Truth Dig – by Dennis Kucinich

Late Thursday night, the House of Representatives unanimously passed a far-reaching Russia sanctions bill, a hydra-headed incubator of poisonous conflict. The second provocative anti-Russian legislation in a week, it further polarizes our relations with Russia, helping to cement a Russia-China alliance against Western hegemony, and undermines long-term America’s financial and physical security by handing the national treasury over to war profiteers.

Here’s how the House’s touted “unanimity” was achieved: Under a parliamentary motion termed “unanimous consent,” legislative rules can be suspended and any bill can be called up. If any member of Congress objects, the motion is blocked and the bill dies.   Continue reading “Three Members of Congress Just Reignited the Cold War While No One Was Looking”

m14 torture test 1The Defensive Training Group

From time to time we hear conversations or read on the web of someone beating the ever living crap out of their rifle to see how much it can take or to prove it can take a lot.  Well, if you’ve got spares or the money to replace your platform, first, congratulations, and second, that’s your call.  However, if you’re like those of us who aren’t independently wealthy, a different method of caring for your rifle is in order.   Continue reading “Your Rifle: Take Care of It as If It Were Your Life – Because it is!”

Breitbart – by Tony Lee

Top Republican leaders in the House and Senate are gearing up to push legislation in the next Congress that would increase the number of foreign guest-workers even in industries that do not need them. They are hoping such legislation would “open the door” to a broader comprehensive immigration bill.

Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT), who chairs the Senate Republican High-Tech Task Force, wants to push his Immigration Innovation Act (I-Squared) that would increase the number of high-tech visas, even though there is no evidence that there is a shortage of American high-tech workers. Tech industry lobbies, like Mark Zuckerberg’s, have spent millions trying to secure massive increases in guest-worker visas that would give them an endless supply of cheap foreign labor even as companies like Microsoft are laying off 18,000 American workers.     Continue reading “House, Senate Gop Leaders Gearing up to Increase Guest-Worker Permits”

The New American – by Bob Adelmann

The so-called CRomnibus bill (a combination of a Continuing Resolution and an omnibus spending bill covering dozens of federal agencies) was passed by the Senate late Saturday night, 56-40, approving government spending through next September.

Passage, although delayed slightly by complaints from Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) that it funded President Obama’s illegal immigration executive order without debate, was guaranteed when 24 Republicans, including every GOP leader, voted for it. This allowed some Democrats the opportunity to vote against it as a sop to constituents or to build their resumes in contemplated runs for the White House in 2016. They included newly inducted Senator Cory Booker (D-N.J.), along with Senators Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), Amy Klobucher (D-Minn.), and Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.).   Continue reading “Voters Finally Learn What’s in the CRomnibus Bill Passed by the Senate”

Yahoo News – by Lawrence Hurley

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Barack Obama’s new plan to ease the threat of deportation for 4.7 million undocumented immigrants violates the U.S. Constitution, a federal judge found on Tuesday, handing down the first legal ruling against the plan.

The ruling has no immediate impact, with the government saying there was no reason for Judge Arthur Schwab of the Western District of Pennsylvania to address the issue in the case, which concerns 42-year-old Honduran immigrant Elionardo Juarez-Escobar.   Continue reading “Judge declares Obama immigration action unconstitutional”

F-35 fighter jet (AFP Photo)I’ll bet that is an “oh s#!t” moment


The Royal Air Force’s next generation F-35 fighter jet could “shut down” in mid-flight if its fuel overheats, US test pilots have discovered. The fault is the latest in a string of embarrassments for military chiefs and manufacturer Lockheed Martin.

US Air Force engineers encountered the problem while testing the aircraft at Luke Air Force Base in Arizona last week.   Continue reading “Hot Shots? RAF’s £150 mn fighter jet could ‘shut down’ in midair due to overheating fault”

Former US Vice President Dick Cheney (AFP Photo/Jim Watson)RT

Former VP Dick Cheney expressed no regret over CIA torture techniques employed against detainees in the “war on terror,” even as a judge considers forcing the White House to release the remainder of the damning photos.

Cheney was apparently unfazed by the cruel accounts of torture techniques performed by the CIA at various foreign “black sites” as described in the Senate Intelligence Committee’s lengthy investigation.   Continue reading “‘I’d do it again!’ Cheney defends CIA torture, calls interrogators heroes”

abc cia approval graphic mt 141216 1 1x1 608 Six in 10 See CIA Actions as Justified As Many Question Committee ReportABC News – by Gary Langer

Six in 10 Americans say the CIA’s treatment of suspected terrorists was justified, more than half think it produced important, unique intelligence – and 52 percent say it was wrong for the Senate Intelligence Committee to issue a report suggesting otherwise.

