Month: May 2015
A train has been stopped in Sylmar after a conductor found what he believed to be some kind of bomb, police said Wednesday.
The Union Pacific train was stopped at 2 p.m. at Roxford Street and San Fernando Road (map), according to Los Angeles Police Department Officer Tony Im. Continue reading “Train Stopped in Sylmar After Conductor Reports Finding ‘Improvised Explosive Device,’ LAPD Says”
The U.S. Air Force’s X-37B space plane blasted into Earth orbit today, kicking off the robotic vehicle’s clandestine fourth mission — as well as the first flight of a tiny solar-sailing spacecraft.
The robotic X-37B space plane launched atop a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket today (May 20) at 11:05 a.m. EDT (1505 GMT) from Florida’s Cape Canaveral Air Force Station. You can see a video of the X-37B space plane’s launch here. Continue reading “US Air Force Launches X-37B Space Plane on 4th Mystery Mission”
Natural Society – by Robert Harrington
A recent study from Finland suggests that cholesterol-lowering drugs known as Statins may increase ones risk of developing the highly-preventable Type 2 diabetes by a startling 50% – even after adjusting for other factors. With the widespread use of cholesterol-lowering statin drugs, this news is not what many folks will want to hear.
A 50% higher risk for Type 2 diabetes is a quite unfavorable consequence for those who are ‘reliant’ on statins for blood pressure or plaque buildup throughout the circulatory system. However, due to the many other conditions that can occur with diabetes, this correlation must be taken seriously. Particularly for the elderly who have very little diet discipline, the results of this important study ought to serve as a major wakeup call. Continue reading “Medical Alert: ‘Statins Linked to 50% Increased Risk of Type 2 Diabetes’”
My Fox LA – by Jeffrey Thomas DeSocio
Los Angeles, CA – LOS ANGELES (CNS) – The downtown Federal Building was evacuated today when a woman carrying a backpack claimed she had a bomb in the lobby of the building.
The threat at the building at 300 N. Los Angeles St. was made by the woman around 11 a.m., said Los Angeles police Officer Liliana Preciada. An LAPD bomb squad was dispatched to the scene, Preciada said. Continue reading “Downtown Federal Building Evacuated For Bomb Threat, Standoff”
“Anybody can fake scientific results. But to be believed, you want a prestigious organization behind you with a billion-dollar budget and access to compliant reporters. You want to manipulate technical language. You want to keep saying how much you care about people. And then you also want to get down and dirty when you have to, and threaten and coerce your in-house scientific dissenters who won’t go along with the fakery. Cut their pay, demote them, fire them, ruin their careers and lives. This is all standard procedure in the major leagues of science. I’ve watched it happen.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport) Continue reading “Government witch hunt to eliminate Monsanto critics”
It should come as no surprise that the US is a net immigration country while China and Mexico are both net emigration countries. What may be a surprise is that now China has overtaken Mexico as the top importer of immigrants. The flood of money from China into key cities has been nothing short of breathtaking. China is undergoing a massive expansion in their country and all of the challenges that come with exponential growth. For most in the public, they simply have no idea that China is now the biggest importer or immigrants to the US now overtaking Mexico. This is a fascinating trend and something that is largely ignored in the media. The US has recently seen a very strong dollar and this has taken an impact on our own domestic manufacturing sector. A stronger dollar makes our goods less competitive in the global stage. As the low wage race to the bottom continues, many are leaving economies where the booms are uneven. Continue reading “China has overtaken Mexico as the source of the largest number of immigrants to the U.S. – the Far East is the new Southwest.”
Saudi Arabia, which executes more criminals than any nation except China and Iran, wants to hire eight new executioners. A surge in executions has been witnessed under new King Salman’s rule.
The job description published online on Monday says no special training is required from applicants. The executioners would be required to behead condemned criminals in public as well as carry out amputations on those convicted of lesser offenses, Reuters reported. Continue reading “Headhunting: Saudi Arabia hiring 8 new executioners after 2015 beheadings hit 85”
With the state of California mired in its fourth year of drought and a mandatory 25 percent reduction in water usage in place, reports of water theft have become common.
In April, The Associated Press reported that huge amounts of water went missing from the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and a state investigation was launched. The delta is a vital body of water, serving 23 million Californians as well as millions of farm acres, according to the Association for California Water Agencies. Continue reading “Water Theft Becomes Common Consequence of Ongoing California Drought”
WACO, Tex. — The deadly shootout here on Sunday between rival motorcycle gangs has led to what appears to be the largest roundup and mass arrest of bikers in recent American history, experts said. As the roughly 170 people facing organized-crime charges in the case continued to clog up the local court system on Tuesday, new details emerged about the disputes that led to the violence.
“Out of 32 years working biker cases, this is the biggest one I have seen in the United States,” said Steve Trethewy, who works in the intelligence unit of the Arizona Department of Public Safety. “The case will be a challenge for law enforcement. I am glad I am not the investigator. It is huge.” Continue reading “Mass Roundup of Bikers in Waco Shootout Tests Limits of Court System”
The Department of Justice announced it will send millions of dollars to various community-activist groups to combat urban crime and reduce tensions between racial minorities and the police.
But critics believe such policies will only fuel further unrest by funding many of the so-called “community organizers” responsible for creating anti-police sentiment in American cities. Continue reading “Obama to Unleash ‘Community Organizers’ on Crime-Filled Cities”
Global Research – by Garikai Chengu
Originally published by GR in September 2014
Much like Al Qaeda, the Islamic State (ISIS) is made-in-the-USA, an instrument of terror designed to divide and conquer the oil-rich Middle East and to counter Iran’s growing influence in the region.
The fact that the United States has a long and torrid history of backing terrorist groups will surprise only those who watch the news and ignore history. Continue reading “America Created Al-Qaeda and the ISIS Terror Group”
All News Pipeline – by Stefan Stanford
According to The Gazette in Colorado, something very unusual is about to happen – by some accounts, the largest military convoy since World War 2 will soon take place; more than 4,000 soldiers and more than 300 Stryker armored vehicles and other rigs from Fort Carson will participate in a road trip from May 26th to May 30th to the Pinon Canyon Maneuver Site where soldiers will take part in a simulated war called ‘Raider Focus’. For days, the highways of Colorado will be packed with not only 300 Strykers but hundreds of other military trucks and humvees, taking off every half hour during convoy days and consisting of dozens of 15 to 30 vehicle convoys rather than just one huge US Army parade, for the 4 hour road trip. Continue reading “Largest Military Convoy Since World War 2 To Hit Colorado Highways For ‘Raider Focus’ War Games”
I like the term “shamocracy” (a sham democracy).
Shamocracies can’t help but be full of contradictions.
One example of a shamocracy contradiction: As Americans we have God-given, unalienable rights, well documented in state and federal constitutions, and our governments (state and federal) respect and protect these rights so judiciously that if my daughter answers questions incorrectly at border checkpoint, 100 miles inside the border, she is likely to be dragged out of her car through a broken window, electroshocked, and beat bloody by government officials who swore an oath to support and defend the constitution, and my daughter’s God-given, unalienable rights.