62_Federalize_PoliceAmerican Free Press – by Victor Thorne

When one looks beyond the senseless looting, rioting and destruction that followed the police shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, could an even more ominous plot be at hand? Are power-obsessed authorities, spearheaded by outgoing Attorney General Eric Holder, setting the stage to further federalize local police forces?

To get more information on this, on December 11 this reporter interviewed Cheryl Chumley, author of the book POLICE STATE USA: How Orwell’s Nightmare is Becoming our Reality.   Continue reading “AFP INTERVIEW: Will Obama Federalize Local Police?”

Border Patrol Agent on BorderBreitbart – by Sarah Rumpf

AUSTIN, Texas — U.S. Border Patrol agents apprehended eight previously convicted criminal illegal aliens who had secretly crossed the porous U.S.-Mexico border in recent days. The aliens all had previous convictions for serious crimes, including sexual offenses and violent crimes, or had known affiliations with violent gangs. The arrests took place in the Tucson Sector, which covers the border areas in Eastern Arizona.

According to a statement released by Customs and Border Protection (CBP), all of the criminal aliens have been processed “for prosecution and/or removal proceedings in accordance with Tucson Sector prosecution guidelines.”   Continue reading “Eight Violent Criminal Aliens Caught in One US Border Sector”

CBS Chicago – by Mike Krauser

The teenage son of Mayor Rahm Emanuel was the victim of a robbery outside the mayor’s Lakeview home Friday night, a spokesperson from the mayor’s office confirms.

Police were called to the 4200 block of North Hermitage at 10:05 p.m. Friday for a report of a robbery on the street where there would normally already be a police presence.   Continue reading “Mayor Emanuel’s Son Robbed Outside Family’s Lakeview Home”

ShowBiz – by Roger Friedman

A new threat against Sony came tonight on Pastebin.com from a group identifying itself as Anonymous. Is it legit? They’re telling Sony now to release “The Interview” or else– more hacks coming from their databases. The letter threatens both Sony and CEO Michael Lynton. So now what? Release, don’t release. It’s as if “The Interview” were a serious political movie. It’s not. I can’t believe so many people are fighting over it. Meanwhile, on amazon, “Team America” is up to number 179 and rising. Paramount and the “South Park” are getting a good laugh.   Continue reading “Sony Gets a New Threat– “Anonymous” Says Hackers Aren’t Korean, Release Film Or More Hacks Coming”

52_Shopping_SurveillanceAmerican Free Press – by Victor Thorne

So-called self-checkout registers have become ubiquitous in stores across the country. But be careful. Some people have been raising alarms, warning Americans that these seemingly convenient machines that get customers to scan and ring up their own purchases are turning law-abiding shoppers into suspected criminals. This is exactly what happened recently to singer and political activist Paul Topete, a longtime supporter of AMERICAN FREE PRESS.   Continue reading “Shopping in the Surveillance State”

https://i0.wp.com/cdnph.upi.com/sv/em/upi/UPI-9661419257798/2014/1/084dbfc4e48c7ce1d451074798b4cbdb/Police-nationwide-on-high-alert-after-NYC-cop-killings.jpg?resize=145%2C121UPI – by Amy r. Connolly

WASHINGTON, Dec. 22 (UPI) — Police departments and union leaders across the nation are warning the rank and file to be extra cautious in the coming weeks, wear bullet proof vests and avoid inflammatory remarks on social media following the weekend ambush killing of two New York City police officers.

In Pittsburgh, the FBI sent out a statewide alert about “potential threats” against local law enforcement. Officers were partnered up for assignments as an additional safety measure.   Continue reading “Police nationwide on high alert after NYC cop killings”

Mayor: Seattle needs more tent citiesKOMO News

SEATTLE (AP) – Mayor Ed Murray says there’s been a recent spike in the number of illegal homeless encampments in Seattle, and he’s wants additional “tent cities” approved to help address the issue.

A press release from the Mayor’s office states that the mayor will send proposed legislation to the City Council next month “to make a limited number of unused, vacant lots on private and public land” available for encampments. The areas included are not in residential neighborhoods or parks.   Continue reading “Mayor: Seattle needs more tent cities”

Veterans Today – by Jim Fetzer

If political parties did not lie, steal, cheat and control vote counts, they might never win elections. And the mechanism that enables them to fake votes, steal elections and dominate Congress, alas, also allows our own government to bring us Sandy Hook, the Boston bombing and other forms of abuse, including pilfering our pensions and looting our bank accounts.