Those results in a new ABC News/Washington Post poll underscore the public’s sense of risk from the threat of terrorism, and specifically the extent to which majorities support controversial measures to combat it. Indeed just two in 10 flatly rule out torture in future cases.   Continue reading “Six in 10 See CIA Actions as Justified As Many Question Committee Report”

Centre Daily Times – by Donna Cassatta

— President Barack Obama will sign legislation slapping new sanctions on Russia and providing weapons and other aid to Ukraine despite White House concerns that military assistance will further escalate the conflict, the White House said Tuesday.

White House spokesman Josh Earnest said Obama continues to have misgivings about the bill, which cleared Congress with overwhelming support, but believes the legislation still gives him the flexibility he needs.   Continue reading “Obama to slap new sanctions on Russia”

animals_chicken_gmo_freeNatural Society – by Mike Barrett

Due to consumer demand, the largest German poultry producer, Wiesenhof, has announced that it will turn back to using GM-free animal feed. This is yet another example of the health movement sparking necessary change within Big Ag and Big Food.

Wiesenhof had actually moved to GMO feed previously after using GMO-free feed for its chicken. The decision to now revert to GMO-free feed comes just 10 months after the German Poultry Association (ZDG) unilaterally declared that it would stop using GM-free animal feed.   Continue reading “Another Victory: Poultry Industry Giant Goes GMO-Free”

Prevent Disease – by Mae Chan

Researchers have found new evidence that explains how some aspects of our personality may affect our health and wellbeing, supporting long-observed associations between aspects of human character, physical health and longevity.

Daily consumption of supplements containing extracts from French maritime pine bark may shorten the duration of the common cold and reduces the severity of sore throat, congestion, headache, coughing and sneezing, says a new study from Italy.   Continue reading “Pine Bark Extract Reduces Cold Symptoms And Decreases Severity”

ABC New 7

The body was found in a wooded area about 200 yards from Stone’s home in Pennsburg, Pa. on Tuesday afternoon.

Sources say Stone is believed to have killed himself. He was found dead on his knees hunched over wearing sand color camouflage.

Sources said it does not appear that he shot himself, but his cause of death is not yet known.   Continue reading “Body Found in Pennsylvania Killing Spree Search; Preliminary ID Is Bradley Stone”

Yahoo News – by Rick Klein, Jon Ward, Richard Coolidge and Jordyn Phelps

Former Republican presidential candidate Thaddeus McCotter is not himself a libertarian, but the former Michigan congressman predicts an approaching libertarian takeover of the Grand Old Party.

At least, that’s the premise of his new book, “Liberty Risen: The Ultimate Triumph of Libertarian-Republicans.”   Continue reading “Libertarian takeover: Thaddeus McCotter predicts a new world order for GOP”

The Independent – by Andrew Griffin

China has developed a long-range pain gun that works by shooting microwaves into people’s bodies and heating up water under their skin, according to reports, and might plan to fit it onto its ships or for crowd control.

The gun, known as a Poly WB-1, works by projecting a man-sized milimetre beam onto the body, which heats water molecules just under the skin and causes intense pain. The gun is non-lethal and doesn’t seem to cause lasting harm — a point the US government tried to make repeatedly amid criticism of a similar weapon it developed, which it demonstrated by shooting a reporter with one.   Continue reading “China reveals long-range heat ray gun”

10wayskickpolicestatexThe Daily Sheeple – by Joshua Krause

The government claims it has the right take responsibility over every aspect of our lives. They like to make us think that we can’t take care of ourselves, and they love to reassure us that they have everything under control. They tell us what we can have in our food and water, what our kids learn in school, and what constitutes medicine and healthcare. They regulate how our cars and homes should be built, and they dictate the value of our money. They hold a monopoly over the use of violence, and use their courts, police, and spy networks to enforce all of these rules, and many more that too numerous to be mentioned here.   Continue reading “10 Ways to Kick the Police State in the Face”

government phone set CNN Money, June 6, 2014

Even if you power off your cell phone, the U.S. government can turn it back on.

That’s what ex-spy Edward Snowden revealed in last week’s interview with NBC’s Brian Williams. It sounds like sorcery. Can someone truly bring your phone back to life without touching it?

No. But government spies can get your phone to play dead.   Continue reading “How the NSA can ‘turn on’ your phone remotely”

Photo - President Obama in Hawaii. AP PhotoWashington Examiner – by Paul Bedard

The first family is returning to Hawaii for their seventh straight Christmas vacation, a 17-day break President Obama is “eagerly looking forward to.”

The White House has announced that the president and his family with depart Washington on Friday and is expected to return Jan. 4.   Continue reading “Splash: Obama ‘eagerly looking forward to’ 17-day Hawaii vacation”

The Independent – by Antonia Molloy

Japan has culled around 4,000 chickens following an outbreak of bird flu at a poultry farm in the southwest of the country.

Three birds tested positive for the highly pathogenic H5 strain of avian influenza at the site in Miyazaki prefecture, and an official said on Tuesday that all birds were subsequently slaughtered.   Continue reading “Japan bird flu outbreak: 4,000 chickens culled at poultry farm”