FOX 17 This MorningWZTV Fox 17

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. — A Tennessee liquor store owner says he’s fed up with Russia’s antics, so he’s banning Russian vodka from his shelves.

Bob Gilbertson, owner of Bob’s Liquors in Knoxville, says he’s not happy about Russia’s recent and aggressive involvement in Ukraine over Crimea.

He has decided to sell his Russian vodka at cost to get rid of it.   Continue reading “Russian Vodka Banned from Tennessee Liquor Store”

Huffington Post

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A federal judge in San Francisco stopped the destruction of millions of telephone records collected by the National Security Agency more than five years ago.

U.S. District Judge Jeffrey White, who is overseeing an invasion-of-privacy lawsuit against the agency, issued a nationwide order Monday to safeguard evidence until March 19, when he will hold a hearing on extending the deadline further.   Continue reading “Judge Halts Destruction Of NSA Surveillance Records”

Cat attacks baby, holds family hostage photoWPXI News

PORTLAND, Ore. —  A crazed cat is behind bars after it attacked a baby and held an Oregon family hostage in a bedroom, forcing them to call 911.

According to KPTV, the ferocious feline — a 22-pound Himalayan named Lux — “went over the edge” Sunday evening after it was punished for scratching a couple’s 7-month-old baby. The baby was not injured.   Continue reading “Family calls 911 after crazed cat attacks baby, holds owners hostage”

Screenshot from YouTubeRT News

A Ukrainian presidential hopeful and his supporters have abducted a regional MP over his opposition to the coup-imposed government in Kiev. A video of the action shows the MP being roughed up by a group of men and threatened.

Oleg Lyashko reported secretly going to the Lugansk region on Sunday night and detaining Arsen Klinchev, a member of the local parliament from the Party of Regions.   Continue reading “‘I’ll hang you by the balls and have you f***ed’ – Ukrainian presidential hopeful abducts pro-Russian MP”

Washington Post – by Henry Kissinger

Public discussion on Ukraine is all about confrontation. But do we know where we are going? In my life, I have seen four wars begun with great enthusiasm and public support, all of which we did not know how to end and from three of which we withdrew unilaterally. The test of policy is how it ends, not how it begins.

Far too often the Ukrainian issue is posed as a showdown: whether Ukraine joins the East or the West. But if Ukraine is to survive and thrive, it must not be either side’s outpost against the other — it should function as a bridge between them.   Continue reading “Henry Kissinger: How the Ukraine crisis ends”

Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg at the 2013 Dreamforce conference in San Francisco.NPR – by EYDER PERALTA

Sheryl Sandberg doesn’t like a word a lot of people and parents use to describe little girls.

In an editorial for The Wall Street Journal, she called it “the other B-word.” She says as a kid, she didn’t really play with other kids, instead the current chief operating officer of Facebook used to organize their play.   Continue reading “Sheryl Sandberg: The Word ‘Bossy’ Should Be Banned”


“Communism. I’ve seen it, I’ve lived it. I will hate it until the end of my life.

Most of you here say guns in the hands of people can defeat tyrants. Regardless of what you may hear from naysayers and firearms ‘hobbyists’ who will tell you AR’s and AK’s in civilian hands are no match for tanks and machine guns (I remember one such hobbyist posting this here on Calguns), I come before you to tell you that what you believe to be true it is true: on December 22nd 1989 me and thousands of my compatriots we did just that.   Continue reading ““Why Do I Fight For 2A Rights?””

    An elderly couple had dinner at another couple’s house, and after eating, the wives left the table and went into the kitchen.

The two elderly gentlemen were talking, and one said, “Last night we went out to a new restaurant, and it was really great. I would recommend it very highly.”

The other man said, “What’s the name of the restaurant?”   Continue reading “Senior Moment”

Cars waiting to cross the border from Morocco to Spain's north African enclave of Ceuta on Feb. 6, 2014 [AFP]The Raw Story – Agence France-Presse

Spanish authorities seized 62 bales containing close to two tons of hashish that washed ashore on Monday on a beach in one of Spain’s exclaves in North Africa, police said.

Officers on a routine patrol spotted several bales at the Calamocarro beach just outside Ceuta, which lies across the Strait of Gibraltar from mainland Spain and is surrounded by Morocco, police said in a statement.   Continue reading “Nearly two tons of hash washes up on Spanish beach”

Yahoo News

Moscow (AFP) – Russia has refused to budge from its seemingly imminent annexation of Crimea, defying Western pressure at the UN Security Council, as Ukraine’s ousted president prepared to make his first public appearance in more than a week Tuesday.

As Kremlin-backed forces tightened their grip on Crimea, Russia rebuffed pressure from Western members of the Security Council on Monday to change course on a secession referendum in the strategic peninsula.   Continue reading “Russia stares down UN pressure on Ukraine”

United States FlagWorld Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: No, McCain it would be tragic to send more of our young men and woman off to be killed in another senseless war.

(LewRockWell) – If the US/EU backed overthrow of the Ukrainian government last month had a face, that face would be Sen. John McCain (R-AZ). McCain is the “Energizer Bunny” of US interventionism: wherever there is a government to subvert, a regime to change, chaos to foment, there you will find McCain in its midst.   Continue reading “McCain: ‘It’s Tragic’ There’s No U.S. Military Option In Ukraine”

Health, Wealth, and Happiness

I was horrified beyond measure to learn that the FDA is now, unbelievably, like something out of a Nazi horror movie, invading farms and telling the farmers that healthy, organic practices are now no longer allowed, under the authority of the falsely named “Food Safety Modernization Act”. Why are we paying feds who have never so much as sprouted a bean to harass farmers about what they should do? This is tyranny in the extreme, and if this is not stopped, the long term results will be catastrophic.   Continue reading “Federal Agents Destroying Farming – Plus: “Secrets of the Soil””

The new revelations are made in Jad Adams's bookCountdown to Zero Time – Daily Mail


Gandhi: Naked Ambition claims that Gandhi, a London trained lawyer-turned-guru, was a ruthless cult leader who enslaved his followers with such bizarre sexual demands that it became difficult for many people to take him seriously, even during his own lifetime.   Continue reading “The Gandhi None of Us Knew”

Paul Craig Roberts

Over the decades various administrations, seeking to improve their economic record, monkeyed with economic statistics to the point that the statistics are no longer meaningful.

According to Friday’s (March 7) payroll jobs report, the US economy created 175,000 new jobs in February. If you believe that, I have a bridge in Brooklyn that I’ll let you have at a good price.   Continue reading “No Jobs, No Economy, No Prospects For Peace Or Life”