One last laugh: Walter George Bruhl Jr. had a great sense of humor - and it shows in his self-penned obituary (below)Daily Mail

He was said to be a known prankster – and Walter George Bruhl Jr. had one final laugh planned for his family following his death.

The 80-year-old, who died on Sunday, had secretly written his own obituary, which relatives found after he passed away.

His grandson Sam Bruhl posted the epic essay, which is both heartfelt and hilarious to Reddit on Monday, causing a stream of comments from users who were touched by Walter’s story.   Continue reading “Beloved grandfather, 80, surprises family after his death when they discover he secretly wrote his OWN heartfelt (and hilarious) obituary”

Sunlight Foundation – by Lee Drutman

In 2009, four years before the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) was a widely-debated trade deal, few would have noticed a new issue popping up in a handful of lobbying reports. That year, 28 organizations filed 59 lobbying reports mentioning the then far-off trade agreement. Almost half of those organizations were pharmaceutical companies or associations.

It was an early clue as to which industry would take the most active role in trying to shape the trade agreement while it was still secret from the public. From 2009 until mid-2013 (the time during which the language of the agreement was still reasonably fluid), drug companies and associations mentioned the trade agreement in 251 separate lobbying reports – two and a half times more than the next most active industry (at least measured by lobbying reports).   Continue reading “How Big Pharma (and others) began lobbying on the Trans-Pacific Partnership before you ever heard of it”

Crimes Against Humanity – by Celeste

An eerie $9 billion dollar trench experiment is being conducted at the Salton Sea which could trigger a spasm resulting in the cataclysmic ‘Big One’.  As if describing Biblical prophecy, a Scripps geophysicist, discusses the project located in one of the most tectonically active places in North America, “Imagine you’re 9 months pregnant,” says Kent Graham and, “You’re somehow coming to the end of a process.”   Continue reading “Trench Warfare at the Salton Sea”

Information Liberation

WASHINGTON, DC — The U.S. Supreme Court has refused to hear the case of a Texas man whose home was subject to a no-knock, SWAT-team style forceful entry and raid based solely on the suspicion that there were legally-owned firearms in his household. In denying a petition for certiorari in Quinn v. Texas, the Court let stand a lower court ruling that essentially makes lawful gun ownership and possession grounds for police to evade the protections afforded by the Fourth Amendment and improperly penalizes and limits the Second Amendment right to bear arms. The Rutherford Institute had asked the Court to weigh in on the case and protect Americans against encroachments on their Second Amendment rights.   Continue reading “U.S. Supreme Court Rejects Appeal in Second Amendment Case, Refuses to Prohibit Police from Using Lawful Gun Ownership as a Trigger for “No-Knock” Police Raids”

Information Liberation – by Adan Salazar

Police in Denver are testing a solution they hope will give a much-needed boost to their public persona.

Denver PD is acquiring new guns and armor, and for the next six months will engage in a body camera pilot program in attempts to ingratiate themselves to a police-corruption weary public.   Continue reading “Denver Cops Forced to Wear Cameras, Unable to Delete Footage”

Red Flag News

(Talking Points Memo) — Jon Stewart thinks it’s rich that Sen. Dianne “So The NSA Is Looking At Your Data” Feinstein is accusing the CIA of sneaking onto Senate staff computers and “assassinating” their data.

The comedian roasted the California Democrat on Wednesday’s “The Daily Show” for defending the National Security Agency’s mass surveillance programs while railing against the CIA’s alleged monitoring of Senate Intelligence Committee staffers. The agency probably just “reset her home page to MSN” or something, he joked.   Continue reading “Jon Stewart Skewers Dianne Feinstein”

harleyPaw Nation

An elderly couple will reunite with their 13-year-old Dachshund, named Otto Wolfgang Maximus, after thinking he was too sick for them to care for. Otto’s owners could not afford a trip to the vet, nor could they stand to see their beloved dog in pain. The couple brought Otto to the Baldwin Park Animal Shelter in Baldwin Park, Calif., on March 6. They attached a note asking that Otto be “put to sleep.”   Continue reading “Abandoned dog to be reunited with owners”

["Scissors In Hand On White Background" on Shutterstock]Raw Story

A Chinese woman chopped off her former boyfriend’s penis with scissors and then killed him with a hammer after he raped her, a Hong Kong court heard, according to a report Tuesday.