In the past, Democrats earned reputations for “machine politics” in cities like Chicago. But today, the advent of electronic voting machines whose company owners–including some Republican candidates themselves–are tied to the GOP has turned election theft into a science: they can steal whole states at a time!   Continue reading “Voter Fraud vs. Election Theft: The Wisconsin Scott Walker re-election”

Earthquake swarm registered off the coast of B.C., CanadaThe Watchers – by Adonai

A swarm of earthquakes is being registered off the coast of British Columbia, Canada. The cluster zone is about 186 kilometres SW of Bella Bella, northwest of Vancouver Island, where the Juan de Fuca plate begins to meet the North American tectonic plate.

The swarm started on Saturday, December 20, at 22:54 UTC with M4.3 earthquake at a depth of 10 km. It was followed by M5.1 at 02:57 UTC, the strongest so far, at the same depth. Four more strong tremors were registered by early Monday morning (UTC time). See the map and list below and latest USGS updated map here.   Continue reading “Earthquake swarm registered off the coast of B.C., Canada”

The Daily Signal – by Steve Wilson

Smile Mississippi, police may have you on camera.

Police body cameras could work as an accountability tool for patrol officers and help protect them from false abuse complaints. Studies have backed up the advantages of using the devices, but with technology and data storage come privacy concerns.

Columbus and Cleveland police already use body cameras in Mississippi.   Continue reading “Mississippi Looking to Expand Use of Police Body Cameras”

Citizens Journal

On Sunday night, December 21st, at about 7:53 P.M. the Simi Valley Police Department received a call from a concerned citizen reporting a possible driver under the influence in the area of Los Angeles Ave. at Stearns St.

The citizen followed the driver to the area of Los Angeles Ave.at Yosemite Ave. The driver pulled into the Alliance Gas Station at the corner of the intersection. A Simi Valley Police Officer arrived at the gas station and when he tried to make contact with the driver, the driver sped off into the nearby shopping center parking lot.   Continue reading “Driver rams police car in Simi Valley–K9 deployed as suspect attempts escape”

23 Uses for ACV Backed by ScienceReal Farmacy – by CHANTELLE ZAKARIASEN

Apple Cider Vinegar  has a plethora of useful and medicinal properties. There have been resources written on all the amazing benefits that Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) has regarding multiple physical ailments as well as cleaning and DIY purposes.
ACV is a cheap and effective multi-purpose cleaner, you can add it to your water, tea and salad dressings for a refreshing zing and capitalize on the multiple health benefits you’ll be receiving.   Continue reading “Top 23 Uses For Apple Cider Vinegar Backed By Science”

Russia's President Vladimir Putin (L) and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping. (AFP Photo/How Hwee Young)RT

China’s foreign minister has pledged support to Russia as it faces an economic downturn due to sanctions and a drop in oil prices. Boosting trade in yuan is a solution proposed by Beijing’s commerce minister.

Russia has the capability and the wisdom to overcome the existing hardship in the economic situation,” Foreign Minister Wang Yi told journalists, China Daily reported Monday. “If the Russian side needs it, we will provide necessary assistance within our capacity.”    Continue reading “China pledges to help Russia overcome economic hardships”

Execution of Two NYPD Cops by Vengeful Gunman is a HoaxNoDisInfo

Revelation thanks to our posters, who realized this immediately as an arch-fake.

Is it not incredible, particularly on the heels of the two arch-Zionist Australian hoaxes, the Lindt Cafe fake and the Cairn stabbing hoax? Now, just as these arch-hoaxes are revealed, now comes another filthy arch-Zionist fake, the NYPD ‘revenge’ killing of two policemen. The killer, acclaimed as a black Muslim, did it all, if the Zionists are to be believed, as a means to avenge the ‘deaths’ at the hands of the cops of Michael Brown and Eric (arch-hoaxer) Garner.   Continue reading “Execution of Two NYPD Cops by Vengeful Gunman is a Hoax”

Smithfield Foods farms in N. Carolina (Still from Youtube video, SpeciesismTheMovie)RT

Thousands of huge pig farms in N. Carolina are spraying untreated animal waste into the air and contaminating neighboring communities, Mark Devries, who shot a shocking aerial video with a spy drone, told RT.

This environmental problem “has for some reason received very little attention in the American press,”says documentary filmmaker and activist Mark Devries, whose drone captured footage of cesspools at over 2,000 industrial pork factory farms in the US state.   Continue reading “Flying pigsh*t! Drone catches Smithfield pork farms spraying animal waste into air”

'Snaketivity' display (Credit Satanic Temple)RT

As Christmas approaches, religious rivalry is revving up in Michigan, where the Satanic Temple has put up a controversial display at the Capitol. Christians have followed suit, erecting their own, competing scene.

The Detroit branch of the Satanic Temple has put up what they call a “Snaketivity Scene,” in which a snake offers a book titled, “Revolt of the Angels” as a gift. The snake is also wrapped around the Satanic cross.   Continue reading “‘Snaketivity Scene’: Satanists, Christians erect rival holiday displays in Michigan”