Yahoo News – by Eric Tucker

WASHINGTON (AP) — North Korea experienced sweeping and progressively worse Internet outages extending into Monday, with one computer expert saying the country’s online access is “totally down.” The White House and the State Department declined to say whether the U.S. government was responsible.

President Barack Obama said Friday the U.S. government expected to respond to the hacking of Sony Pictures Entertainment Inc., which he described as an expensive act of “cyber vandalism” that he blamed on North Korea. Obama did not say how the U.S. might respond, and it was not immediately clear if the Internet connectivity problems represented the retribution. The U.S. government regards its offensive cyber operations as highly classified.   Continue reading “North Korea experiencing severe Internet outages”

[undated photo from Haaretz]Middle East Monitor

In the clearest indication of the growing dangers threatening Al-Aqsa Mosque, in an opinion piece published on Saturday, Haaretz discussed a group of rabbis who met to discuss the scheme for the establishment of the Third Temple on the ruins of the mosque. The newspaper published a photograph of a number of rabbis and engineers studying a map of Al-Aqsa Mosque.

In a piece written by Professor Ronnie Ellenblum entitled “Bells are ringing for the ultra-Orthodox and Secular” [hebrew], the paper discussed the future of Al-Aqsa Mosque which Jews refer to as the Temple Mount.   Continue reading “Rabbis plan to build temple on Al-Aqsa ruins”

SHTF Plan – by Mac Slavo

Prior to the crash of 2008 global trade was rocking. It was a boon for shipping companies around the world who are responsible for moving raw materials, commodities and consumer products from one country to another. Wall Street, of course, had devised a way to track all of this movement and often pointed to the Baltic Dry Index (BDI) as the primary indicator for health in the global trade business.

The index itself tracks the cost of transporting one metric ton of raw materials from one place to another.The numbers behind the BDI can essentially be translated into the cost of moving that cargo.   Continue reading “Chart Points To Massive Slow Down: “This Is The Biggest Collapse In The ‘Trade’ Indicator Since Records Began””

Activist Post – by Bernie Suarez

As we approach the end of another year let’s remember that humanity is now subjected to yet another full year of spraying with metal particles. Not just humanity but all the poor creatures on earth are being sprayed; every plant and every tree, the bees and birds, the soil and all the little creatures that live in it, even the fish and inhabitants of the sea are suffering as aluminum, sulfur, barium and other toxic metals pile on everywhere altering the pH of the soil, contaminating the water and attacking the very essence of life on earth.

Yes, chemtrails spraying is this big a deal and as another year goes by the globalists and their military industrial complex marches forward with their insanity to control the weather, deliberately engineering a much cooler planet by literally blocking our sunlight and dumping enough toxic metals all over the planet to explain the destruction and slow death of many crops (i.e. food supply), all to the benefit of companies like Monsanto and the U.S. government.   Continue reading “These 15 Arguments Will Destroy Chemtrails Deniers”

EFF – by Maira Sutton

The Associated Whistleblowing Press released portions of draft text proposed by the United States for the Trade in Services Agreement (TISA) this week, revealing some alarming provisions that indicate how tech companies have been involved in influencing a secret international deal. The language of the leaked treaty shows provisions that could impact privacy online, and net neutrality—with no public consultation or opportunities for open debate. What is dispiriting is some of the language of these Internet regulations almost certainly comes from tech companies, who have joined the many other lobbyists fighting for their special interests behind closed doors.   Continue reading “It Doesn’t Matter Who Does the Lobbying: Trade Agreements Aren’t the Place for Internet Regulations”

Dollar Vigilante – by Jeff Berwick

One of the reasons I live in Anarchapulco is because Western media gets almost no play down here.  Typically the days conversation ranges from how beautiful and wonderful of a day it is to when is the next fiesta (invariably it is at least every week).

However, in my role of Dollar Vigilante a big part of my job is paying attention to what is going on in the world… and watching and reading US media always leaves me flabergasted.   Continue reading “I’m Having Trouble Focusing On What I Am Supposed To Be Scared Of”

Bill de BlasioBreitbart – by Charlie Spiering

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio is asking New Yorkers to put aside political debates, protests about police fairness and anger directed at political figures for now.

“I think it’s important that regardless of people’s viewpoints that everyone recognizes the time to step back and just focus on these families,” said de Blasio during a speech at the Police Athletic League Luncheon in New York City on Monday afternoon.   Continue reading “Mayor Bill De Blasio Urges New York City To Put Aside Politics and Protests, For Now”

Washington Post – by Emily Yahr

Grammy-winning singer Joe Cocker died  Monday at age 70, his record label confirmed. Cocker, the British ’60s rocker most famous for his cover of the Beatles’ “With a Little Help From My Friends” and songs such as “You Are So Beautiful,” was battling cancer.