Yeung Ki, 41, on trial in the city, has admitted killing 32-year-old piano teacher Zhou Hui on Boxing Day 2012 but denies murder, the South China Morning Post reported.   Continue reading “Chinese woman chops off alleged rapist’s penis and beats him to death with a hammer”

Za'Dariah ticket 1Intellihub – by John Vibes

FLORIDA (INTELLIHUB) — A two year old in a Florida apartment complex was given a traffic ticket by police for driving her battery powered toy car around the parking lot.  The police were responding to another call, but felt that training a toddler to a be a slave in adulthood was more important than whatever disturbance they were called to.

The child, named Za’Dariyah, got no support whatsoever from her parents, who for some reason praised the police officers for their actions.   Continue reading “Florida police give ‘ticket’ to 2 year old in battery powered toy car”


You might remember the voice of a once-homeless man named Ted Williams.

He hit the media spotlight three years ago and became known as the man with the golden voice. ‘When you’re listening to nothing but the oldies, you’re listening to Magic 98.9’

Well, he’s come a long way from standing on the side of the road doing his magical voice for a dollar. HLN has an update:   Continue reading “Man with the golden voice still going strong, alcohol-free”

seals8_s800x532.jpgRed Flag News

(CBS/AP) — An independent commission led by a former U.S. surgeon general has concluded there “is no compelling medical reason” for the U.S. armed forces to prohibit transgender Americans from serving and that President Barack Obama could lift the decades-old ban without approval from Congress, according to a report being released Thursday.

The report said Department of Defense regulations designed to keep transgender people from joining or remaining in the military on the grounds of psychological and physical unfitness are based on outdated beliefs that require thousands of current service members either to leave the service or to forego the medical procedures and other changes that could align their bodies and gender identities.   Continue reading “COMMISSION: ‘No Compelling Medical Reason’ To Exclude Trannies From Military…”

FaceBook Gun LogoStill trying to appear legit, I guess.

AmmoLand – by AWR Hawkins

Washington DC – -(  After almost a month of pressure by Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG) and Moms Demand Action For Gun Sense in America (MDA) to get Facebook to “prohibit the private selling or trading of guns on its platforms,” Facebook announced “new educational and enforcement measures for commercial activities” that essentially restate what a company spokesperson said a week ago when they announced Facebook is not an online retailer and does not sell anything–including guns.   Continue reading “NRA Declares Victory over Facebook Response to Gun Control Groups”

Freedom Outpost – by Tim Brown

There have been reports that Navy veteran John Cinque has been receiving threats because of his stance on the issue of Connecticut’s gun registration law. Apparently those reports are due to a misreading of a piece by the New Haven Register in which Cinque said, “There have been threats made — that I found out about today.” Freedom Outpost reached out to John Cinque, who spoke with us this morning and confirmed that the threats he was speaking about were towards the Branford Police, not towards him.   Continue reading “Threats to CT Police Escalate Following CT Cop’s Gun Confiscation Comments – Cops Ask Pro-Gun Veteran to Help Cool Things Down”

Before It’s News – by Live Free or Die

Before It’s News just received an urgent email from someone whom we consider a very trusted source warning that there is now a ‘strong possibility’ according to several retired US Military officers that the missing Malaysian 370 was being prepared to be used as an EMP ‘stealth’ weapon to attack America. We’ve also been warned that this airplane was likely being repainted and its transponder being altered to fake both its’ origin as well as its’ destination, making Malaysia 370 the ultimate stealth weapon. The tweet below confirms via the Wall Street Journal that investigators are now actively pursuing this notion. This information can also be confirmed here. Much more below including a brand new video report on this story from Susan Duclos.   Continue reading “Malaysia 370 Stealth EMP Attack – Investigators Actively Pursuing ‘Diversion Plan’”

The Bangswitch – by Mac, March 8, 2014

News broke yesterday [Friday] that the BATF had raided the business premises of EP Armory and the home of it’s owner, Chris Cook. News reports are sparse as the ATF is being fairly tight lipped about the nature of their investigation. Local news sources are reporting that the ATF is on the hunt for “illegal weapons”. As of this writing the ATF has now allowed the store front to reopen for business.

