National Review – by Ryan Lovelace

President Obama is encouraging Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers to slack off on the job, former border cops tellNational Review Online.

Some ICE officials think the Obama administration has intentionally neglected to give them orders to support efforts to resolve the crisis on America’s southwestern border, says Ronald Colburn, former national deputy chief of the U.S. Border Patrol. As a result, the wave of unaccompanied children from Central America is unfolding while ICE officials cool their heels.   Continue reading “Obama Gives ICE the Cold Shoulder”

The latest crazy proposed solution to the manufactured humanitarian crisis. 

So now the U.S. is going to go to Honduras to seek out children for refugee status in the U.S. and safely transport them here???

CBS News

WASHINGTON — The Obama administration is weighing giving refugee status to young people from Honduras as part of a plan to slow the influx of unaccompanied minors arriving at the U.S.-Mexico border, White House officials said Thursday. Continue reading “Obama administration weighs giving Honduran children refugee status”

“Fascism, socialism, communism, progressivism… all must all be resisted. To a slave of the state it matters little whether he is allowed to own his cage.” – Don Fredrick

“[W]hen you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing; when you see that money is flowing to those who deal not in goods, but in favors; when you see that men get rich more easily by graft than by work, and your laws no longer protect you against them, but protect them against you. . . you may know that your society is doomed.” – Ayn Rand   Continue reading “Thought Provoking Quotes”

WND – by Bob Unruh

The head of a gun-rights organization is delivering a lesson on the Constitution to a member of Congress who claimed his statements on the Second Amendment constituted a threat against her.

“Allow me to explain the obvious,” Larry Pratt, executive director of Gun Owners of America, wrote in an open letter to Rep. Carolyn Maloney, D-N.Y.   Continue reading “Congresswoman sees ‘threat’ in Constitution”

CNN – by Mohammed Tawfeeq

If you blink during the video, you might miss the moment Jonah’s tomb in Mosul, Iraq, explodes.

The first few frames show the revered shrine towering over its landscape. There’s a sudden burst of dust, fire and smoke.

Then, nothing.   Continue reading “Officials: ISIS blows up Jonah’s tomb in Iraq”

Illegal Alien Gang Members Arrested for Murder of Homeless ManInfowars – by Adan Salazar

Police in Maryland have arrested six illegal immigrants, several of which are admitted MS-13 gang members, in connection with the death of a homeless man killed outside of a liquor store earlier this week.

Amos Milburn Jones, a 56-year-old homeless man, was beaten and stabbed to death outside of a shopping strip in Suitland, Md., early Tuesday morning, after witnesses say they saw him arguing with a girl.   Continue reading “Illegal Alien Gang Members Arrested for Murder of Homeless Man”

Activist Post – by Eric Blair

Big retailers, including Amazon, have been lobbying long and hard for it, and now the Internet sales tax is back after being quietly reintroduced in the US Senate last week. 

The Marketplace and Internet Tax Fairness Act would force customers to pay sales taxes for online purchases from out-of-state online merchants, and it forces online retailers to collect and remit separately sales taxes to all US territories. Continue reading “Internet Sales Tax Quietly Moving Through Congress”

Stars and Stripes – by Jon Harper

WASHINGTON — The U.S. military will provide housing space for up to an additional 5,000 unaccompanied Central American children who have illegally come across the border, Pentagon spokesman Col. Steve Warren said Wednesday.

Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel signed the authorization last week at the request of the Department of Health and Human Services.

Hagel’s order also extends the housing assistance mission to Jan. 31, 2015. In May, the Pentagon committed to providing space to up to 3,600 children for 120 days. There are 2,500 children being housed at Fort Sill, Okla., Naval Base Ventura County, Calif., and Lackland Air Force Base, Texas, according to Warren.   Continue reading “DOD to provide space for 5,000 more migrant children until next year”

gerrtte.jpgFox News – by Edmund DeMarche

A top U.S. Navy official said he is “receptive” to idea of letting his Chinese crewmen tour a U.S. aircraft carrier based in Japan, but experts warn such access could be a risky intelligence giveaway.

Adm. Jonathan W. Greenert, chief of naval operations, told The Wall Street Journal that his Chinese counterpart mentioned the idea of a U.S. carrier crew touring its lone Liaoning carrier and a Chinese crew touring the USS George Washington.   Continue reading “U.S. Navy admiral says he’s open to idea of giving Chinese Navy tour of carrier”

David GrainWashington Free Beacon – by Elizabeth Harrington

The Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) decision to grant a waiver to provide favorable status in wireless auctions to an Obama donor is “as unlawful as it is absurd,” FCC Commissioner Ajit Pai said Wednesday.

On a 3-2 party-line vote, Democratic commissioners at the FCC granted Grain Management, LLC., status as a “designated entity” (DE) on Tuesday, allowing the company to receive discounts designed for small businesses when bidding for wireless licenses. David Grain, a major bundler for Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign, owns the firm.   Continue reading “Commissioner: FCC Waiver to Obama Donor ‘as Unlawful as It Is Absurd’”


STOCKTON, Calif. (AP) — Prosecutors in Central California have obtained an arrest warrant for a tuberculosis patient who they say is contagious and has refused treatment.

San Joaquin County Deputy District Attorney Stephen Taylor said Thursday that police are looking for 25-year-old Eduardo Rosas Cruz, a transient who comes from a part of Mexico known for a drug-resistant strain of tuberculosis.     Continue reading “Arrest Warrant Issued for Possible Illegal Alien with Drug-Resistant Strain of Tuberculosis”

The Next Big Future

 Milchberg and his lab report using an “air waveguide” to enhance light signals collected from distant sources. These air waveguides could have many applications, including long-range laser communications, detecting pollution in the atmosphere, making high-resolution topographic maps and laser weapons.   Continue reading “Lasers make fiber optic tubes out of thin air and can be used for communication, sensing and weapon applications”

Hacker claims to have found an iOS "backdoor". Apple denies it is in league with the NSAThe Mac Security Blog – by Graham Cluley

A data forensics expert and jailbreaker has discovered what he claims to be a undocumented “backdoor” in the iOS operating system used on iPhones and iPads that could be exploited by the NSA and other law enforcement agencies.

Jonathan Zdziarski (also known as “NerveGas”) presented his findings this month at the annual Hackers on Planet Earth (HOPE X) conference in New York.   Continue reading “Hacker Claims to Have Discovered Undocumented iOS “Backdoor”; Apple Denies NSA Collusion”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

When we reported on the government’s decisiosn to withhold irrigation water to California for the first time in 54 years, we warned there would be consequences: farmers are hit hardest as “they’re all on pins and needles trying to figure out how they’re going to get through this.” Fields will go unplanted (supply lower mean food prices higher), or farmers will pay top dollar for water that’s on the market (and those costs can only be passed on via higher food prices). Sure enough, as Bloomberg reports, farmers in California’s Central Valley, the world’s most productive agricultural region, are paying as much as 10 times more for water than they did before the state’s record drought cut supply.   Continue reading “Food Inflation Watch: California Farmers’ Water Costs Surge 700% After Government Cuts Supply”