100,000 bats fall dead from the sky during a heatwave in Australia The Telegraph – by Jonathan Pearlman, Sydney

About 100,000 bats have fallen from the sky and died during a heatwave in Australia that has left the trees and earth littered with dead creatures.

In scenes likened to “an Alfred Hitchock thought bubble”, a heatwave across the north-east state of Queensland in recent days caused mass deaths of flying foxes from an estimated 25 colonies.   Continue reading “100,000 bats fall dead from the sky during a heatwave in Australia”

Chris Christie is pictured. | AP PhotoPolitico – by ELIZABETH TITUS and MAGGIE HABERMAN

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie said Wednesday he is “outraged” by newly released documents linking a senior member of his staff to the closure of lanes on a major bridge in September — shutdowns that caused massive traffic jams and sparked allegations that the closures were the result of political retribution.

The Republican, a likely 2016 presidential candidate, denied personal knowledge of any plans to close the lanes and vowed that “people will be held responsible for their actions.”   Continue reading “Chris Christie: ‘People will be held responsible’”

POTUS, Bush 41 and SecDef Gates at the Points of Light at Texas A&MTime – by Zeke J Miller

Former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates has harsh words for Vice President Joe Biden’s foreign policy judgement in his soon-to-be-released memoir.

According to the New York Times, which obtained an early copy of the memoir, Gates calls Biden “a man of integrity,” but questions his record. “I think he has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades,” Gates writes, according to the Times.   Continue reading “Gates Slams Biden in Memoir, Reveals He Nearly Quit”

Fox News

Authorities in England were working Wednesday to remove the bodies of four U.S. Air Force crewmen who died in a helicopter crash on the coast of eastern England during a training mission.

An anonymous U.S. defense official confirmed to the Associated Press that the four killed were US Air Force crew members after military officials at RAF Lakenheath confirmed to Fox News that a HH-60 Pave Hawk crashed during a training exercise mission Tuesday.   Continue reading “4 US Air Force crew members killed after US military helicopter crashes in UK”

h5n1 fluHuffington Post Canada

Health officials announced today that the first North American case of H5N1 flu has been found in Canada.

Authorities said at a press conference that the H5N1 victim lived in Alberta, but contracted the virus while in China. The person began to feel unwell during a flight home from Beijing to Vancouver on Dec. 27 on Air Canada Flight 030. After spending a few hours in the Vancouver airport, the individual then travelled on to Edmonton on Air Canada Flight 244.   Continue reading “H5N1 Bird Flu: First Case Found In Canada”

Bloomberg – by Elizabeth Lopatto

Gonorrhea and syphilis are on the rise in the U.S., mostly in men who have sex with men, a trend the government said is linked to inadequate testing among people stymied by homophobia and limited access to health care.

The rate of new gonorrhea cases rose 4 percent in 2012 from the year before, while syphilis jumped 11 percent, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said today in a report. Rates for chlamydia, the most common of the bacterial sexually transmitted diseases, gained less than 1 percent.   Continue reading “Gonorrhea, Syphilis Regain Traction in U.S., CDC Reports”

640_DigestiveSystem.jpgFox News

The largest outbreak to date of one strain of what authorities have called “nightmare bacteria” is adding to concerns about the spread of such drug-resistant bugs.

The outbreak, centered on a hospital in a Chicago suburb, has infected 44 people in Illinois over the past year, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said. The bug, known as carbapenem-resistant enterobacteriaceae, bears a rare enzyme that breaks down antibiotics.   Continue reading “Outbreak of ‘nightmare bacteria’ in Illinois stirs worry”

Michael BloombergAmmoLand – by AWR Hawkins

Washington DC – -(Ammoland.com)- As Michael Bloomberg moves beyond his push for expanded background checks to actually targeting Senators who did not support more gun control in 2013, Democrats are asking him to back off.

They politically cannot afford to have him focus attention on the failed, Democrat-led push for gun control.   Continue reading “Democrats Ask Mike Bloomberg to Back Off Gun Control Push”

1928 Thompson submachine guns with drum magazinesAmmoLand – by Dean Weingarten

Arizona – -(Ammoland.com)-  The Chief Deputy of Forsyth County, North Carolina, came up with a smart move to save the taxpayers money: Trade two vintage 1928 Thompson submachine guns with drum magazines for eighty eight Bushmaster AR-15 type rifles, even up, about a $60,000 dollar value.

The Sheriff’s department was smart enough to register the guns in 1968, during the amnesty that was allowed for one month.  Most people did not even know that the amnesty period existed.  Thus, these two Thompsons are legal to be sold to private citizens, and are worth over $30,000 each.   Continue reading “NC: 2 Thompsons Machine Guns To Be Traded; Hundreds Destroyed By FBI”

NICS ExpansionAmmoLand- by James White

Montana – -(Ammoland.com)- I read an article recently, by Brandon Turbeville, about the Executive Actions Obama signed, January 3rd  2014,  further limiting our gun rights, and it got me to thinking about the “Axis of Evil” which have now joined forces to disarm us.

