photoYahoo News

(Reuters) – An Indiana police officer was discovered fatally shot in his patrol car early Sunday, state police said.

Jeffrey Westerfield, who had served on the Gary Police Department for 19 years, was on duty when he was shot by an unknown assailant, an Indiana State Police official said.

State police, federal law enforcement and dozens of officers from Gary, a city located in the southeastern Chicago metropolitan area, have launched a manhunt for the suspect, the official said.   Continue reading “Indiana police officer found fatally shot in patrol car”

The Pope’s Apostate Church there is so much wrong with the current pope’s theology, that where does one begin? First off, as a disclaimer, I am not Catholic, but the Bible does hold truths that spans beyond Denominational lines and this current pope has shown that he either has NO knowledge of Biblical theology or he’s proving that he’s an Apostate.

Whichever the case may be, what he’s spouting off as Biblical truth is nothing more than heretical apostate views, which are to be expected in the closing days of the Age of Grace as the false prophet comes onto the world’s scene.   Continue reading “The Pope’s Apostate Church”

declaration of independenceBusiness Insider – by Alyson Shontell

How old were the Founding Fathers when the Declaration of Independence was signed in 1776?

Some were older, like Thomas Jefferson who was 33, John Hancock who was 39, or Benjamin Franklin who was 70. Others were shockingly young — even teenagers. James Monroe, for example, was 18 and Alexander Hamilton was 21.

All Things Liberty compiled a list of the ages of key people during the American Revolution (a period spanning from 1765–1783) when the Declaration of Independence was signed.   Continue reading “Many Founding Fathers Were Shockingly Young When The Declaration Of Independence Was Signed In 1776”

Press TV

The UK government has admitted that 114 secret files in high-level pedophile cases between 1979 and 1999 have gone missing.

The British Home Office’s permanent secretary, Mark Sedwill, admitted that the documents may have been destroyed.

According to reports, a network of child sex abusers linked to the British parliament and prime minister’s office are implicated in the dossier, which was handed to former Home Secretary Lord Brittan in 1983, but has disappeared since then.   Continue reading “UK government admits child abuse files missing”

Employees pack boxes of the SodaStream product at the factory in the West Bank Jewish settlement of Maale Adumim January 28, 2014. (Reuters/Ammar Awad)RT News

SodaStream, which has its main factory in the West Bank and makes home carbonation products, has closed its EcoStream shop in Brighton and one of Britain’s biggest retailers John Lewis will no longer stock its products after two years of protests.

EcoStream, which sold recyclable bottles produced by the Israeli-owned SodaStream Corporation, was closed despite reporting running a profit since it was opened two years ago.   Continue reading “Israel’s SodaStream closes main UK store after 2-yr boycott campaign”

Press TV

The Washington Post has published an exclusive report about the US National Security Agency’s surveillance activities, but withheld information of “considerable intelligence value,” including a secret overseas nuclear project.

The Post said the report, which was published on Saturday, is based on a four-month investigation of a large collection of communications intercepted by the NSA from US digital networks.   Continue reading “CIA interrupts info about secret overseas nuclear project”

The US Military Is Playing the Nuclear Blackmail Card Against UN Occupation ForcesThe Common Sense Show – by Dave Hodges

Bravo Sierra is a term which can be best applied to the report that the “organic” United States is going to rise up and declare civil war against the banker-controlled Obama administration and the commencement date for this popular uprising would be July 4th. As of this writing, it is July 6th and the Obama administration is still stealing and dealing. I can barely write about this nonsense because I cannot control my hysterical laughter.   Continue reading “The US Military Is Playing the Nuclear Blackmail Card Against UN Occupation Forces”

The Daily Caller – by Chuck Ross

A South Carolina homeowner would have been at a distinct disadvantage to a man who invaded his home early Thursday.

Orlandous Brown, 33, suffers from cerebral palsy and is confined to a wheelchair.

But the Easley, S.C. man had a gun and used it to defend himself against 26 year-old Atlanta native Darin Lowe, according to The Greenville News.   Continue reading “Wheelchair-Bound Man Kills Home Invader”

cartoon-terrorism-gripPontiac Tribune Written by Dan Johnson, Founder and National Director of People Against the NDAA.

Terrorism has become a ridiculous catch-all.

No SwimmingTech Times – by Nicole Arce

Fourth of July weekend travelers to Long Island in New York will have to stay dry and off the waters for now as authorities warn of high bacteria levels caused by storm water run-offs.

