A large fire broke out at a chemical plant in Passaic, New Jersey, with nearby residents urged to stay inside with their windows closed. One of the facilities at the plant reportedly has a major chlorine stockpile.

Despite warnings for local residents to stay inside, a large crowd of people – including young children – could be seen outside, observing the flames.  Continue reading “Massive blaze sweeps through chemical plant in New Jersey”


Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s effort to secure his state’s border with Mexico amid record migrant flows has been thrown open to legal challenges after a judge found the Operation Lone Star program to be unconstitutional.

The potentially pivotal ruling came on Thursday, when Travis County District Court Judge Jan Soifer dismissed criminal charges against a migrant who was arrested for trespassing last September. The judge, who formerly chaired the Travis County Democratic Party, found that the Texas border crackdown violates the Constitution by challenging federal control over immigration policy. Continue reading “Texas border crackdown ruled unconstitutional”


A Canadian judge has temporarily stripped a father of his visitation rights, arguing it is not in the best interest of the child as the parent does not have a Covid-19 vaccination.

Quebec Superior Court Justice Jean-Sebastien Vaillancourt took note of numerous social media posts critical of the vaccine, saying this cast doubt on whether the father is actually following the health guidelines in place. Continue reading “Unvaccinated father stripped of visiting rights by judge”


As the investigation into the fatal ‘Rust’ shooting incident continues, the armorer, Hannah Gutierrez Reed, has filed a lawsuit against the company that provided ammunition for the set, accusing them of supplying live rounds.

The lawsuit was filed in New Mexico by Reed along with two colleagues, accusing ammo supplier Seth Kenney and his company PDQ Arm & Prop of introducing live rounds to a set where only blanks and dummy rounds were permitted.  Continue reading “Ammo supplier blamed in ‘Rust’ shooting incident”

Shepards Heart – by Celeste Solum

You may have noticed that dealing with the time-honored medical profession is now very different than what you have previously dealt with.  This is a BOTTOM-LINE review of the slaughter in progress.  All original humans, referred to by the military as Old Humans, are being depopulated by 2025. Continue reading “Never Take Your Loved Ones To A Medical Facility/Hospital”

TRT World

Mexico has seized 380,000 boxes of Corn Flakes, Special K and other Kellogg’s cereals.

Officials claim that the boxes had cartoon drawings on them in violation of recently enacted laws aimed at improving children’s diets. Continue reading “Mexico seizes hundreds of thousands boxes of Kellogg’s cereal”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

The upcoming AT&T and Verizon 5G rollout create significant headaches for the US aviation community. The latest comes from the Helicopter Association International (HAI) revealed Thursday that US helicopter fleets nationwide might be grounded next week when 5G towers are switched on.  Continue reading “Helicopter Operations May Be Affected By Nationwide 5G Rollout”

Natural News – by SD Wells

Cigarette smoke and even second-hand smoke somehow, all of a sudden, can trigger blood clots, heart attacks and strokes, according to cigarette manufacturers and distributors. This comes as a huge coincidence in its timing as millions of people around the world who have been injected with Fauci Flu shots are now suffering or have died from those exact “side effects.” What you are about to see is Big Tobacco covering for Big Pharma as cigarette warning labels now pretend that cigarettes will kill or maim you the same exact way that the Covid jabs do. One hand washes the other. Continue reading “Warning labels on CIGARETTES now changed to cover for Covid vaccine-induced deaths claiming “small amounts” of SMOKE trigger “sudden blood clots, heart attacks and strokes””

Wall Street Journal – by Chuin-Wei Yap, August 2020

The shortage of a simple, over-the-counter painkiller shows how dependent the U.S. has become on China for vital pharmaceutical supplies.

For weeks this spring, as the coronavirus pandemic gripped the world, Nicole Izsak wasn’t able to stock up on acetaminophen at her neighborhood pharmacies on New York City’s Roosevelt Island.  Continue reading “Flashback: Pandemic Lays Bare U.S. Reliance on China for Drugs”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Over the past month, as Wall Street turned increasingly optimistic on US growth alongside the Fed, with consensus (shaped by the Fed’s leaks and jawboning) now virtually certain of a March rate hike, we have been repeatedly warning that after a huge policy error in 2021 when the Fed erroneously said that inflation is “transitory” (it wasn’t), the central bank is on pace to make another just as big policy mistake in 2022 by hiking as many as 4 times and also running off its massive balance sheet… right into a global growth slowdown. Continue reading “Global Economy Heading For “Mother Of All” Supply Chain Shocks As China Locks Down Ports”

Fox News

Thieves are digging through train cargo filled with packages in downtown Los Angeles, creating mounds of trash as a result.

CBS 2 Los Angeles photojournalist John Schreiber visited train tracks in the Lincoln Heights neighborhood of Los Angeles and described “looted packages as far as the eye can see,” including “Amazon packages, UPS boxes, unused Covid tests, fishing lures, epi pens,” he said in a Thursday tweet. Continue reading “Trains in downtown Los Angeles ransacked by thieves: ‘Amazon packages, UPS boxes, unused Covid tests’”

Politico, December 2019

One of the biggest national security threats in the U.S.-China trade war could be to the everyday medicines taken by millions of Americans.

The U.S. relies on imported medicines from China in a big way. Antibiotics, over-the-counter pain meds and the stuff that stops itching and swelling — a lot of it is imported from China. Continue reading “Flashback: U.S. policymakers worry about China ‘weaponizing’ drug exports”

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US Incorporated – by Allan Wall

Current American policy grants automatic birthright citizenship to babies born to illegal alien mothers. It’s been the practice for decades.

A female illegal alien can cross the border, give birth five minutes later, and her child is an American citizen for life. Continue reading “Oklahoma State Senator Proposes Law to End Anchor Baby Policy”

Fox News

Elementary schoolchildren in Moline, Illinois, have been invited this week to an “after-school Satan club” with five different meeting dates planned for early this year — starting Thursday, Jan. 13, 2022 — according to flyers placed in the school’s lobby and shared on social media.

Some parents are angry about their children’s exposure to information about the club, apparently prompting the superintendent of schools to weigh in. The Satanic Temple says on its website that it operates the clubs “at select public schools where Good News Clubs also operate.” Continue reading “After-school ‘Satan club’ in Illinois district elicits ‘concern,’ superintendent response”