sandyhookGlobal Research – by Prof Jason Kissner, September 27, 2014

Adan Salazar at Infowars recently published an article asserting that the FBI says no one was killed at Sandy Hook. The article draws on FBI uniform crime report (UCR) data as evidence. Specifically, Salazar indicates that UCR homicide data contains an entry of “0” for the Newtown, Connecticut row.

While there are very important FBI data issues in play regarding the Sandy Hook event, the issue identified by Salazar is a non-starter. This article (written by a criminologist) first explains why the data entry identified by Salazar in no way whatsoever supports the claim that the FBI says no one was killed at Sandy Hook. Then, we pinpoint a legitimate FBI/Sandy Hook related data issue that adds to the host of important questions about the Sandy Hook event. Continue reading “The Sandy Hook School Massacre and FBI Data Anomalies”

Screen Shot 2015-05-17 at 7.19.24 PMLiberty Blitzkrieg – by Michael Krieger

All the money – $16,000 in cash – that Joseph Rivers said he had saved and relatives had given him to launch his dream in Hollywood is gone, seized during his trip out West not by thieves but by Drug Enforcement Administration agents during a stop at the Amtrak train station in Albuquerque.

Rivers, 22, wasn’t detained and has not been charged with any crime since his money was taken last month.   Continue reading “The DEA Strikes Again – Agents Seize Man’s Life Savings Under Civil Asset Forfeiture Without Charges”

The Daily Coin

from Tin Hat Ranch

Part I – DIY How To Understand and Size Your Off Grid Solar Power System
Fortunately for us preppers, if the grid should ever go down we can generate our own electricity. Join us in PART 1 of the series, as we answer every question you would have in creating your own DIY off grid / grid down solar back up system. In this first part we look at assessing your needs to size and design your own system.   Continue reading “DIY Off Grid Solar- How To Wire Solar Panels”

Three rival motorcycle gangs turned a Waco restaurant into a shooting gallery Sunday afternoon and when the gunfire was over, nine people were dead and several were injured.KWTX 10 – by Lauren Partain, Carlos Garcia and Brandon Marshall

WACO: (May 17, 2015) Three rival motorcycle gangs turned a local restaurant into a shooting gallery Sunday afternoon and when the gunfire was over, nine people were dead and several were injured.

Waco police Sunday afternoon, assisted by Department of Public Safety troopers, police officers from several cities and deputies from the McLennan County Sheriff’s Office were surrounding the Twin Peaks Restaurant, in the Central Texas Market Place after several people were reported shot during a rival motorcycle gang fight, Waco police Sgt. W. Patrick Swanton said.   Continue reading “Sunday Biker Gang Shooting Leaves Nine Dead, Several Injured”


NEW YORK (AP) — Sheila Beasley was struggling to clean up after her beloved Rottweiler, Rocky, on a Bronx sidewalk on a December day in 2008 when she briefly put his leash down – a move spotted by a nearby plainclothes police officer who promptly wrote her a summons for having an unleashed dog.

Beasley, a 50-year-old mother of two, said she forgot about the ticket and missed a court date to resolve it. That decision triggered a warrant for her arrest, and nearly three years later, police showed up at her door and hauled her off to jail, where she stayed for four days.   Continue reading “Amnesty Could Clear 1.2 Million Open Warrants In New York: Police Commissioner”

Hufington Post – by Laura Bassett

On a frigid day in November 1969, Father Joseph Maskell, the chaplain of Archbishop Keough High School in Baltimore, called a student into his office and suggested they go for a drive. When the final bell rang at 2:40 p.m., Jean Hargadon Wehner, a 16-year-old junior at the all-girls Catholic school, followed the priest to the parking lot and climbed into the passenger seat of his light blue Buick Roadmaster.   Continue reading “Buried In Baltimore: The Mysterious Murder Of A Nun Who Knew Too Much”

dreamersPoliticus USA – by 

On Thursday, the U.S. House voted 221-202 to block a measure that would have permitted the Pentagon to consider allowing young immigrants who are in the U.S. illegally, but who were granted temporary legal status by President Obama’s immigration executive order, to enlist in the military. Although the provision to let DREAMers serve in the military had the support of several Republicans on the House Armed Services Committee, it floundered on the House floor with 221 Republicans voting to block considering DREAMers for military service. 20 House Republicans joined 182 Democrats in supporting allowing DREAMers to serve in the military.   Continue reading “House Republicans Pass Measure To Prevent DREAMers From Serving In The Military”

AustraliaNatural News – by JD Heyes

The globalists’ war on cash is continuing as Australia is set to actually begin taxing physical monetary holdings – in other words, savings.

