bou-bouThe Daily Sheeple – by Joshua Krause

Nearly a year has passed since a Habersham County SWAT team stormed into the Phonesavanh residence, and very nearly killed their 19 month old child. The no-knock raid was prompted by an anonymous tip which suggested there were drugs in the house. As the officers forced their way into the home, they lobbed a flash grenade which wound up landing in the crib where baby “bou-bou” was sleeping. As it erupted, the infant suffered severe burns and had to be taken to the hospital, and placed in a medically induced coma.   Continue reading “Cops Who Flash Banged Infant’s Crib Are Blaming the Baby”

DEA staffers secretly owned strip club with illegal immigrant dancers: fedsNew York Post – by Josh Saul and Laura Italiano

Two Manhattan DEA employees secretly owned a low-rent strip club in South Hackensack, NJ, that employed illegal immigrants from Brazil and Russia as dancers, the feds say in a new criminal complaint.

The dive, called the Twins Plus Go-Go Lounge, has repeatedly been cited by state regulators for lewdness because the dancers over-exposed themselves — and also took money for sex in the private lap dance rooms, the complaint says.   Continue reading “DEA staffers secretly owned strip club with illegal immigrant dancers: feds”

Reuters – by David Dekok

A Pennsylvania judge on Tuesday barred the release of a video that allegedly shows a Hummelstown police officer shooting a traffic-stop suspect to death earlier this year as the man lay face down on the ground.

Judge Deborah Curcillo of Dauphin County Court of Common Pleas said making the video public before trial was “highly unusual” and would jeopardize the ability of Officer Lisa Mearkle to receive a fair trial for criminal homicide.   Continue reading “Pennsylvania judge bars release of police shooting video before trial”

Sent to us by the author.

The Government Rag – by Jack Mullen

Driving around the State of Maryland (State slogan: “The Free State”) one could get the impression he or she has passed into an alternative universe where the State had morphed into a dystopic, Orwellian-Jumbo-Tron surveillance state complete with big screen outdoor billboards advising ‘citizens’ to be ever vigil of possible terrorist activities and encouraging ‘citizens’ to report any ‘suspicious’ activities they might observe.   Continue reading “Maryland’s Bit Part in Homeland Security Theatre”

Able Danger – by Jim Stone Freelance

FACT 1: The section of track the train crashed on was a speed-restricted section, which means the computer takes over during that section and won’t let the conductor go faster than the set limit (in this case 50 mph) even if he wants to. CONCLUSION: The conductor did not cause this.

FACT 2: The conductor unexpectedly survived, and said the speed readouts on the train showed 50 mph up until he blacked out. Yet investigators have proven the train was doing 107 mph when it crashed. CONCLUSION: Something was amiss in the electronic controls that provide the readouts. Continue reading “Stuxnet was used to Crash the Amtrak Train in Philadelphia: The Zio Clan is Totally Busted”

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The City of Wichita Falls has made a “drastic” change to plans for Thursday’s scheduled mandatory evacuations, according to its Facebook page.

Residents in parts of the Tanglewood neighborhood and parts of the city’s east side will be evacuated at 8 a.m. Thursday due to flooding in the Wichita River.   Continue reading “Wichita Falls moves mandatory evacuations to Thursday morning”

Burning_ConstitutionThe Daily Caller – by Scott Greer

The deadly Sunday biker battle at a Waco, Texas breastaurant has convinced one University of Texas at Austin professor that Americans aren’t cut out for the Second Amendment’s right to bear arms.

John Traphagan, a professor of religious studies and anthropology at UTA, wrote in an op-ed for The Dallas Morning News that the most overlooked security threat to this country is its “own heavily armed population” and that America’s culture does not “lend itself well to allowing the proliferation of guns.”    Continue reading “Texas Professor To America: You Can’t HANDLE Gun Ownership”

Yahoo News – by Allen Reed

CABOT, Ark. (AP) — A handcuffed parolee who had been frisked opened fire on law enforcement officers from the back of a patrol car, according to an Arkansas Corrections official, provoking a return of gunfire that left the man dead.

It was not clear if he was carrying a gun when he was cuffed, and the corrections official said officers had not found a gun on him. The Arkansas State Police is investigating the shooting.   Continue reading “Official: Arkansas officers shoot cuffed man in patrol car”

Boy ScoutsWOKV – by Samantha Jordan

There will be no water gun fights on those overnight camping retreats.

The Boy Scouts of America has forbidden their members to shoot water at each other. According to a blog on the Scouting Magazine website , the new rules for 2015 for the  Boy Scouts of America are listed in the  National Shooting Sports Manual.   Continue reading “Boy Scouts prohibit water gun fights for being ‘dangerous, unkind’”

A bomb squad member inspects the gyrocopter after it landed at the US CapitolBBC News

A Florida man could face up to nine years in prison after he flew a gyrocopter into Washington’s restricted airspace and landed at the US Capitol.

