Activist Post – by Bernie Suarez

Very recently I came across a scenario in the streets of Hollywood, California. The big scene seemed a bit striking to the average person walking by as it was the middle of the day in a crowded busy Hollywood street. A closer look caused me to be even more intrigued – there was a gentleman being arrested. He was in handcuffs and surrounded by three or four armed officers. Or were they really officers?

A closer look surprised me even more. The “officers” were not police. They were not Sheriffs department or California Highway Patrol (CHP). They all wore a logo on their sleeves and a logo on an otherwise unmarked car that read “Andrews International Security Services” nothing else. They otherwise had all black uniforms and all were armed like police officers, looking scary and aggressive. Continue reading “Why Are Armed “International Security” Personnel Now Arresting American Citizens?”

CBR – by Jimmy Nicholls

A new, ultra-thin type of ATM skimmer has been identified by the European ATM Security Team (East) in its latest report.

The thin skimmer improves on previous designs by fitting directly inside the card slot, but was only seen in one country that the non-profit group investigated.

“New versions of insert skimmers (skimmers placed inside the card reader throat) are getting harder to detect,” the report said.   Continue reading “Criminals have invented a card skimmer you can barely see”

MS-13 leader in El Salvador Carlos Tiberio RamirezThe Guardian

The Obama administration has listed a Central American street gang as an international criminal organisation subject to US sanctions.

This is first time the designation has been given to such a group in the US. MS-13, which started as a Los Angeles gang composed largely of Salvadorian immigrants, is believed to have as many as 10,000 members across 46 US states and Central America. Members have been accused of kidnapping, murder, drug smuggling and human trafficking.   Continue reading “United States classifies MS-13 street gang a global criminal organisation”

Independent – by Mira Bar Hillel

What makes young people snatch a stranger their own age, beat him up, force petrol down his throat before setting him on fire?

And what makes officers of the law hide their faces, snatch a slight 15-year-old and beat him senseless? And then the police refuse him medical attention until they discover – to their horror – that he is actually an American? Continue reading “Even when it brutalises one of its own teenage citizens, America is helpless against Israel”

Orthodox Jew sex abuser gets 2 years in jailNew York Post – by Josh Saul

The victim of an Orthodox Jewish sex abuser tore into his attacker Wednesday as the pervert was sentenced to two years behind bars.

“He still wouldn’t apologize to me in person. He never apologized to me,” the teen, who is now in his 20s and had a therapy dog with him in court, said in Brooklyn Supreme Court before Baruch Lebovits, 62, was sentenced.   Continue reading “Orthodox Jew sex abuser gets 2 years in jail”

Breitbart – by William Bigelow

In San Francisco on Tuesday, 300 anti-Israel protesters allegedly threatened 30 peaceful, pro-Israel demonstrators, and called a third intifada and the destruction of the Jewish State.

One female protester screamed at the Jews videoing the event, “Take a picture. Take a f#@king poster picture. You see us? You see all of us? There’s f#@king ten of you. How many are there of all of us?…Take it, bitch. Take it…”   Continue reading “Anti-Israel Protesters Threaten Pro-Israel Demonstrators in SF”

Massive school of anchovies appears to be an oil slick. Photo from Scripps Institution of Oceanography Grind TV – by David Strege

From a distance, the ocean near Scripps Pier off La Jolla, California, appeared to be the site of a catastrophic oil spill on Tuesday. Initially, Robert Monroe thought it was a red tide.

But it was neither.

Making a long, dark cloud in the shallow water off San Diego County was a massive school of Northern anchovies the likes of which has not been seen hugging the coast in more than 30 years.   Continue reading “Massive school of anchovies looks like oil slick”

Washington Post – by Ed O’Keefe

Former GOP vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin on Tuesday joined a growing chorus of Republicans calling for the impeachment of Obama, writing in an op-ed that the influx of young illegal immigrants over the southern border “is the last straw that makes the battered wife say, ‘no mas.’ ”

“I disagree,” Boehner said when asked by reporters Wednesday morning. When a reporter pointed out that some House Republicans also are calling for impeachment, Boehner said again: “I disagree.” Continue reading “Boehner disagrees with Palin on impeaching Obama”

Breitbart – by Kristin Tate

HOUSTON, Texas–Breitbart Texas has learned that hospitals based in Southern Texas are being utilized to evaluate and treat illegal immigrants before they are sent to housing facilities around the country. The revelation could help justify claims that the tidal wave of Central Americans entering the U.S. illegally each day will clog up U.S. hospitals.

