WEB Notes: We are starting to see more people question the multitude of Executive Orders that are being signed. We have all seen the videos of police brutality and some want to offer them more protections? They are already protected so we need to ask ourselves exactly what is happening here. I have not seen any Executive Orders signed that actually help the people. I have seen a lot of smoke and mirrors and now orders that look like they further the enslavement of the people. Continue reading “Trump Is Man Of The People Or Man Of The Police?”
Month: February 2017
Concealed Nation – by James England
HOUSTON, TEXAS — As a local Houston store owner tried to get into his car, two armed robbers ambushed him. He drew his handgun and shot at both of them, killing at least one. Houston police arrived at the scene to find a deceased male matching the description given by the store owner. The whereabouts of the second robber are unknown at this time.
via ABC 13 Houston News Continue reading “70-Year-Old Store Owner Shoots Robbery Suspects, Killing One; Not As Soft A Target As The Robbers Had Hoped”
WEB Notes: We are entering a dangerous new phase, one where manipulated computer systems have a say in your future.
– Many jurisdictions are using “predictive policing” to shift resources to likely “hot spots.” O’Neill says that depending on how data is fed into the system, this could lead to discovery of more minor crimes and a “feedback loop” which stigmatizes poor communities. Continue reading “How Algorithms (Secretly) Run The World”
Wall Street Journal – by JOSÉ DE CÓRDOBA and SANTIAGO PÉREZ
MEXICO CITY—Influential Mexicans are pushing an aggressive and perhaps risky strategy to fight a likely increase in deportations of their undocumented compatriots in the U.S.: jam U.S. immigration courts in hopes of causing the already overburdened system to break down.
The proposal calls for ad campaigns advising migrants in the U.S. to take their cases to court and fight deportation if detained. “The backlog in the immigration system is tremendous,” said former Foreign Minister Jorge Castañeda. The idea is to double or triple the backlog, “until [U.S. President Donald] Trump desists in this stupid idea,” he added. Continue reading “Mexicans Vow to Fight Trump by Jamming U.S. Courts”
Washington Post – by Lisa Rein, Abigail Hauslohner and Sandhya Somashekhar
U.S. immigration authorities arrested hundreds of undocumented immigrants in at least a half-dozen states this week in a series of raids that marked the first large-scale enforcement of President Trump’s Jan. 26 order to crack down on the estimated 11 million immigrants living here illegally.
The raids, which officials said targeted known criminals, also netted some immigrants who did not have criminal records, an apparent departure from similar enforcement waves during the Obama administration that aimed to just corral and deport those who had committed crimes. Continue reading “Federal agents conduct immigration enforcement raids in at least six states”
Oh, the winning… it’s often too funny. The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals is now independently, on its own impetus, requesting an internal vote on a full panel en banc hearing to review its own decision.
Additionally, the full ninth are asking the Trump administration to file an additional brief telling the court why the three member original appeals ruling authority was wrong. In essence, the smart judges know what wasn’t considered, and are now looking for an out. Continue reading “Ninth Circuit Court Now Demands It Be Protected From Itself…”
Look at that face.
Now consider that Cupid — the two-legged pup with a heart-shaped nose — was tied up in a bag and left to die in the trash behind a Toronto building. Continue reading “Cupid, the 2-legged puppy, left to die in the trash, fitted with prosthetics”
PHOENIX — A federal judge in Las Vegas ordered prosecutors in the Bundy Ranch standoff trials to turn over an investigative report accusing a key government witness of wrongdoing.
Judge Gloria Navarro denied motions to dismiss charges against 17 defendants who claimed the government withheld evidence by concealing misconduct allegations against the federal agent in charge of operations during the 2014 standoff. Continue reading “Judge orders feds to identify agent in Cliven Bundy case”
The NFL, which just held the Super Bowl in Texas, is warning that a “bathroom bill” targeting transgender persons could jeopardize future major events in that state. League spokesman Brian McCarthy said Friday that “discriminatory” legislation would “certainly be a factor” in awarding Super Bowls.
The Texas proposal would require individuals to use bathrooms that correspond to the sex on their birth certificate. A similar law in North Carolina led the NCAA to pull college championship events from that state. Continue reading “NFL warns Texas that its proposed ‘bathroom bill’ could jeopardize its chances to host future Super Bowls”
SAVANNAH, GA (WTOC) – The Department of Homeland Security rounded up 26 undocumented immigrants throughout the metro-Savannah area, all of whom had prior criminal arrests or convictions, according to the Chatham County sheriff.
