A Call to Vigilance

CNS News – by Charlie Daniels

I am convinced that Barack Obama has no intention of leaving America armed when he leaves office. If there is any way, hook, crook or presidential fiat that he can use to lay the groundwork for the confiscation of privately-owned firearms, he will do it.

The dwindling days of a lame duck president are a dangerous time as has been proven again and again as last minute applications of executive privilege have been applied to some very dubious situations and I believe that the legacy Obama craves, above all others, is the disarming of America.  

It will take intensive vigilance on the parts of the few politicians still left on Capitol Hill who are not willing to sell their birthrights for a bowl of porridge, especially in the Senate where all it would take to put American firearms under the control of the United Nations is the ratification of a UN treaty.

Don’t make the mistake of thinking that there are not a significant number of Senators who would be willing to trample your second amendment right, that was proven a while back when a senatorial vote was taken to abolish the treaty, to take it off the table permanently and 46 Senators voted against the move.

I think, at least in the area where I live, federal attempts to confiscate guns would result in a quasi-civil war as people down home believe they are guaranteed the right to own guns by the constitution and that no global monstrosity like the United Nations should have any say over their lives at all.

The Obama administration has shown its true colors and its obvious immaturity by knowingly putting high-powered firearms in the hands of the murderous drug cartels – Fast and Furious – while doing their best to disarm American citizens.

The United Nations’ reason for this treaty has nothing to do with reducing violence and everything to do with making the people of this nation defenseless against anything that is shoved down our throats.

And, if you think Obama has the interests of American citizens on his mind, ask the families of the four men killed in Benghazi and the parents of Sgt. Andrew Tahmooreesi, the U.S. Marine being held in a Mexican prison.

My best guess is, and I hope and pray that I’m wrong, that America will see Islamic fanatics openly attacking vulnerable spots in this nation – the influx of American Jihadists in Iraq and Syria almost guarantee it. When they return to America, they will bring with them the latest bomb-making skills and a fanatic hatred for everything and everybody that does not adhere to Islam.

Already, there have been test runs on the interruption of our power grids and you can bet the ranch that every strategic installation in this country is under surveillance.

It’s coming folks, and if Obama and his cohorts have their way, America will be defending itself with slingshots and water pistols.

And, even if Obama is successful in confiscating the legally owned guns of law-abiding citizens, it would only mean easy pickings for the criminals who own illegal, unregistered guns they couldn’t confiscate them because there’d be no record of purchase and they’re certainly not going to turn them in voluntarily.

So, we’d have a nation of families at the mercy of whatever thug wanted to come in to their homes to rape, pillage and take anything they wanted.

This is a very serious issue and those of us who value our second amendment rights need to keep a close eye on those we elect to represent us, since it could mean the difference to being able to protect your home and family or being helpless in the face of thugs and terrorists.

What do you think?

Pray for our troops and the peace of Jerusalem.

God Bless America

Charlie Daniels


16 thoughts on “A Call to Vigilance

  1. Charlie,agree with you except the “quasi civil war”part,un comes to disarm the US or any other entity will be wheels up/full blown civil war.

    1. These foreigners have got to go. They are NOT STAYING ON OUR SOIL! The goddamn foreign UN is not going to do shit on our real estate. And to advocate for any such thing under any pretense is an act of sedition.
      Now what do you have to say?

      1. There is not such a thing as the United Nations that has any say what so ever over the United States Of America..
        Seems guns in the hands of …”we, all of us, the people” are the only thing that will save our country…………..
        This is much more serious than people want to make of it……This whole god damned thing of Wash DC has come to the point……..where those representing the populace of the US….could be counted on maybe one hand, if that…..that’s how serious our todays plight is……….Everyone please pass this dire situation around to those you know………..rbeason

  2. he can “Lay all the ground work he wants”

    any one coming for my arms will also be laying on the ground

  3. CD would be a good guy if he could get passed the belief that any politician can save us. Any politician that isn’t impeaching and sentencing these treasonous bastards is just as guilty and needs to be treated as such.

  4. we have no one to listen to the people .has anyone be listing..Next step the UN TROPERS will invade . Its all set up the trap is set ..

  5. CD is a dreamer as I used to be that these politician’s will be able to save us in any way. This was a painful pill to swallow and the reality of it is “truth”. These politician’s have no interest in standing behind the people of this country. As for the UN, those asswipes have no business in our country and need to be kicked out and use the building to house our homeless.

    1. Redhorse you are so right..We been headed this way for over 60 years its all due to them we are in this fix with no fix..We have 18 months and its goin to hit..Time to stand firm with both feet at the shield wall ..Its all up to the people now..