Douglas Hughes, 61, was indicted on six charges on Wednesday including violating national defence airspace.

Mr Hughes has said the flight, which occurred last month, was intended to draw attention to the influence of big money in politics.   Continue reading “Charges for gyrocopter pilot who landed on US Capitol”

Osama Bin Laden Was a 9/11 TrutherInfowars – by Paul Joseph Watson

Around half of the books recovered after the alleged 2011 raid on Osama Bin Laden’s compound were about conspiracies, 9/11 and the Illuminati, according to newly declassified documents, begging the question – why would Bin Laden be interested in books about 9/11 conspiracy theories if he had masterminded the attack?

The following books were all recovered after the raid:   Continue reading “Osama Bin Laden Was a 9/11 Truther”

Market Ticker – by Karl Denninger

Wow, Judge, such strong words!

The Patriot Act is the centerpiece of the federal government’s false claims that by surrendering our personal liberties to it, it can somehow keep us safe. The liberty-for-safety offer has been around for millennia and was poignant at the time of the founding of the American republic.

Continue reading “Heh Judge, You Damned Hypocrite”

The Federal Trade Commission building Washington, D.C.The New York Times

A joint investigation by attorneys general for each U.S. state produced the biggest ever take down of a fraudulent charitable organization in the country. The U.S. government announced Wednesday that four cancer charities conned donors out of nearly US$200 million from 2008-2012 and spent most of the money on “treats” such as shopping, dating-website subscriptions and cruises to the Caribbean.  The information was obtained trough a joint investigation conducted by attorneys general for each of the 50 states. According to officials the money was enjoyed by friends and family members of those running the groups, while less than 5 percent of the money raised had actually help cancer patients.  Local press has said this is the largest takedown of a fraudulent charitable organization in U.S. history.   Continue reading “Cancer Charities Stole Millions from Donors in the US”

Yahoo News – by Shelby Sebens

PORTLAND, Ore. (Reuters) – A coalition of public policy advocates warned on Tuesday that a group of armed conservative activists who have been guarding a mine in southern Oregonfor over a month are a sign of an emerging violent anti-government movement.

The groups behind the newly formed “Ballots Not Bullets” coalition said they will seek to promote democracy over what they call militia-style extremism and will try to counter these kinds of movements nationwide.   Continue reading “Groups warn Oregon mine militia dispute threatens democracy”

17000889972_ab3718a561_kForward Observer Magazine – by John Mosby

This is Part One of a two-part series of Escape & Evasion training.  

Successful personnel recovery (PR), or to use the older, more familiar term, escape-and-evasion (E&E), requires effective training as well as extensive planning and preparation.  Adequate time and attention should be spent on the fundamental, specific tasks requirements of the evader himself, in order to provide the greatest possibility of successful evasion of hostile pursuit and search. Whether you working against an oppressive regime or are simply planning on “bugging out” for SHTF, the same skills are absolute requirements for success and survival.   Continue reading “Evasion Skills Considerations for the Evader, Part One”

4389910916_258e81daea_bForward Observer Magazine – by John Mosby

(This is Part Two of a two-part series.  Part One can be read here.)

E&E training in the US military and paramilitary cultures has traditionally focused in large part (although certainly not entirely) on what are fundamentally very elementary bushcraft skills such as fire-building, shelter construction, and building traps and snares for food procurement. Whiles these are not useless skills for either survival or simply being a well-rounded human being, if you as a “prepper” lack these skills, then you are woefully behind the power curve in your preparations.  E&E training needs to focus less on bushcraft and more on fieldcraft. That fieldcraft is the individual application of fundamental, basic light infantry skills.   Continue reading “Evasion Skills Considerations for the Evader, Part Two”

Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has selected as his Minister of Justice a woman who has expressed hatred against all Palestinians, and he has appointed as his negotiator with the Palestians a man who said, and who has always followed though with, “We are all against a Palestinian state, there is no question about it.”

These policies are direct rejections of the U.S.-overseen 1978 Camp David Accords, and of consistent U.S. policy since. The Camp David Accords were so bad for the Palestinians that the signatory on their behalf, Egypt’s leader Anwar Sadat, was despised by virtually all Muslims and was assassinated for having done this. But Egypt abided by the Accords, while Israel for decades since has been constantly hemming and hawing about when they will some day fulfill their obligations under them; and, now, we finally have been given the answer: It’s never. They signed an agreement that was so bad for Palestinians it was rejected by them and by the U.N., but now it’s finally clear: to Israel, it’s not bad enough to Palestinians. So: Israel insists upon continued (and now upon never-ending) military occupation.   Continue reading “Is Israel America’s Friend? Or America’s Enemy?”