ankles 1The National Patriot – by Craig Andersen

Obamacare…meet amnesty.

Amnesty…meet Obamacare.

Americans…bend over and grab your ankles.

The two most atrocious signatures of the Obama regime are about to collide and the scene of the accident is not going to be pretty. To be clear, the Lame Ducktator would rather have you all focused on fabricated racism than this and that is exactly why I am about to expose it.   Continue reading “Obamacare + Amnesty = Grab Your Ankles”

Yahoo News – by Lacey Johnson

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – State lawmakers have launched a nationwide non-partisan coalition to combat gun violence, in part because the Congress has failed to reform gun laws, members of the group said on Monday.

Some 200 lawmakers from 50 states have joined the alliance, American State Legislators for Gun Violence Prevention, said the group’s founder, Democratic New York State Assembly member Brian Kavanagh.   Continue reading “State lawmakers launch gun control coalition”

Obama Launches 'Profanity-Laced' Tirades Against PressPatriot Rising

According to retired ABC News journalist Ann Compton, Barack Obama launches into “profanity-laced” tirades against the press in off-the-record meetings with reporters.

In a C-SPAN interview, Compton also derided the President for leading “the most opaque” administration of “any I have covered.”

The journalist, who retired in August after a 40-year career, revealed to C-SPAN’s Brian Lamb: “I have seen in the last year Barack Obama really angry twice. Both were off-the-record times. One, profanity-laced where he thought the press was making too much of scandals that he did not think were scandals.”   Continue reading “Obama Launches ‘Profanity-Laced’ Tirades Against Press”

KowalskiReason – by Robby Soave

Last week, I wrote about Wally Kowalski, a resident of southwest Michigan whose bank accounts were frozen, and property seized, during a police raid three months ago. The Mackinac Center for Public Policy publicized his case: Kowalski is licensed to grow medical marijuana, and state cops had spotted his growing area from a helicopter. They destroyed his plants and confiscated his expensive tools (anything they would be able to sell at police auction, he claims), but left without charging him with a crime—leaving him unable to clear his name before a judge or jury.   Continue reading “Victim of Police Forfeiture Who Told Story to Media Was Arrested Immediately After”

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Viral Nova

The awesome power of nature can be overwhelming at times. It can and will surprise you when you take it for granted. Sometimes, when you’re expecting just a run-of-the-mill storm, it can turn into something much more serious.

A rolling fog recently came through a Hungarian forest in Pilis. What initially looked like a normal fog turned out to be much more than the Hungarian Meteorological Service expected.   Continue reading “This Dangerous Fog In Hungary Froze Nearly Everything In Its Path”

New York Observer – by Andrew Rice, April 9, 2001

A little before 10 p.m. on Jan. 25, Larry Silverstein, the 69-year-old, red-haired real estate developer, was crossing East 57th Street near Madison Avenue when he was run down by a 1997 Ford sedan. His pelvis broken, he was taken to the New York University Medical Center. As Mr. Silverstein would later tell his daughter, the accident was a bad break at the worst possible time: He was one of three bidders in the running to win a 99-year lease on the World Trade Center. Mr. Silverstein faced a Jan. 31 deadline to submit his bid to the Trade Center’s current owner, the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey.   Continue reading “Flashback: Silverstein Recovers – Dark Horse May Win World Trade Center”

Attn. General Holder Testifies At Senate Judiciary Hearing On Justice Dept OversightYoung Conservatives – by Michael Cantrell

It’s pretty clear by now that Obama’s best buddy Eric Holder and his Department of Justice underlings have played a major role in stirring up trouble in Ferguson.

If you happen to be one of the few folks in the country who disagrees with that statement, allow me to present to you exhibit A, which happens to be the fact that DOJ officials actually held “white privilege” seminars the very next day after Michael Brown’s death.   Continue reading “Eric Holder Orders DOJ to Go To Ferguson To Teach Black Residents About Something HORRIBLE”

The Chicago Tribune – by Alexandra Chachkevitch, Geoff Ziezulewicz

Several thousand people, some dressed as animal characters, were evacuated from a Hyatt hotel in suburban Rosemont when an “intentional” chlorine gas incident at the hotel, which was hosting the Midwest FurFest convention, sent 19 people to hospitals early Sunday.

The incident happened around 12:40 a.m. at the Hyatt, at 9300 West Bryn Mawr Avenue in Rosemont, according to a statement from the Rosemont Public Safety Department. First responders were called to investigate a noxious odor that was spreading across the ninth floor of the hotel, where a high level of chlorine gas was discovered in the air, the statement said.   Continue reading “‘Furry’ convention disrupted as ‘intentional’ clorine gas incident sends 19 to hospitals”

Fox News

Three people on board a small, private jet were killed when the plane crashed into a house in Maryland’s Montgomery County, reported.

Three residents of the home are unaccounted for, Montgomery County Fire and Rescue Chief Steve Lohr said.

Preliminary information indicates at least three people didn’t survive the Monday crash into the home in Gaithersburg, a Washington, D.C. suburb, said Pete Piringer, a Montgomery County Fire and Rescue spokesman.   Continue reading “3 dead, 3 unaccounted for after plane crashes into Maryland home near DC”

Washington’s Blog

Why Are We Fighting On the Same Side As Terrorists?

Israel has repeatedly bombed Syria over the last couple of days.

The attacks have been close to the Syrian capital Damascus, and have reportedly taken out agricultural facilities and warehouses.   Continue reading “Israel Acts as ISIS’ Air Force … Repeatedly Bombs Syria”

Yahoo Finance – by Kirsten Grind, James Sterngold and Juliet Chung

Banks are urging some of their largest customers in the U.S. to take their cash elsewhere or be slapped with fees, citing new regulations that make it onerous for them to hold certain deposits.

The banks, including J.P. Morgan Chase & Co., Citigroup Inc., HSBC Holdings PLC, Deutsche Bank AG and Bank of America Corp., have spoken privately with clients in recent months to tell them that the new regulations are making some deposits less profitable, according to people familiar with the conversations.   Continue reading “Banks urge clients to take cash elsewhere”

True Activist

To take professional photos takes a lot of practicing and very seldom do you get a “perfectly timed” photo.  These 27 photos were taken just at the right time and they are awesome.

Here are 64 historical pictures you most likely haven’t seen before.

Please SHARE these amazing pictures with your friends and family.    Continue reading “The 27 Most Perfectly Timed Photos I’ve Ever Seen”

Jon Rappoport

Once upon a time, in medieval universities, new students enrolled in the Trivium. It was the foundation curriculum. It was required. Its parts were: grammar, logic, and rhetoric.

Grammar: the interior construction of language.

Logic: the valid and invalid connections in the course of a formal argument; the method of proper reasoning; the deductive links in a chain, at the end of which appears a conclusion.   Continue reading “Education programming 101: destroy logic”

Protesters retreat while police officers deploy teargas to disperse a crowd comprised largely of student protesters during a protest against police violence in the U.S., in Berkeley, California December 7, 2014 (Reuters / Noah Berger)RT

The fifth night of nationwide protests over the widespread failure of the system to prosecute white officers who kill unarmed black men and boys, culminated in hacktivist group Anonymous taking down the Police Department’s website in Oakland, California.   Continue reading “#Anonymous brings down Oakland PD website after cops gas protesters”