Yahoo News – by Eric Pianin. The Fiscal Times

President Obama on Monday confirmed the bad news for up to 5 million illegal immigrants in this country: He has called a halt to Department of Homeland Security preparations to shield them from the threat of deportation because his executive orders have become seriously bogged down in a court challenge.

Speaking during a news conference at the conclusion of the G7 Summit in the Bavarian town of Kruen, Germany, Obama said that his executive orders will require an elaborate “administrative apparatus” in order to be carried out. But a series of legal setbacks in the federal courts have stymied the government’s intention to move ahead with the program.   Continue reading “Obama Cries Uncle on Shielding 5 Million Immigrants from Deportation”

Screen Shot 2015-06-08 at 10.51.03 AMLiberty Blitzkrieg – by Michael Krieger

Short-term lenders, seeking a detour around newly toughened restrictions on payday and other small loans, are pushing Americans to borrow more money than they often need by using their debt-free autos as collateral.

Their hefty principal and high interest rates are creating another avenue that traps unwary consumers in a cycle of debt. For about 1 out of 9 borrowers, the loan ends with their vehicles being repossessed…   Continue reading “Land of the Debt Serf – How “Auto Title Loan” Companies are Ruthlessly Preying on America’s Growing Underclass”

Chris Christie would crack down on legalized marijuana as presidentYahoo News – by Dylan Stableford

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie says that if he were president, recreational marijuana would be outlawed — even in the states that have voted to legalize it.

In an interview outside a New Hampshire drug treatment center that aired on CBS’ “Face the Nation” Sunday, Christie said he would enforce federal drug laws in Colorado and Washington.   Continue reading “Chris Christie would crack down on legalized marijuana as president”


WASHINGTON (AP) — Lyme disease makes the headlines but there are plenty of additional reasons to avoid tick bites. New research highlights the latest in a growing list of tick-borne threats — a distant relative of Lyme that’s easy to confuse with other illnesses.

Monday’s study suggests a kind of bacteria with an unwieldy name — Borrelia miyamotoi — should be on the radar when people in Lyme-endemic areas get otherwise unexplained summertime fevers. It’s one of several recently discovered diseases linked to ticks in different parts of the country, a reminder to get tick-savvy no matter where you live.   Continue reading “Beyond Lyme, new illnesses, more reason to watch for ticks”

Baltimore-Man-Shot-In-The-Face-for-Attempting-to-Run-Away-and-Hide-From-PoliceFree Thought Project – by John Vibes

Baltimore, MD — A man was shot in the face after running away from Baltimore police Sunday morning. It was not indicated that the man hurt or threatened anyone in any way, but police officers were tipped off that he was in possession of a gun. The victim reportedly ran from police when they approached him, and he attempted to hide in a nearby garage.

The police have not given any details about what happened when officers entered the garage, aside from the fact that the victim was shot in the face, and that none of the officers were injured.   Continue reading “Baltimore Man Shot In The Face for Attempting to Run Away and Hide From Police”

Jon Rappoport

“You have meddled with the primal forces of nature, Mr. Beale, and I won’t have it!! Is that clear?!… You are an old man who thinks in terms of nations and peoples. There are no nations. There are no peoples. There are no Russians. There are no Arabs. There are no third worlds. There is no West. There is only one holistic system of systems, one vast and immane, interwoven, interacting, multivariate, multinational dominion of dollars. Petro-dollars, electro-dollars, multi-dollars, reichmarks, rins, rubles, pounds, and shekels. It is the international system of currency which determines the totality of life on this planet. That is the natural order of things today. That is the atomic and subatomic and galactic structure of things today! And YOU have meddled with the primal forces of nature, and YOU WILL ATONE!” (Arthur Jensen, to Howard Beale, “Network,” 1976)   Continue reading “Network: the last great film about media”

Yahoo News

JERUSALEM (AP) — Israel built and exploded so-called “dirty bombs,” explosives laced withnuclear material, to examine how such explosions would affect the country if it were to be attacked by the crude radioactive weapons, the Haaretz daily newspaper reported Monday.

Israeli defense officials and scientists refused to comment on the report when reached by The Associated Press. However, Israel has what is widely considered to be an extensive nuclear weapons program that it has never declared.   Continue reading “Report: Israel built, exploded ‘dirty bombs’ in nuclear test”

mumps-vaccine-fraudHealth Impact News

In a brief mention in the mainstream media that as far as we can tell only Reuters reported, former Merck vaccine scientists, who have become whistleblowers and have had a federal lawsuit pending against Merck since 2010 for vaccine fraud, have filed another court document in their case accusing Merck of withholding evidence and not complying with court orders.

Brendan Pierson reports:   Continue reading “Vaccine Whistleblowers File to Compel Merck to Respond to Federal Lawsuit”


A new Department of Homeland Security Inspector General report found that the Transportation Security Administration failed to identify 73 aviation employees with active clearance badges with links to terrorism.

The people, who were employed by major airlines, airport vendors and other employers, were not identified because TSA is not authorized to receive all terrorism-related information under current inter-agency policies, the report said.   Continue reading “TSA Fails to ID 73 Airport Employees With Links to Terrorism”

Freedom Outpost – by Suzanne Hamner

For an administration that was supposed to be the most transparent in American history, the one under Obama has been everything but transparent. Of course, that’s just one of the 1,063 plus examples of lies, criminal activity and treason perpetrated by Obama and his administration. There appears to be no end in sight to the treachery of Obama, allowed to perpetuate by a complicit and treasonous Congress.Obama has effectively “gagged” Congress in regard to the Trans-Pacific Partnership, but it is something Congress has allowed. Executive order after executive order has seen more power being shifted to whomever occupies the Oval Office, aka Obama at this point in time. America has transformed into a surveillance police state while being divided along every imaginable line. If all of this wasn’t enough, the administration has taken over the internet under the guise of “net neutrality” and are moving to silence reporting on firearms over the internet.   Continue reading “Obama Seeks to Limit Free Speech About Guns”

Freedom Outpost – by Tim Brown

Three teenage members of the infamous MS-13 gang were held without bail on Friday, charged with forcing a 16-year-old girl into the woods of a golf course in Long Island and raping her.

The three suspects have been identified as 17-year-old Jose Cornejo, 18-year-old Bryan Larios and 17-year-old Joel Escobar, all of Brentwood.    Continue reading “3 Members of Notorious MS-13 Gang Charged with Forcibly Snatching 16-Year-Old Girl & Raping Her on Golf Course in Long Island”