Van Ness Weldman – by Brent Carson, Duncan Greene, Joseph Nelson, and Erin Bartlett, March 27, 2014

The long-awaited Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NOPR) redefining the term “waters of the United States”under the federal Clean Water Act (CWA) was released on March 25, 2014, by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Army Corps) (collectively referred to as “the agencies”).  The proposed rule seeks to clarify which streams, wetlands and other waters are considered “waters of the United States” and, thus, subject to permitting requirements under the CWA.  The joint proposed rule will affect project development and operations across the energy, water, construction, building, agricultural and transportation sectors.  Supporters of the NOPR have estimated that it would extend the jurisdictional scope of the CWA to an additional “20 million acres of wetlands and more than half our nation’s streams.”  The agencies’ proposal expands the types of waters that will be considered jurisdictional and subject to CWA permitting requirements to include:   Continue reading “Federal Agencies Issue Long-Awaited “Waters of the United States” Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for Clean Water Act Jurisdiction”

140911_SCI_RiverFarmSlate – by Boer Deng, September 11, 2014

Everyone wants clean water, but not everyone agrees on how to make sure it stays pollution-free. The Clean Water Act is one of the most successful pieces of environmental legislation in American history: Forty years ago, only a third of the country’s lakes and rivers could support fishing or swimming. Now two-thirds do. But when a bill for the CWA was offered up in 1972, Richard Nixon vetoed it, complaining that it would cost too much. It took a bipartisan congressional override to enact the law.   Continue reading “Trench Warfare – The feds want to define “waters of the United States” scientifically. Farmers are freaked out.”

KEYE TV – by Fred Cantu

Local motorcycle club members say it’s unfortunate the events in Waco cast all of them in a bad light.  They say anyone could be a biker, even you and me.

Many local bikers were actually on their way to Waco when they got caught in traffic.  Debbie Zimmer says, “We were going up there for a Confederation of Clubs meeting to learn about legislative issues and we arrived after all the excitement started.”  The Confederation of Clubs is an umbrella group for various local motorcycle groups.   Continue reading “Local Bikers Blame Gang Label On A Few Members”

Echanis_cover-image_276pxDefensive Training Group

By the illusive R&D guy.  (And yes, I realize who that is in the featured image. I’m in a fairly good mood and wanted to make myself chuckle today).

Why write about unarmed knife defense? Aren’t there so many more important things to cover in regard to NPT / Community preps? Yes there are.

In SHTF do I see myself needing unarmed knife defense skills as much as I may need them today? Not as much as I do today.   Continue reading “Introduction to Unarmed Knife Defense”

KXAN – by Brian Collister

AUSTIN (KXAN) – Most only know about biker gangs from television shows like “Sons of Anarchy.” It is a world most are not allowed to see, and those in these biker gangs do not usually talk about what goes on inside.

But KXAN Investigator Brian Collister has gotten exclusive access over the years to members of the Bandidos Motorcycle Club, who police said were involved in the deadly Waco shooting.   Continue reading “Bandidos leader says there is no order to kill police”

Barack Obama, J. Scott ThomsonBreitbart – by AWR Hawkins

The call to federalize law enforcement departments and offices around the country was made more than once after Officer Darren Wilson shot Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, in August 2014.

Following that incident, President Obama asked a group of individuals to prepare a study on 21st Century Policing that includes measures by which law enforcement could be federalized.   Continue reading “Federalization of Law Enforcement Would Remove Bulwark for Second Amendment”

AllGov – by Steve Straehley

For those of a certain generation, one of the best childhood memories is the day the Sears Christmas catalog arrived in the mail. Kids eagerly grabbed the book, which was at least an inch thick, and started their holiday gift lists.

Now local law enforcement agencies can experience that same sense of anticipation and unbridled joy as they choose which spy equipment they want from Uncle Sam’s Big Technology Wish Book, or as it’s officially known, the National Security Agency 2014 Technology Catalog (pdf).   Continue reading “NSA Transfers Spy Gadgets to Local Police Departments”

Racist Israeli Supreme Court DecisionsGlobal Research – by Stephen Lendman

Jerusalem Day commemorates Israel’s June 1967 forceful annexation of East Jerusalem and illegal control of the entire city.

On Sunday, an RT International Arabic crew covered a march through the Old City. They had documents permitting them to do so.

It didn’t matter. Israeli security force thugs attacked them. According to reporter Dalia Nammari:   Continue reading “Media Coverage of “Jerusalem Day”: Israeli Security Forces Attack Russian Journalists”

APFree Beacon – by Stephen Gutowski

A federal judge has issued a preliminary injunction saying the District of Columbia’s new concealed carry law is unconstitutional.

