Forbes – by Nelson Granados

As of Friday, June 12, the Internet is legally an open, unbiased network in the United States. Well, to be fair, it has been pretty open and unbiased, but now the net neutrality ruling is coming into effect.

Net neutrality rules were published by the Federal Communications Commission April 13, and the two-month waiting period for them to become effective ends today. The ruling is being appealed by Internet Service Providers (ISPs) like AT&T T +0.06% and Verizon, which will likely take months if not years if it has to go to the Supreme Court. In the meantime, ISPs asked the courts to halt parts of the ruling until there is a verdict on the appeal (in legal terms, this halt request is called a stay request), but that request was denied today. So net neutrality now becomes enforceable by the FCC. Will consumers benefit?   Continue reading “Net Neutrality Goes Into Effect: What Consumers Should Expect”

Screenshot_from_2015-06-11_203323.jpgAll News Pipeline – by Stefan Stanford

A very concerned All News Pipeline reader just sent us the pictures seen above showing a pair of Saudi Arabian ‘Civil Defense’ trucks on a flatbed trailer deep in the heart of Texas. According to our reader, he saw three flatbeds, each of them with two of these vehicles upon them, just the latest strange sightings of foreign military vehicles on American soil and in ‘Jade Helm 15′ Texas at that. These were seen traveling southbound on I-45 just north of Houston, Texas.    Continue reading “Highly Suspicious: Saudi ‘Civil Defense’ Trucks On Texas Highway – Las Vegas Convoy Had Blackhawk Escort – Mysterious 2015 Wal Mart Evacuations”

Screencapture: DAHBOO777/YouTubeIntellihub – by Shepard Ambellas

The Army’s new camouflage uniforms are set to hit store shelves July 1 for beta-testing before being launched in solidarity Jan 2016.

Interestingly enough the new uniform appears to be printed in a woodland-type pattern and almost looks as if it would work perfectly domestically.   Continue reading “Army commissions new camouflage uniforms July 1 to match Americas background, ‘woodland style’ pattern”

web1_GOLD-BUTTE_052214_011.jpgLas Vegas Review Journal – by Henry Brean

The Bureau of Land Management has told its employees and contractors to stay out of a disputed swath of public land in northeastern Clark County after shots were fired near a survey crew’s camp last week.

The FBI and Metro police are said to be investigating the June 5 incident, which unfolded in a remote area at the northern tip of Lake Mead where Bunkerville rancher Cliven Bundy continues to graze cattle in defiance of federal authorities.   Continue reading “BLM pulls workers from Gold Butte after shots fired near surveyors”

The Washington Post – by Christopher Ingraham

Each year, Philadelphia cops take millions of dollars in cash from city residents under the state’s civil asset forfeiture laws. Roughly one-third of these residents — 1,500 of them — are never convicted of a crime. And much of their money — about $2.2 million a year — goes directly into the coffers of the Philadelphia district attorney’s office, which oversees the forfeiture process.   Continue reading “How Philadelphia seizes millions in ‘pocket change’ from some of the city’s poorest residents”

The Hoax that is the Fake Upstate New York Prison BreakNoDisInfo

The entire claim of a real prison break in the Upstate New York-area Clinton Correctional Facility is nothing other than an arch-fake, a set-up, a wretched hoax. It’s obviously a fake. There is no real urgency, here. No one is upset in the least. No one is in any real fear. It’s staged, mere make-believe, arch-Zionist-style:   Continue reading “The Hoax that is the Fake Upstate New York Prison Break”

Jon Rappoport

“Once you really understand the truth behind the lies in a given arena, then you can finally back up far enough and see the actual reasons for the lies. You can see the secret program the lies are protecting. You can see why the program is being pushed. You can see what most people would rather not see.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)

In many previous articles, I have established a number of facts about vaccines.

They are not safe. They are not effective. They were not responsible for the major decline in so-called contagious diseases.   Continue reading “Globalism and the push for mandatory universal vaccination”

Reuters/Gaston De CardenasRT

A Miami police officer shot and killed a homeless African-American man in front of up to 60 witnesses including children attending summer camp. Police officials said the violent suspect refused to drop a metal pipe he was holding.