Hurricane Arthur is no longer a hurricane and is thankfully leaving the country and making its way towards Canada, but its effects are still felt along the eastern coast of the United States. In suburban Nassau County east of New York City, health officials have determined that bacteria levels in 10 beaches on the North Shore and one South Shore beach are too high to allow swimming and other water activities.   Continue reading “Authorities declare 13 Long Island beaches off limits due to bacteria levels”

This means Warren: Obama backs challenger to HillaryNew York Post – by Edward Klein

President Obama has quietly promised Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren complete support if she runs for president — a stinging rebuke to his nemesis Hillary Clinton, sources tell me.

Publicly, Obama has remained noncommittal on the 2016 race, but privately he worries that Clinton would undo and undermine many of his policies. There’s also a personal animosity, especially with Bill Clinton, that dates from their tough race six years ago.   Continue reading “This means Warren: Obama backs challenger to Hillary”

Bronova-and-PriceTea Party News Network – by Jennifer Burke

While the Obama regime is rolling out the red carpet for illegal aliens as they cross our border, one woman found herself thrown in a high security prison. You see, this woman was not of Mexican descent. This woman was not of Central American descent. Oleksandra Bronova is a Ukrainian National and she was singled out by border agents as she tried to cross the border with her American husband.

Unlike the majority crossing the border, she knows English. In fact, she is a Cambridge graduate and actually speaks five languages. Also, unlike many crossing the border illegally, Bronova has no criminal history. Yet, she was arrested while known members of the notorious MS-13 gang have been granted entrance in their illegal crossing into America.   Continue reading “MS-13 Gang Members Allowed into U.S., but Wife of Marine Veteran Thrown in Prison”

Barrie TrowerVeterans Today – by Jim Fetzer

Today I conducted one of the most disturbing radio interviews of my life as host of “The Real Deal”, with a British physicist and electronic warfare expert, Barrie Trower.

By the time he had finished his service in the military, Barrie had acquired a great deal of expertise in the microwave field and he extended his research to common electronic systems, including cell phones, iPods, computer games and microwave ovens.   Continue reading “WiFi — An invisible but ubiquitous threat to the future of the species”

puppycide-police-employee-kills-dog-copblockCop Block

If you’re a reader of, or if you are stay attune to issues related to police employee accountability, you’re likely very aware of the frequent, unnecessary, lethal force employed by some badge-wearing men and women against puppies and dogs, almost always accompanied by zero accountability, which some have likened to puppycide,

Concern about the slaughter of our four-legged companions has caused some active with Cop Block to start K9 Cop Block, and motivated many thinkers, writers and pundits to weigh-in, including Bill Buppert, with Badged Serial Killers: The Growing Murder Culture of Cops: Dogs and Other Animals. and Radley Balko, who’s covered the issue extensively, to work to inform people not previously aware of, or concerned about, the institutionalized violence inherent within the police apparatus.   Continue reading “Magazine Warns Dog Owners to be Cautious Around “Law Enforcers””

Consortium News – by Robert Parry

The mainstream U.S. media continues to sell the American people a one-sided storyline on the Ukraine crisis as the Kiev regime celebrates a key military victory at Slovyansk, an eastern city at the center of ethnic Russian resistance to last February’s violent coup that ousted elected President Yanukovych.

As you read or watch the mainstream U.S. media accounts of the Ukrainian government’s military offensive against ethnic Russians in East Ukraine, it’s worth remembering that these MSM outlets have been feeding Americans a highly biased narrative of the crisis non-stop from the beginning.   Continue reading “NYT Dishes More Ukraine Propaganda”

Fox News

Six Jewish suspects have been arrested in connection with the killing of a Palestinian teenager whose death set off days of violent protests in Arab areas of Jerusalem and northern Israel, Fox News confirmed.

Mohammed Abu Khdeir, 16, was abducted last week and his charred body found a short while later in a Jerusalem forest in what Palestinians say was a revenge killing for the earlier deaths of three Israeli teens.   Continue reading “Six Jewish suspects arrested in connection with killing of Palestinian teen”

The Lone Star Watchdog

The ruling political class in government has made it their mission in any way possible to subvert the election process. Many politicians love power and need coalitions of groups to go to to polls to stay in power no matter how unpopular they are.

To vote is a right to a citizen. When the country was founded. Land owners were the only people who could vote because they had a stake to make sure the right people were in office.  If a person wanted to participate in the elections. They had to own land to make sure the best person they placed in office had their interest in mind because people who owned property had much to gain and lose depending on who was in office. Now we have groups of people on welfare being illegal immigrants coming into the country who do not pay into the system or have any idea about our history or our culture. They have no stake to risk or lose anything because they are encouraged to vote themselves a pay raise at the tax payers expense when the dependency class outnumbers the wage earners at the ballot box.
Continue reading “Is It Time to Nullify the ‘Federal Election Laws’ that Encourage Voter Fraud and Registers Illegal Aliens to Vote?”