Yahoo News – by Jon Herskovitz

(Reuters) – Fault lines dating back hundreds of millions of years in Oklahoma that have been recently reactivated could lead to a devastating quake in the state where many structures were not built to withstand major seismic activity, a report said.

The state, which has seen several hundred seismic events over the past five years, has “a high degree of potential earthquake hazards,” according to the study accepted for publication this month whose authors include researchers from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS).   Continue reading “Reactivated fault lines in Oklahoma could cause major quake: study”

Activist Post – by Brandon Turbeville

On Sunday, March 15 the author of the ridiculous and possibly treasonous letter regarding the potential agreement on a nuclear program between the P5 + 1 countries and Iran recently took to the airwaves to brazenly defend his position and his actions.

In a nation so terrified of being obliterated by a nuclear bomb from countries like Iraq, North Korea, and Iran that they are willing to allow Washington to push them into a position where they very well may be blown up by a nuclear bomb from Russia, infantile propaganda clearly reigns supreme.    Continue reading “U.S. Senator Wants To Stop Iran From Taking Tehran”

audit.jpgBATR – by James Hall

The announcement that Federal government’s tax-take hits all-time high as the federal government collected a record amount of taxes in fiscal year 2014, topping $3 trillion in revenue for the first time in its history, has the tax man taking a bigger bite than ever. Yet, the take that the collection bureau seems un-phased from all their scandals to put the taxpayer through their third degree audits are easing up. Why? The answer may surprise when the ledger is tallied up.   Continue reading “Fear of IRS Tax Audits Diminish”

Recipe To Make Cannabis Oil For Chemo AlternativeBanoosh – by Mr. H

Rick Simpson has dedicated his life to helping suffering patients (with all types of diseases and disabilities) with the use of natural hemp oil.


Rick Simpson is a medical marijuana activist who has been providing people with information about the healing powers of Hemp Oil medications for nearly a decade now. Rick cured himself of a metastatic skin cancer back in 2003, and has since then devoted his life to spreading the truth of hemp oil. Continue reading “Recipe To Make Cannabis Oil For Chemo Alternative”

NSA Document Reveals the “ISIS Formed by US, UK, Israel Intelligence Apparatus” to justify the Invasion of SyriaBanoosh – by Mr. H

To the horror of many, the NSA document disclosed that the group was formed by US, UK and Israel intelligence apparatus as part of a strategy known as the hornet’s nest in order to attract the fundamentalists from around the world to Syria.

The nuclear talks which were infused with unnecessary optimism are no longer seen by many to yield much fruit as Washington once again reveals its true colors and pernicious intentions by imposing further sanctions on Iranian companies and individuals.   Continue reading “NSA Document Reveals the “ISIS Formed by US, UK, Israel Intelligence Apparatus” to justify the Invasion of Syria”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Having re-emerged from his hibernation, Vladimir Putin is wasting no time getting back to business.Having paced 40,000 troops on “snap-readiness,” AP reports that a documentary which aired last night shows Putin explaining that Russia was ready to bring its nuclear weapons into a state of alert during last year’s tensions over the Crimean Peninsula and the overthrow of Ukraine’s president, and admitted well-armed forces in unmarked uniforms who took control of Ukrainian military facilities in Crimea were Russian soldiers. In the documentary, which marks a year since the referendum, Putin says of the nuclear preparedness, “We were ready to do this … (Crimea) is our historical territory. Russian people live there. They were in danger. We cannot abandon them.”   Continue reading “Putin Warns “We Were Ready” to Use Nukes to Secure Crimea”

Don’t know how many Trenchers live in the area, but I thought I’d pass it along.

Ione Valley Land, Air & Water Defense Alliance

Tuesday, March 24th, at 1:30 pm, there is a Public Hearing at the County Center, 810 Court Street, Jackson, with the Amador Board of Supervisors to hear from all interested parties any objections to the project. The County has issued a response to the EIR, which ignores the environmental issues that the people of Amador County are so concerned about, despite the 545 signatures and 45+ letters from local citizens opposing the projects, in addition to the State and local Agency objections. The EIR response ignores all issues and offers the people of Amador County no mitigation for traffic congestion, toxic air pollution, wastewater and runoff, groundwater usage or biological resources devastation. The Quarry and Asphalt plant plans do not comply with local air or water rules. Continue reading “No on Newman Ridge! Important Public Hearing Tuesday March 24th, 1:30 pm”

Yahoo News – by Jeffrey Heller and Dan Williams

JERUSALEM (Reuters) – Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu claimed victory in Israel’s election after exit polls showed he had erased his center-left rivals’ lead with a hard rightward shift in which he abandoned a commitment to negotiate a Palestinian state.

Difficult coalition talks still lie ahead. Isaac Herzog, Netanyahu’s chief opponent and head of the center-left Zionist Union, said “everything is still open” and that he already had spoken to party leaders about forming a government.   Continue reading “Netanyahu claims victory in Israel election after hard right shift”

German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier and the US Secretary of State John KerrySputnik – by Pepe Escobar

The Empire of Chaos dream of regime change in Russia has always hinged on controlling large swathes of Eurasia.

Gen. Breedhate has been spewing out his best Dr. Strangelove impersonation, warning that evil Russia is invading Ukraine on an everyday basis. The German political establishment is not amused.   Continue reading “Power Play Behind Regime Change in Russia”


EDMOND, Okla. (KFOR) – An Edmond father’s response to a student who was planning a mass casualty event is going viral.

Charles Martin’s son, Michael, is a freshman at Edmond North High School.

Martin reacted a little out of the box to the news of the mass casualty plot uncovered at his son’s school.   Continue reading “Dad’s letter to student accused of planning attack at school goes viral”

Ramadi, Iraq (Reuters / Stringer) RT

The Islamic State is getting outside help, with plane drops providing ammunition for the terrorist organization, according to an RT Arabic report. Iraqi government soldiers also say this is a recurring theme and the group is as strong as ever.

The battle for Iraq’s Anbar Province continues to rage, despite bombing campaigns from the US and their coalition allies. Notwithstanding a big offensive to try and win back territory lost to the so-called Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) last summer, local Iraqi government soldiers say the militant group is still a potent force.   Continue reading “Plane drops of ammunition helping to reinforce ISIS – reports”

My Fox DC

MEXICO CITY, Mexico – After risking their lives in the hopes of making it into the United States, migrants from Central American are demanding safer ways to cross the border.

Thousands of immigrants jump on a freight train called the “La Bestia” — which means “The Beast.” and the name holds true meaning.   Continue reading “Migrants demand safer ways to cross the border into United States”