Middle School Students Plan to Break Dress Code, Principal Screams Terrorism

cartoon-terrorism-gripPontiac Tribune Written by Dan Johnson, Founder and National Director of People Against the NDAA.

Terrorism has become a ridiculous catch-all.

Between DHS documents outlining the dangers of those who are “reverent of individual liberty” and “suspicious of centralized federal authority,” and Tennessee water officials claiming “water complaints” could be terrorism, terrorism is now nothing more than a paper-tiger.

This is no better illustrated than in an incident last month.

Alleged Facebook Post, Courtesy WSB-TV

A group of Georgia middle school students decided they had enough of the school dress code and would violate it together in an act of civil disobedience. The school, Cowan Road Middle, found out about the plan and suspended the students for…terrorism.

According to WSB-TV (emphasis added):

To me it was just a bunch of 13-year-olds acting crazy,” said Christopher Cagle, the father of a suspended honor roll student.

Cagle said the principal called the students’ actions terroristic threats. He said the principal was too swift and severe with the punishment.”

Violating the school dress code is indeed a violation of school policy, but to elevate it to a level where one could be indefinitely detained, without charge or trial, is going way too far. Just in case, we contacted the school to see what they had to say about the incident, asking if they truly considered this on the level of a bomb threat, and they doubled down.

The principal refused to speak to the issue, but instead forwarded it to their PR manager, who responded to us. Though the school claims threats were made, they provide no examples or proof to back up their claims…and they still want to consider this terrorism.

Luckily, they are only punishing the students by having them write long essays on why civil disobedience is a crime.

Remember parents, next time your child considers violating the school’s dress code, especially if they do it in groups, with one girl being punished for saying as much as “I’m In”, they are a terrorist.

The word loses its relevance more and more every day.

You can let Principal Rachelle Holloway know what you think about naming children terrorists here:  rachelle.holloway@gscs.org


9 thoughts on “Middle School Students Plan to Break Dress Code, Principal Screams Terrorism

  1. What kind of attire were the kids going to wear? Confederate Flag
    shirts? The article did not mention what the kids creativity was to
    be so one can only imagine. Civil disobedience, indeed.

  2. “The school, Cowan Road Middle, found out about the plan and suspended the students for…terrorism.”

    Terrorism – the new ‘race’ card. Soon to be indistinguishable from the cry of “anti-Semitism”.

  3. Could not Confederate Flag attire be construed as anti-semitic, after all
    it’s the jews who are leading the charge against the Confederate Flag.
    The Citadel Chapel in South Carolina is under attack for the display of the Confederate Flag which has been on display since 1842.
    Terrorism could be anything they deem it to be. From the sublime to
    the ridiculous.

    1. Anti-Semitic is a much misunderstood term. Most believe it refers to the ‘jews’. Nothing could be further from the truth.

      It’s the stinking scumbag ‘jews’ that are anti-Semitic. The Semites were Hebrews, NOT ‘jews’. The descendants of the Hebrews are the white Christians, whom the ‘jews’ hate more than anyone else. The murder of Christ alone is proof enough of that.

      The Hebrews were “God’s Chosen”, NOT the ‘jews’.

      Lying filth.

        1. Time to put that particular ‘jew’ lie to rest. It’s been perpetrated far too long, along with the Holohoax lie.

          Truth is paramount here. That’s why I love this site.

  4. Disobedience is the true foundation of liberty. The obedient must be slaves.
    Henry David Thoreau

  5. “A group of Georgia middle school students decided they had enough of the school dress code and would violate it together in an act of civil disobedience. The school, Cowan Road Middle, found out about the plan and suspended the students for…terrorism.”

    Terrorism? Seriously? I don’t see anything that says they were planning on blowing up the school or anything.

    Honestly, these school administrators need to cut back on the Kool-Aid and take a valium. They’re so scared of disobedience and their own shadow that they cry terrorism for anything and everything these days. Maybe they should take a look at themselves in the mirror and find out that maybe they are not suitable to be teachers. Maybe they should re-educate themselves in what country they live in and the American way of life. Can’t take the heat, then find yourself another job, assholes!

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