“It will be impossible to fill the space he leaves in our hearts,” Cocker’s agent, Barrie Marshall, told the BBC.   Continue reading “Singer Joe Cocker dies at age 70”

Photo - Migrant farm workers from Mexico carry a cooler of drinking water into the the field while working at the Grant Family Farms on September 3, 2010 in Wellington, Colorado. (Photo by John Moore/Getty images)Washington Examiner – by SUSAN FERRECHIO

Labor statistics show that foreign-born workers account for all net gains in U.S. employment in the past seven years, according to a group that advocates low immigration.

The Center for Immigration Studies issued a report Friday that found 1.5 million fewer U.S.-born workers employed in 2014 than prior to the recession in 2007. Foreign-born employment for both legal and illegal immigrants increased by more than 2 million workers during the same time period.   Continue reading “Report: Immigrant workers account for all employment growth since 2007”

illegals undocumented-time-cover-cropBreitbart – by Robert Wilde

Now that President Obama granted 5 million illegal immigrants amnesty via an executive decree, legions of undocumented aliens are scurrying about finding ways to prove that they have been in the USA long enough to qualify for the deportation reprieve.

The illegals must prove that they were here since Jan. 1, 2010, which is a challenge since most have avoided setting up accounts and are paid under the table so there are limited employee records.   Continue reading “Illegal Aliens Search to Find Ways to Prove Residency”

Unaccompanied Minors being processed by Border Patrol Agents near Mission, Texas.Breitbart – by Bob Price

For the first time, more immigrants illegally crossing the southern border of the United States came from countries other than Mexico. Central Americans from El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras accounted for 239,229 of the FY 2014 apprehensions while the number of Mexican nationals being apprehended during the year was 229,178.

The numbers reflect a continuing change in the demographics of illegal immigrants according to a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) report obtained by Breitbart Texas. The apprehension of Mexican nationals actually fell by fourteen percent compared to FY 2013. However, the apprehension of what DHS refers to as OTMs (Other Than Mexicans) rose by sixty-eight percent. The OTM apprehensions were predominately from Central America.   Continue reading “More Illegal Aliens from Other Nations Crossing Southern Border than Mexicans”

Fox News

Many young immigrants who are protected from deportation under new Obama administration policies are expected Monday to begin pursuing Arizona driver’s licenses.

The Arizona Department of Transportation said it is anticipating a rush of immigrant applicants in the weeks ahead at Motor Vehicle Division offices statewide,   Continue reading “Young illegal immigrants to line up for driver’s licenses”

Pizza Hut's subconscious menu reads the minds of diners by using sophisticated eye tracking technologyDaily Mail – by ANUCYIA VICTOR

It can tell you what you want to eat in the blink of an eye, simply by tracking the movement of your retina.

In exactly 2.5 seconds the subconscious menu reads the minds of customers, by using a  mathematical algorithm to identify a customer’s perfect pizza.

The incredible software was developed for Pizza Hut  by Swedish eye tracking technology pioneers Tobii Technology.   Continue reading “Pizza Hut launches digital menu that reads your mind by tracking eye movement… and tells you what to order in 2.5 seconds”

IB Times – by Reissa Su

Russia is planning to ignite a war in Israel in an alleged contingency plan to trigger a direct military conflict between Hezbollah and Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s regime. A French official has revealed the plan as Russia‘s weapon against the U.S. and theEuropean Union amid increasing sanctions on Moscow.

According to WND, the official, who has requested his identity to remain unknown, said Russia’s plan to start a war in Israel was borne out of Russia’s increasing isolation due to Western sanctions. In the past week, the U.S. and European Union issued tighter sanctions to target the Russian economy and pressure Moscow to pull out its troops in Crimea. The new sanctions include restrictions on investments including tourism and Russian Black Sea oil and gas exploration.

Continue reading “Russia ‘Planning’ War in Israel Says Official; Putin Notes Rising Foreign Spy Activities”

Preparing for what?The Week – by Kyle Mizokami

Over the last several months, Chinese leader Xi Jinping and the Chinese Communist Party have repeatedly exhorted the People’s Liberation Army to “be ready to win a war.” Xi has repeatedly called for greater military modernization, increased training, and enhanced overall readiness of the Chinese army, navy, and air force.

These repeated calls have alarmed China’s neighbors from New Delhi to Washington. The question on everyone’s mind: what is all this preparation for?   Continue reading “China’s leader is telling the People’s Liberation Army to prepare for war”

bloomberg-gunsSHTF Plan – by Mac Slavo

State by state encroachments of the 2nd Amendment are on the move, and they are marching to beat of the drums of billionaire Michael Bloomberg, the former New York mayor and publishing mogul, and his complex of gun control organizations.

As SHTF previously noted, Bloomberg used the magic of billionaire-backed lobby groups to pass gun control in Washington state…   Continue reading ““$38 Billion Reasons” 2nd Amendment is Crumbling: Bloomberg Targets 12 More States with Gun Control”