AP WACO SHOOTING A USA TXUSA Today – by Doug Stanglin and Rick Jervis

A Texas Department of Public Safety Bulletin warns that members of the Bandidos motorcycle gang may be plotting attacks on law enforcement officers, but former Bandidos members say the information is wrong and highly unlikely.

“Absolutely ludicrous,” said Edward Winterhalder, a former high-ranking Bandidos member who is still in contact with former and current members. “From a purely common sense and logical point of view, there’s no reason for them to do that.”   Continue reading “Police warning on biker retaliation questioned by former biker, experts”

The Weather Channel

Officials in parts of Texas are warning that flooding could last for weeks in the wake of unprecedented amounts of May rainfall. Those rainfall totals, which have now topped 20 inches since May 1 in at least two cities, will climb still higher over the Memorial Day weekend as thunderstorms dump even more rainfall on an already water-logged region.

The National Weather Service in Corpus Christi, Texas, says flooding is likely to continue for weeks along the Nueces River just west of Corpus Christi. The flooding is affecting a stretch downstream of the Wesley Seale Dam, which impounds Lake Corpus Christi.   Continue reading “Flooding Could Last for Weeks as More Heavy Rain Targets Texas, Oklahoma Through Memorial Day Weekend”

danIt has been one year today since our brother, Diggerdan, passed from among us.  Diggerdan was one of the cornerstones our family here in the Trenches was built upon, as down to earth as a mountain and wise in ways few attain in this world.

We all got to know Dan via his one-of-a-kind comments that will never be replicated. His life’s experience was truly amazing as he was indeed a victim of the MK-Ultra program and had been down many roads in his personal struggle against the evil machine that is the insurgent government that has taken over in our highest seats of power.   Continue reading “Remembering Diggerdan”

The Anti-Media – by Carey Wedler

Washington, D.C.– On Tuesday, President Barack Obama signed a new bill intended to help keep better track of violent attacks against law enforcement. S.665 is also known as the Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu National Blue Alert Act of 2015, named for two NYPD officers killed late last year. It will set up infrastructure at the local, state, and federal level to keep meticulous track of acts committed against police. According to Congress’ website, the bill will create a Department of Justice-sponsored “Blue Alert” system, which mirrors the Amber Alert system created to locate abducted children.   Continue reading “Obama Signs Bill Creating “Amber Alert” System for Violence Against Police Officers”

Gun Owners of America (GOA) Victory in the U.S. Supreme CourtAmmoland

Washington, DC -(Ammoland.com)- The U.S. Supreme Court yesterday decided Henderson v. United States — a case where Gun Owners of America and its foundation have been very active.

The Court’s unanimous (9-0) ruling further protects Second Amendment rights and erects a higher barrier against the confiscation of firearms. The case involved Tony Henderson, a former Border Patrol agent with a previous pot conviction. Because of his felony, the government tried to take his firearms collection, which totaled more than $3,500.   Continue reading “Gun Owners of America (GOA) Victory in the U.S. Supreme Court”

Courthouse News – by LORRAINE BAILEY

(CN) – Civil libertarians cannot force a full disclosure of the nearly 7,000-page Senate report on the CIA’s use of torture in interrogations, a federal judge ruled Thursday.

The 6,963-page “Final Full Report” by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) has been in a quasi-limbo since Republicans took control of Congress at the beginning of this year.   Continue reading “Judge Won’t Give Public Access to Senate Report on CIA Torture”

Image source: weaponeer.netOff the Grid News – by Daniel Jennings

Only law enforcement and the military would have access to body armor if a California Congressman gets his way.

Democratic Rep. Mike Honda (D-California) would also like to ban the sale of “lower receivers” that are used to make homemade AR-15s and require the regulation of other homemade firearms in some of the most restrictive gun control legislation ever introduced in Congress.   Continue reading “Say Goodbye To Homemade Guns If These New Bills Pass”

Yahoo News – by RACHEL LA CORTE

OLYMPIA, Wash. (AP) — Hundreds of people marched peacefully in Washington state‘s capital city to protest a police shooting that wounded two unarmed stepbrothers suspected of trying to steal beer from a grocery store.