According to Martin Armstrong of financial advisory firm Armstrong Economics, the compulsory savings tax to be implemented by the continent Down Under is part of what he and others have described as the “new age of Economic Totalitarianism.”   Continue reading “Australia to begin implementing global-elitist economic system by directly confiscating citizens’ savings”

This could be the government's doing.Cult of Mac – by Evan Killham

It only took one sentence for the United States Court of Appeals to keep the federal government’s emergency plan to disable cellular service a secret. It was a very long sentence, but it got the job done.

This ruling reinforces the Department of Homeland Security’s attempts to block Freedom of Information Act requests that it feels will endanger public safety.   Continue reading “Court keeps cellphone network ‘kill switch’ a secret”

Lyndon McLellan, Institute For JusticeDaily Caller – by Casey Harper

After publicly humiliating the Internal Revenue Service, a North Carolina man received more than $100,000 from the agency.

Lyndon McLellan had the bank account for his convenience store seized by the IRS, and at first he wasn’t even sure why. The agency used civil asset forfeiture laws to take McLellan’s money without convicting or charging him of a crime.   Continue reading “Public Pressure Forces IRS To Give Back Money To Civil Forfeiture Victim”

Starting this weekend we will only be putting up ten articles per day to give us a little bit of rest. To be specific, from midnight Friday to midnight Saturday, ten articles will be put up, and then from midnight Saturday to midnight Sunday, the same.

Monday through Friday will be business as usual, understanding of course if we get up Monday morning facing two or three hundred articles everything from midnight Sunday back to midnight Friday is just going to be dumped, as otherwise we would be staying up all night on Monday to deal with what was sent in during that time and we would gain nothing in the realms of rest.   Continue reading “Weekend Article Postings”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

While Goldman gives the following explicit warning in all of its public research pieces: “Our asset management area, our proprietary trading desks and investing businesses may make investment decisions that are inconsistent with the recommendations or views expressed in this research”, the reality is that in recent months Goldman’s chief equity strategist David Kostin has been getting increasingly “toppish” if not outright bearish on stocks. In his latest report he now openly warns that “the market will rise to 2150 by mid-year but fade after the Fed raises interest rates in September for the first time in nine years.” As a result Goldman’s “year-end forecast is 2100 and its 12-month target equals 2125.”   Continue reading “What Goldman Is Telling Its Clients: Sell In May And Don’t Come Back For One Year”

Blacklisted News – by Andre Damon

Five major international banks are expected to plead guilty as soon as next week to criminal charges in the US related to their deliberate manipulation of global foreign exchange markets, which allowed them to rake in billions of dollars at the expense of retirees, university endowments and municipalities.

Citigroup, JPMorgan Chase, Royal Bank of Scotland Group, Barclays and UBS are expected to plead guilty to felony fraud and antitrust charges. They will pay fines totaling several billions of dollars, according to bank and regulatory officials who spoke anonymously with the New York Times, Bloomberg and Reuters.   Continue reading “Five Major Banks To Plead Guilty To Rigging Currency Markets”

The Anti-Media – by Cassius Methyl & Nick Bernabe

The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) is giving millions of dollars to universities across America for the development and study of nanotechnology to be used in food.

Despite research existing on the potential concerns over health and safety of nanotech in food, the USDA wants to push forward with nanotech in full force. This agency of the government is known for its revolving door relationship with Big Food.   Continue reading “USDA Gives $3.8 Million in Grants to Develop and Promote Nanotech in Food”

ABC News

Foreign holdings of U.S. debt rose in March as China ramped up its purchases and displaced Japan as the leading owner of U.S. Treasury securities.

The Treasury Department says overseas ownership of U.S. debt rose 2.1 percent in March to $6.18 trillion. That is below January’s record of $6.22 trillion.   Continue reading “Foreign Ownership of US Debt Rises; China Reclaims Top Spot”

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LiveLeak by Tahir Sultan

Apart from documents that have outlined supposed terrorist threats, like Al-Qaeda, and their connection to US intelligence agencies, like the CIA, there are a number of whistleblowers that have come out adding more fuel to the fire. Because not many are even aware of these documents, letting people know about a truth that can be hard for people to accept, let alone ponder the possibility is very important. It’s just one aspect of the veil that’s been blinding the masses for quite some time now.   Continue reading “US Intelligence Officer: “Every Single Terrorist Attack In US Was A False Flag Attack””