Although there are plenty of tertiary players, it’s mainly Obamacare, NSA and the American Psychiatric Association (APA) who make up this merry collaboration of oppressors.    Continue reading “How the Feds Plan to Use the APA, NSA & Obamacare to Get Your Guns”

New Jersey Firearms ID CardAmmoLand – by Evan Nappen

Eatontown, NJ –-(Ammoland.com)- Today the Superior Court Of New Jersey ruled that New Jersey Towns can NOT add requirements to the gun license process.

Not even requiring that a photo be submitted! This problem of towns adding all sorts of requirements and conditions to the gun licensing process has long plagued New Jersey’s law abiding gun owner.   Continue reading “Judge Rules NJ Towns Can NOT Arbitrarily Add Additional Requirements for Gun Permits”

de blasio marxistThe Last Resistance – by Frank Camp

When I said we would take dead aim at the Tale of Two Cities, I meant it. And we will do it. I will honor the faith and trust you have placed in me. And we will give life to the hope of so many in our city. We will succeed as One City…Please remember, we do not ask more of the wealthy to punish success. We do it to create more success stories.” – New York Mayor, Bill de Blasio

With all the hubbub and negativity surrounding Obamacare, it seems that the Obama administration is going to try to make 2014 the year of income redistribution. Well, not quite. They’re going to make it the year on stoking the green fires of envy among the American people. However, this time, I’m not focused on Obama, but the mayor of New York City, Bill de Blasio.   Continue reading “NYC Mayor Gives Us Frightening Glimpse Into America’s Future”

Revolt Against GovernmentMilitia News – by Donald Joy

America’s Founding Fathers spelled it out pretty clearly: The purpose of government is to secure the God-given, inalienable rights of men. They put that exact language into The Declaration of Independence.

They also spelled out, exactly, that when government becomes abusive, and “destructive of these ends,” it is mankind’s right and duty to alter, abolish, or overthrow it.   Continue reading “Would Americans Actually Dare Revolt Against This Abusive Government?”

New American RevolutionMilitia News

What am I talking about? The next American Revolution.

How much longer will people take what our own government is doing to us? For more than 30 years I have been saying, “If a foreign country was doing to us what our government is doing to us we would be at war.”

I am not going to re-cap all the things that the Federal Government has done to us, is doing to us and will be doing to us in the future but when will the American people reach the breaking point and take action? Our government is like a runaway train that is going to crash. It is just a matter of when, not if unless something is done.   Continue reading “A New American Revolution! When Will It Start? How Will It Start?”

Resized-YXWYEThe Rival Post – by Kelsey Wharfdale

Imagine trying to patent the smartphone, or for that matter, the tattoo. Any company that could swing that, could probably also patent the fork and knife.

Incredibly, a new application from Google-owned Motorola Mobility seeks a patent not for any particular utensil, but rather, for setting the table.   Continue reading “Motorola Patents E-Tattoo that Can Read Your Thoughts”

Obama to Prevent "Dangerous" People From Owning GunsThe New American – by Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.

Once again, President Barack Obama has demonstrated that he considers his will to be the supreme law of the land and he alone will decide who is allowed to buy a gun.

In an executive “Fact Sheet” issued January 3 by the White House, the president purports to establish new guidelines for “keep[ing] Guns out of Potentially Dangerous Hands.”   Continue reading “Obama to Prevent “Dangerous” People From Owning Guns”

U.S. Army soldiers and its M2A2 Bradley fighting vehiclesYahoo News

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The United States said on Tuesday it will send 800 more soldiers and about 40 Abrams main battle tanks and other armored vehicles to South Korea next month as part of a military rebalance to East Asia after more than a decade of war in Afghanistan and Iraq.

The battalion of troops and M1A2 tanks and about 40 Bradley fighting vehicles from the 1st U.S. Cavalry Division based at Fort Hood, Texas, will begin a nine-month deployment in South Korea on February 1.   Continue reading “United States sending more troops and tanks to South Korea”

Before It’s News

More and more Earth Shattering news is appearing daily regarding the Fukushima disaster that goes completely ignored on all Talmud Vision Owned News Outlets. The evidence is over-whelming and hardly a peep about it is mentioned on the Idiot Box.
Scary – The commercial sardine fishery, with a wholesale value of about $32 million, has mysteriously collapsed on the west coast of B.C. The seine fleet has been unable to find a single fish.   Continue reading “Alarming West Coast Sardine Crash Likely Radiating Through Ecosystem”