The officer reported he was being assaulted with a skateboard early Thursday before the shootingthat left 21-year-old Bryson Chaplin in serious condition and 24-year-old Andre Thompson in stable condition. Both were expected to survive.   Continue reading “Hundreds protest Washington police shooting of 2 unarmed men”

BlasphemyLew Rockwell – by William Norman Grigg

Scott Boyler, a resident of Evans, New York, is a low-level registered sex offender who was convicted of attempting to receive child pornography. He was recently arrested and jailed for several days not for something he had received, but rather something he had posted online – comments critical of the local police in a website entitled “Lackawanna Police Corruption.”

One of Boyler’s recent posts described an illegal cell phone search conducted by an officer he identified as “Joseph `Pig Face’ Leo.” Leo filed a complaint against Boyler, who was arrested for “aggravated harassment.” That charge was quickly dismissed, as the officer most likely knew it would be. But it did lead to Boyler being incarcerated for several days as summary punishment for “contempt of cop,” which was the objective. Boyler has filed a $1.25 million lawsuit.   Continue reading “In a Police State, People are Punished for Criticizing the Police”

War-and-Peace-by-Anthony-Freda__700Global Research – by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

Memorial Day commemorates soldiers killed in war.  We are told that the war dead died for us and our freedom. US Marine General Smedley Butler challenged this view.  He said that our soldiers died for the profits of the bankers, Wall Street, Standard Oil, and the United Fruit Company.  Here is an excerpt from a speech that he gave in 1933:   Continue reading ““War is just a Racket”: Memorial Day Is A Hoax. “Our Soldiers Died for the Profits of the Bankers””

IMG_1300.jpgAll News Pipeline – by Stefan Stanford

Yesterday, All News Pipeline published a story detailing the ‘Raider Focus’ war games in Colorado and what is being called the largest military convoy since World War 2 in the Colorado area. While the convoy officially does not begin moving men and equipment until the 26th-30th of May, a massive amount of military movement is ALREADY taking place near the Wyoming/Colorado state line as shown in these outstanding brand new pictures just sent to ANP by a reader. We also learn below of a Colorado man who was visited by the FBI recently for calling in questions about Jade Helm 15 while we’re witnessing more preparation across the nation continuing for a ‘massive event’ – and everything is beginning to come together now.      Continue reading “Colorado/Wyoming In Jade Helm Bullseye – 1/4 Mile Long Military Train Completely Loaded Down”

catholic-socialistAmerican Survival 

Since we published our article, “Catholic Church Captured by ‘Progressive Forces,’” it is starting to dawn on many in and out of the media that Pope Francis has come down on the side of the “progressive,” and even Marxist, forces in the world today.

Writing at the Blaze.com and commenting on the pope’s friendly meeting with Cuban dictator Raul Castro, Catholic writer Stephen Herreid of the Intercollegiate Review called the pope’s dealings with Castro and other Marxists “a new Catholic scandal” as significant and terrifying as the presence of pedophiles in the church. He wonders how conservative Catholics can continue to pay respect to a pope “intent on making friends with the enemies of religious liberty.”   Continue reading “The Catholic Church Has Gone Socialist”

Public Intelligence

The following documents were produced by the U.S. Army Special Operations Command (USASOC)Assessing Revolutionary and Insurgent Strategies (ARIS) studies program which features research conducted by the National Security Analysis Department of The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory.  The research follows along the tradition of the “Special Operations Research Office (SORO) of American University in the 1950s and 1960s.”  Along with these casebooks and studies, individual histories of revolutionary and counterrevolutionary activities in Greece, Guatemala, Algeria and Cube are also available from their website.   Continue reading “U.S. Army Special Operations Command Revolutionary and Insurgent Strategy Studies and Casebooks”

Baltimore Freddie GrayThe Daily Sheeple – by Lily Dane

A grand jury has indicted six police officers in the death of Freddie Gray, a Baltimore resident who died after sustaining a spinal cord injury while in police custody.

On May 1, State’s Attorney Marilyn J. Mosby charged all six officers involved in the incident and said Gray’s arrest was illegal.

Mosby faced intense criticism for the charges she filed against the officers:   Continue reading “Grand Jury Indicts Six Officers in Death of Freddie Gray”