_nBefore It’s News – by Leda Ohio 9

If this was your daughter.. How much hell would you raise?

Ella Mere Eketone (Facebook page) was doing exactly what she was told to do at a party last night in Howick that got out of hand.

She was leaving the property, like the Police told her to, and got pushed to the ground 3 times, her front teeth got knocked out and she spent the night in Middlemore Hospital with a drip in her arm. Continue reading “OMG! Cops Knock Girl’s Front Teeth Out”