The order, issued Monday by Judge Frederick J. Scullin, was the second decision in less than a year declaring the Washington, D.C., gun carry laws to be unconstitutional. In October of 2014, the same judge ruled that the district’s complete ban on gun carry was also in violation of the Constitution.   Continue reading “Federal Judge Says DC Gun Carry Law is Unconstitutional”

America the BattlefieldSent to us by the author.

America the Battlefield – by Timothy A. Pope

The following is a study I’ve done proving that the active militarization of police dramatically increased after the financial crisis of 2008. The U.S. military’s nationwide Civil Disturbance Operations, Jade Helm and ARSOF Operating Concept are all a cohesive preparation for a forthcoming nationwide economic collapse, civil unrest and martial law due to widespread food shortages and lack of emergency services. It’s all connected, ladies and gentlemen, and I’ll show you how.   Continue reading “Police Militarization: Preparation for Economic Collapse, Food Shortages, Civil Unrest and Martial Law”

Daily Caller – by American Rifleman

Traditionally fancied mostly by shooters of high-end side-by-sides and over-unders, the often underestimated 28 gauge is currently experiencing an uptick in popularity. One of Beretta’s most recent offerings, the semi-automatic A400 Xplor Action, is likely to further interest in the “lowly” 28.   Continue reading “Gun Test: Beretta A400 Xplor Action 28 Gauge”

Reuters / Jeff HaynesRT

The Chicago Police Department is investigating claims that an officer punched a pregnant African American woman in the stomach, putting her in the hospital.

City resident Nicola Robinson told a local Fox affiliate that she was assaulted by a police officer on Friday evening after he caught her having a laugh at the officer’s expense.   Continue reading “Chicago cop investigated for ‘punching pregnant woman in stomach’”

Tom Pennington / Getty Images for Texas Motor Speedway / AFPRT

Four Texas police officers have been suspended without pay for trying to implicate their boss in a prostitution case. The Fort Worth Police Department says the claims were made in retaliation for changes in the officers’ job assignments.

The officers – identified only by their initials and surnames as J.C. Williams, C. Cespedes, D. Shaw and J. Pittman – contacted the department’s internal affairs unit in November, saying they believed their narcotics sergeant could be involved in a prostitution case they were working on, the Fort Worth Star-Telegram reported.   Continue reading “4 Texas police officers suspended after implicating boss in prostitution case”


LOS ANGELES (AP) — Extreme athlete Dean Potter faced the risk of flying off the vertical rock walls he was famous for scaling with little more than a parachute on his back and thin fabric wings.

Just two weeks ago, the man who talked of transforming “dying into flying,” had posted a photo of himself soaring just above the treetops with enough space to avoid disaster. “I don’t fool myself thinking I’m any better than my fallen brothers and sisters but I do stack the odds in my favor,” Potter wrote on Instagram.   Continue reading “Wingsuit flier thought he could manage the risk, avoid death”

Yahoo News – by Rick Newman

Strapped consumers. A strong dollar. An incomplete turnaround plan.

OK, these factors are probably part of the reason Walmart (WMT) is underperforming on sales and profit both, with the stock down about 3% on the latest, disappointing earnings news.   Continue reading “This is the real reason Walmart is struggling”

Weasel Zippers

MORE and OBS, two groups funded by George Soros, advertised money available for people willing to travel to protest (@organizemo is the twitter account of MORE):   Continue reading “More Proof Of Paid Protesters: Ad Asking For Protesters To Travel To Protest, List Of Payouts To #Ferguson Protest Organizers”

Guerrillamerica – by Samuel Culper III

(Admin Note: For those new to the blog, I’ve espoused these ideas for a long time based on my professional experience as an Intelligence Analyst and a student of guerrilla and insurgent movements.  When we begin breaking down what another American revolution would look like and approach the topic from a military intelligence point of view, we see a lot of problems that are difficult to overcome, which have ultimately led me to believe that the likelihood of success is quite low right now.  The good news is that there’s a way forward if you want to restore Liberty.  I hope you’ll consider what I have to offer.)   Continue reading “The Way Ahead: How We Can Restore Liberty in Our Lifetime”

The Organic Prepper

Did you ever wish that you could relocate to a fortress in which you could wait out the Zombie Apocalypse?  Well, for the mere price of $649,000, a fortress can be yours.  The 3 bedroom, 3 bathroom home is on 4 wooded acres.   Continue reading “For Sale: 3 Bedroom Prepper Fortress, Moat Not Included”