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Month: September 2020
Over a month after the Aug.4 ammonium nitrate blast which leveled whole parts of the Lebanese capital, killing at least 190 people and wounding over 6,000, Beirut is panicking once again as another huge fire engulfs the port on Thursday.
A new “massive is fire raging” Al Jazeera is describing. “There was no immediate information about what caused Thursday’s fire, which sent a large column of black smoke into the sky.” Continue reading “Beirut Panics As Another Huge ‘Mystery’ Fire Engulfs The Port”
Just days after Amazon published a scathing letter slamming President Trump for not allowing the American multinational tech company to get the $10 billion Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure (JEDI) contract, which instead was awarded to Microsoft, Amazon’s board has just appointed former NSA head and retired general of the US Army Keith B. Alexander as a director. Continue reading “NSA Chief Who Oversaw Sweeping Domestic Phone Surveillance Joins Amazon Board As Director”
Singularity Hub – by Jason Dorrier
A famous image of inventor Nikola Tesla shows him casually sitting on a chair, legs crossed, taking notes—oblivious to the profusion of artificial lightning rending the air meters away. By then, Tesla and raw electricity were like an old married couple.
The experiments, conducted in Colorado, led to one of Tesla’s most audacious proposals: To power the world without wires. He made headlines with plans for a “world wireless system,” and won funding from JP Morgan to build the first of several huge transmission towers. Continue reading “New Zealand Is About to Test Long-Range Wireless Power Transmission”
Events are scheduled across the United States to mark 19 years since the September 11 attacks, which killed almost 3,000 people in New York, and led the US to launch its so-called war on terror across the globe.
Thousands of people will gather for rallies in large US cities, including New York City, Washington DC, Shanksville and Pennsylvania on Friday to remember the victims of the attacks, which occurred when hijacked jetliners crashed into the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. Continue reading “US set to mark anniversary of 9/11 attacks amid Trump Saudi cover-up”
Dr. Anthony Fauci and colleague David Morens have authored a report that is essentially a “real treatise for elites to control nearly every facet of human activity, human life, human freedoms,” a columnist noted.
In their article in the science journal Cell, Fauci, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases director, and Morens, an epidemiologist, warned that if humans don’t make significant changes in all activities, that more diseases — more terrible health issues like COVID-19 — will soon come. Continue reading “Fauci’s prescription: Outlines plan to control humanity”
Nothing can be done to bring Israel to justice as long as the Jewish Lobby controls the Corporate Media, both political parties, the Foundations and Academia.
We are currently being frightened into accepting a dubious vaccine that comes with digital certificates which will function like an electronic version of the Mark of the Beast. We will not be allowed to work, to travel, to assemble, to buy or sell without the permission of Bill Gates and the National Security Agency. Continue reading “Israel Did 911 And Israel Killed JFK”
LMAO! This video is hilarious, I’ve watched it several times. It’s great to hear the teenagers laughing at & mocking this maniac woman, telling her she’s crazy. Continue reading ““IT’S THE LAW!” Karen Goes Off On Teens For Taking Off Their Masks At The Airport! “You Want To Infect People?””
Fr. Robert Altier, Parochial Vicar of St. Raphael Catholic Church in Crystal, Minnesota (Archdiocese of St. Paul/Minneapolis) discusses the current crisis in our nation and how forces of evil are trying to impose a new normal.
This is the latest in a series of outspoken Catholic priests who are boldly telling the truth about the covid scamdemic and the clearly diabolical agenda behind it. Continue reading “Fr. Altier: This Is Not Normal. So let’s reject the lies, because the lies are from Satan.””
Just weeks after helping to broker peace between Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), President Trump has been nominated for the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize.
The nomination submitted by Christian Tybring-Gjedde, a member of the Norwegian Parliament, lauded Trump for his efforts toward resolving protracted conflicts worldwide. Continue reading “Trump nominated for Nobel Peace Prize by Norwegian official, citing Israel-UAE peace deal”
There will be no broadcast of the Word From the Trenches today.
We are working on trying to get information on the wind shifts. A lot of people have already evacuated the town. We do not want to leave, but the private corporate forest service is deliberately holding back information crucial for making the right decision. We are working on getting around them. Continue reading “No Word From the Trenches today”
Living Lies – by Neil Garfield
Why would anyone in their right mind want to loan money when AT BEST the future is uncertain and at worst we are just waiting for the effects of an economic crash? There is only one possible answer in a capitalist economy — loans are not the end result. Whoever is “loaning” money is making money regardless of how much they are going to get paid from the borrower.
How is that possible, you say? By selling securities to stupid investment fund managers — only they are not buying shares of the loans, so the “seller” of the securities doesn’t owe the investors anything from the “borrower.” Sound crazy? Yes, but there is no other explanation — rational or otherwise. Continue reading “Think About It. Economy has tanked. Car sales down 20%. But car prices and home prices are moving up. Does that sound like free market forces at work to you?”
“If you’re not sitting on your couch, we’re coming after you.”
~ Ontario PremierThis is tyranny.
— Faith Goldy (@FaithGoldy) September 8, 2020