  6. Some of America is still American… Some anti gun folks will find out if they try to disarm the nation. The last straw is about to be laid on the Camels back…The only Blue Hats I have seen world over is laying on the ground with holes in it. ” We ran them through the briars and ran through the bushes, they ran through the bushes where a rabbit couldn’t go… They ran so fast the hounds couldn’t catch them”…. verse two will arrive soon if the anti gun crowd makes a move…MOLON LABE



    Obama may have stuck his neck out too far this time with this clearly treasonous pre-planned invasion of America border stand-down conducted in collusion with foreign governments and media outlets. He literally ignores the rule of law and the will and welfare of the people. Furthermore, President Barrack Hussein Obama has violated his oath of office willfully and maliciously.

    Oath: “I, ____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and I will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

    Article IV, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and SHALL PROTECT EACH OF THEM AGAINST INVASION.

    At the very minimum President Barrack Hussein Obama’s record reflects incompetence, negligence, and outward contempt for the rule of law, especially the highest law in the land – the US Constitution.



    Barrack Hussein Obama’s political agenda is hard-line Marxist-Leninist revolutionary. Unfortunately he did not advertise himself as such on the campaign trail. Mr. Daniels is correct, his lame-duck years are the most dangerous to the nation because a) he no longer has to hide his politics and b) his time is short. Obama’s inner political compass (along with his super-ego) demands that he write a political legacy so radical, so destructive of this nation’s already torn social and economic fabric, that if left unchallenged to the end his political legacy will become our nightmare. I cannot stress this enough!. As the in-house created political crisises mount and Obama continues to either selectively enforce or render null and void existing laws in accordence to his political agendas ALL THE WHILE CREATING LAW OUT OF THIN AIR THROUGH EXECUTIVE AND ADMINISTRATIVE ACTION President Obama lends weight to the accusations voiced by his harshest critics – Barrack Hussein Obama is less a President (much less Constitutional scholar) and more a fraudlently credentialed foreign born infiltrator/sabotuer. Heck you can practically see the glee in his eyes with every knife thrust… opps, I mean stroke of his pen.



    (Obama’s policy towards issue X is challenged by (citizen/journalist/politician) Y and immediately the weakling’s-mental-defense-shields-go


    On the campaign trail Barrack Hussein Obama’s smooth teleprompter-linguistics, talk show host charms, and GQ model eloquence fooled many into voting for him (not that the alternative choices exuded integrity and competence ). Six years later that costume has worn thin. It is not only a Marxist/Leninist worldview that makes President Obama especially dangerous at this stage, it’s his deep seated personality disorders. To be specific Obama’s persecuted messiah complex shields his overblown yet fragile ego from the risk intellectually honest debating and critical self-analysis entails. Never listening to the words of your critics, or even yourself, means never having to admit error, and by extension guilt and liability. These are the mental defense constructs of a coward and a phony. They are also found among thugs and bullies, killers, and most importantly politically motovated murderous tyrants whom throughout history have destroyed nations and caused the suffering and slaying of millions.

    One more time, the time has come to IMPEACH OBAMA NOW

      1. I agree with the sentiment 100%

        However the surest path towards removing this mental basketcase’s bony hands from the steering wheel before he sails us all straight off the cliff is IMPEACHMENT

        Impeachment discovery would also facilitate building a case for treason at a later date.

  8. “My best guess is, and I hope and pray that I’m wrong, that America will see Islamic fanatics openly attacking vulnerable spots in this nation – the influx of American Jihadists in Iraq and Syria almost guarantee it. When they return to America, they will bring with them the latest bomb-making skills and a fanatic hatred for everything and everybody that does not adhere to Islam.” Mr. Daniels, are you aware that the previous “attacks” on our soil have been perpetrated by your masters in Jerusalem ie mossad? Good message overall but he lost me with that bit of redirection.

  9. Charlie, I like some of your music.

    So why put your cards in with worldnetdaily? The mossad mouthpiece?


    1. I feel the same way, Charlie’s kick a$$ fiddle and headstrong lyrics broke through right as the post-Vietnam to Carter-era doom and gloom was fading off into the rearview. But our attentions and emotions were played against us by slickly packaged Hollywood propaganda and the emerging Neo-Con political order.

      I used to hold the muslim/middle easterner as enemy of God-fearing America worldview. I laced up combat boots and carried around a 90 pound ruck and rifle to do my part. Got sent places, did some things. However I am now older and wiser (but still fit and able to either throw down or send rounds downrange as the situation requires) . In retrospect I realize my country and my fellow warriors were duped and then used. We fought and bled not on the side of freedom but on the side of evil, of our true enemy.

      Charlie Daniels, who pushes porn, homosexuality, and the anti-Christian agenda in the political arena, in the media, and in public schools, Muslims or Jews? Charlie, who undermines our financial health by bleeding it dry and profits from offshoring American jobs, Muslims or Jews? Who relentlessly pushes gun control? Muslims or Jews? Comeon, open up your eyes. Who’s fingerprints are all over the 9/11 crime scene?

      Who Charlie Daniels? Who? Who is the enemy, the peoples and nations framed for acts of terror or the war criminals themselves? Step up.

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