We recently reviewed an 80% lower receiver from EP Armory here on TheBangSwitch. EP Armory receivers are mostly complete and only require a small amount of machining to convert them into a fully functioning AR15 lower receiver. However, as 80% complete receivers they are not considered to be firearms in the eyes of the government. Once manufacturing is completed by the owner, they are not required to be serial numbered or to be registered on a 4473 form despite the fact they are now deemed to be firearms. Your EP Armory AR15 becomes one of those mystical “ghost guns” bantered about in the media as of late.   Continue reading “EP Armory Raided by the ATF”

facebook eyeDigital Trends – by Andrew Couts

Well, this is just special. As part of its efforts to install malware on “millions” of computers worldwide, the National Security Agency impersonated Facebook to trick targets into downloading malicious code.

“In some cases the NSA has masqueraded as a fake Facebook server, using the social media site as a launching pad to infect a target’s computer and exfiltrate files from a hard drive,” reports The Intercept in its latest on top-secret documents obtained by Edward Snowden. “In others, it has sent out spam emails laced with the malware, which can be tailored to covertly record audio from a computer’s microphone and take snapshots with its webcam. The hacking systems have also enabled the NSA to launch cyberattacks by corrupting and disrupting file downloads or denying access to websites.”   Continue reading “NSA pretended to be Facebook in its effort to infect ‘millions’ of computers”

The Burning Platform

“The risk of catastrophe will be very high. The nation could erupt into insurrection or civil violence, crack up geographically, or succumb to authoritarian rule. If there is a war, it is likely to be one of maximum risk and effort – in other words, a total war. Every Fourth Turning has registered an upward ratchet in the technology of destruction, and in mankind’s willingness to use it.”    Continue reading “Fourth Turning: The People vs. Big brother”

Chemical attack: During the Vietnam War, between 1962 and 1971, the U.S. military sprayed nearly 20 million gallons of material containing chemical herbicides and defoliants mixed with jet fuel over parts of Vietnam, eastern Laos and Cambodia. Above, a U.S. plane sprays the toxic chemical over a South Vietnamese jungleDaily Mail – by SOPHIE JANE EVANS

These photos show orphans suffering from the horrific effects of America’s use of chemical weapons during the Vietnam War.

The children were born decades after U.S. forces sprayed the herbicide dioxin, Agent Orange, over large areas of jungle in the 1960s.

But they are still battling the effects of the chemical today – including physical deformities and mental disorders.    Continue reading “The orphans of Agent Orange: Fifty years on, children suffer from the horrific effects of America’s use of chemical weapons during the Vietnam War”

Republic for the united States of America

The United States exists in two forms: The original united States that was in operation until 1860; a collection of sovereign Republics in the union. Under the original Constitution the States controlled the Federal Government; the Federal Government did not control the States and had limited authority.

The original united States of America has been usurped by a separate and different United States Corporation formed in 1871, which only controls the District of Columbia and it’s territories, and which is actually a corporation (the United States Corporation) that acts as our current government. The United States Corporation operates under Corporate/Commercial Law rather than Common/Private Law.  In the original Constitution and Declaration of Independence, it refers to “these united States”.  The word “united” was an adjective describing the noun States.  That is why the lower case on united.  When the United States Corporation was formed in 1871, the united was changed to United because the United States as a corporation was now a noun.   Continue reading “u or U? What’s the difference…LIBERTY!”