One was listed as wanted by INTERPOL. Continue reading “Two Dozen Criminal Aliens Caught In Georgia”
ALBANY, NY (U.S. Attorney’s Office Press Release) – Jose Alejandro Balderas-Figueroa, age 36, a former resident of Pelham, Alabama, was sentenced yesterday to time served (six weeks in jail) for illegally re-entering the United States.
The announcement was made by United States Attorney Richard S. Hartunian and Chief Patrol Agent John C. Pfeifer, United States Border Patrol, Swanton Sector. Continue reading “Illegal Alien Now Awaiting His 6th Deportation”
A Republican FCC hopes to revamp the infamous “Obamaphone” program to provide low-income Americans phone and internet service.
FCC Chairman Ajit Pai already put the program, known as Lifeline, under review. He revoked nine providers from participating the program, saying that they need further review. Continue reading “FCC Chairman Pai Cuts Obamaphone Waste, Fraud, And Abuse”
Sent to us by Jamal.
Well, the court has ruled the travel ban is a dead fish. Why can’t Trump let this travel ban go? Is it ego? Somewhat, but something more. This is a great distraction to avoid working on the real issues many people voted him in for. Already, there is a rising “town hall” movement to shout down Republicans and demand Obamacare be kept. Including the individual mandate. Now, we’ve seen this movie before. This is carbon-copy of the Tea Party town hall protests against Obamacare. From that, Obama and the Democrats were able to wiggle free of what they were elected to do, which was provide universal health care. That’s what they promised—a European type of national health care. But what got delivered was that they “had to work within the existing system”. And they also garnered the ability to blame the Republicans and the Tea Party roadblocking an actual universal health care system, even though they had the power to push it through. Continue reading “Obamacare Probably Here To Stay”
New Miami, OH — A Butler County judge has ordered the village of New Miami to refund $3 million in fines to motorists ticketed for speeding by traffic light cameras. The ruling was issued Wednesday by Butler County Judge Michael Oster, who said the money amounted to unjust enrichment of the village. Continue reading “Judge Forcing Town to Return $3 Million to Residents Fined by Traffic Cameras”
The Daily Sheeple – by Piper McGowin
We live in such a snitch culture these days what with “See Something Say Something” that it seems that some people just can’t wait to call the cops on someone for something.
But how about calling the police on someone for putting his own kid in his own car? Continue reading “Someone Called the Cops on a Tesla Model S Owner for Kidnapping Because He Put His Own Kid in the Car”
WASHINGTON — Former congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and her husband, retired astronaut Mark Kelly, have some new allies in their fight to end gun violence. And all of them are armed.
A coalition of law enforcement officers will help them oppose gun legislation pending in Congress, including a bill that would lift restrictions on firearm silencers and another that would require states to accept concealed carry permits from other states, even from states with weaker requirements. Continue reading “Gabby Giffords’ gun-control group gets new law enforcement allies”
The Daily Caller – by Kerry Picket
President Donald Trump has decided against tapping Elliott Abrams for deputy secretary of state.
According to CNN, Republican sources say Trump denied Abrams the number two post at State.
Abrams met with Trump and the talks went reportedly well, but he was denied the position after Trump found out that the former George W. Bush official criticized him during the campaign. Continue reading “Trump Nixes Elliott Abrams For Deputy Secretary Of State”
Earlier this morning we noted rising speculation among various mainstream media outlets that the Trump White House was planning to make modifications to its immigration ban executive order in response to its recent unanimous defeat in the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. While the White House had remained mum of the rumors, President Trump, in a joint press conference with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, just hinted that a new executive order could be coming next week. Continue reading “Trump Says New Immigration Action Coming: “You’ll Be Seeing Something Next Week””
Defense One – by George Joseph
A little after midnight on November 28, 2014, hundreds of Black Lives Matter protesters filled the streets of downtown Chicago. The demonstration was one of many that erupted in cities nationwide soon after a Missouri grand jury failed to indict a Ferguson, Missouri, police officer for the shooting death of Michael Brown that August. As the protesters marched, a police vehicle crept behind them. The black SUV emblazoned with “City of Chicago Emergency Management” appeared to have two 360-degree cameras sprouting from its roof and a command center in the back. Continue reading “Military-Grade Spy Gear Is Flooding into Local Police Departments”