Miami Police Chief Rodolfo Llanes said officers were responding to a report of a violent dispute on Thursday morning. He said several dozen people were in Gibson Park, many of them children, who may have witnessed the events that unfolded.   Continue reading “Miami cop kills homeless man in park in front of dozens of kids”

FDA-LogoGlobal Research – by Joachim Hagopian

Like pretty much everything these days, money equates to power in the big business world of both geopolitics and monopolized corporate control designed to eliminate individual liberties and personal choice around the globe. We’ve seen it with the treasonous US crime cabal government that engineered the murder of 3000 Americans on 9/11 to establish a fake war on terror with fake enemies acting as mercenary Islamic stooges that conveniently facilitated the dismantling of the US Constitution.   Continue reading “The FDA and Big Pharma’s Latest Killer Agenda: Destroy Homeopathic Medicine”

Judicial Watch

Ten U.S. Senators and three representatives were the Soviet Union’s favorite members of Congress when the Communist nation was our worst enemy, according to a previously classified Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) report obtained by Judicial Watch.

The federal lawmakers had repeated contact with Communist diplomats who “cultivated” relationships with them during the Cold War, the records show. JW obtained the information by using the Mandatory Declassification Review process and the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). The records are from an FBI operation that monitored Soviet officials and establishments in Washington, D.C. and determine that there is a “continuing interest by representatives of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) to maintain contacts with and cultivate members or staff personnel of the U.S. Congress.”   Continue reading “JW Gets FBI Report of USSR’s Favorite Members of Congress During Cold War”

David Latham VA Mentally Ill Shot CopsCop Block – by Asa Jay

On Thursday, a Virginia grand jury chose to indict a Norfolk police officer for the fatal shooting of a mentally ill man that took place last year.

Officer Michael Carlton Edington Jr. was indicted on one count of voluntary manslaughter, by jurors who began deliberating Monday, in Norfolk Circuit Court.   Continue reading “Grand Jury Indicts VA Officer That Shot Mentally Ill Man Nine Times”

Paradise-ranchHealth Impact News – by Ava Denton

My partner, Ross, and I are small ranchers in eastern Oregon. We produce grass-fed beef and lamb. We’re passionate about our work and life. But now we stand accused as criminals, facing animal neglect accusations. We are being charged with 45 counts of neglect. If convicted, these charges could result in a significant jail sentence. We are being targeted by a joint effort between the Union County District Attorney’s Office and essentially an animal rights foundation because of how we manage our livestock which we raise to provide meat for our customers.   Continue reading “Oregon Grass-fed Ranchers Face Criminal Charges for Grazing Animals”

Norman Raddatz was wanted by police for anti-Semitic harassment. Raddatz opened fire on officers who tried to arrest him Monday night, killing Edmonton Const. Daniel Woodall, the lead investigator on the hate crime file against Raddatz. CBC – by Marion Wamica

Facebook posts linked to the man who shot and killed an Edmonton police officer depict a person who distrusted state powers and the police, and someone who openly mocked Jews and gay men.

The account, which operates under the pseudonym Dino Stomper, includes several posts featuring photos of bylaw tickets featuring the address of the home belonging to Norman Raddatz, 42, who opened fire on police officers during an attempt to arrest him on Monday night.    Continue reading “Norman Raddatz Facebook page shows cop killer disliked Jews, police, government, gay people”

A view of the Israeli nuclear facility in the Negev Desert outside Dimona (file photo)Press TV

An inferno has reportedly broken out in central occupied Palestinian territories near the reported site of Israel’s nuclear weapons production.

The fire engulfed the Rotem Amfert chemicals factory near the city of Dimona on Wednesday near the Negev Nuclear Research Center.

Israel is reported to be manufacturing its nuclear weapons in the Negev desert where, the Negev Nuclear Research Center, roughly 13 kilometers (eight miles) southeast of Dimona, is located.   Continue reading “Inferno reported near Israeli ‘nuke center’”

Investment Watch 

President Obama on Monday confirmed the bad news for up to 5 million illegal immigrants in this country: He has called a halt to Department of Homeland Security preparations to shield them from the threat of deportation because his executive orders have become seriously bogged down in a court challenge.

Speaking during a news conference at the conclusion of the G7 Summit in the Bavarian town of Kruen, Germany, Obama said that his executive orders will require an elaborate “administrative apparatus” in order to be carried out. But a series of legal setbacks in the federal courts have stymied the government’s intention to move ahead with the program.   Continue reading “OBAMA GIVES UP! Isnt going to shield people from deportation!”

LA Times – by Joel Stein

I have never been so upset by a poll in my life. Only 22% of Americans now believe “the movie and television industries are pretty much run by Jews,” down from nearly 50% in 1964. The Anti-Defamation League, which released the poll results last month, sees in these numbers a victory against stereotyping. Actually, it just shows how dumb America has gotten. Jews totally run Hollywood.   Continue reading “Who runs Hollywood? C’mon”