Margaret Althoff-Olivas, Director of Public Affairs for University Medical Center (UMC) of El Paso, told Breitbart Texas, “The U.S. Border Patrol (BP) has established a rotating schedule for area hospitals to medically evaluate detainees associated with the recent influx of Central American immigrants. According to the BP, all must be medically cleared before being transferred to detention centers.”   Continue reading “Feds Using Texas Hospitals to Evaluate Illegal Immigrants”

Breitbart- by Patrick Kane

The Texas Department of State Health Services confirmed the first ever human instance of Chikungunya in the state. A Williams County resident near Austin, Texas was diagnosed with the disease after returning home from a Caribbean vacation, reports the Dallas News.

While chikungunya is rarely fatal, it can cause high fever, muscle and head aches, joint swelling and severe joint pain.   Continue reading “Texas Confirms First Ever Chikungunya Disease Case Near Austin”

AP file photoFlorida Watchdog- by William Patrick

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — J.C. Newman Cigar Co. is one of a kind, literally.

Founded in 1895 by Julius Caesar Newman, a Hungarian immigrant, the Tampa-based family business is the last of what was once 150 “Cigar City” factories.

Now, the company is fighting for its life.The business has outlasted 19 U.S. presidents, two world wars, a Cuban economic embargo that crushed many of its competitors and, most recently, the Great Recession.   Continue reading “FDA rules could kill 119-year-old family cigar business”

CNS News – by Charlie Daniels

I am convinced that Barack Obama has no intention of leaving America armed when he leaves office. If there is any way, hook, crook or presidential fiat that he can use to lay the groundwork for the confiscation of privately-owned firearms, he will do it.

The dwindling days of a lame duck president are a dangerous time as has been proven again and again as last minute applications of executive privilege have been applied to some very dubious situations and I believe that the legacy Obama craves, above all others, is the disarming of America.   Continue reading “A Call to Vigilance”


As the first day of Operation Protective Edge drew to a close, with more than 117 rockets hitting across Israel, international leaders have issued condemnations of the attacks against Israel and expressed support for Israel’s right to defend itself, but also urged restraints.

Washington backed Israel’s actions in Gaza while the European Union and United Nations urged restraint on both sides.   Continue reading “Worldwide leaders condemn rocket fire”

Yahoo Finance – by John Gittelsohn, Bloomberg

Henry Nunez, a real estate agent in Arcadia, California, met with so many homebuyers from China that he bought a Mandarin-English translation app for his phone.

The $1.99 purchase paid off last month, when he sold a five-bedroom home with crystal chandeliers, marble floors and two kitchens, one designed for smoky wok cooking. The buyers were a Chinese couple who paid $3.5 million in cash.   Continue reading “Chinese Cash-Bearing Buyers Fuel $22 Billion in U.S. Home Sales”

Food Freedom USA

An aspiring singer and songwriter, Deanna Miller, would like to share with you, the readers at, a rap song she wrote to educate people on the difference between Big Ag’s factory-farm pigs and the pigs raised on pasture in family farms. This easy listening rap song informs the listener of what the DNR was doing in Michigan to an American farmer, Mark Baker, of Bakers Green Acres in Michigan. The author hopes this song motivates you to donate to Baker’s Green Acres cause.   Continue reading “Save the Pigs”

Breitbart – by Tony Lee

Glenn Beck said bringing soccer balls, teddy bears, and hot meals to illegal immigrants who have been detained along the U.S.-Mexico border will be the most right thing he has ever done.

On July 19, Beck will travel to McAllen, Texas, because he believes Americans must “open our hearts” to the illegal immigrant children who have been unlawfully entering the country.   Continue reading “Glenn Beck to Bring Soccer Balls, Hot Meals to Illegals: ‘We Must Open Our Hearts’”