As predicted by a number of independent geopolitical commentators, including ourselves, the emerging official narrative on why Ukraine’s counteroffensive ended in failure will be to falsely claim the West didn’t provide “enough” weapons in a timely fashion. Despite the literally tens of billions of US taxpayer dollars sunk into Kiev’s war effort at record-breaking pace and scale, it will be the “fault” of the United States and its allies—or at least this will be solidified as the Ukrainian government’s perspective and narrative (and then will be parroted among Zelensky’s most diehard hawkish supporters). Continue reading “Zelensky Issues Veiled Threat To Destabilize Europe If Weapons Flow Curtailed”
BREAKING – State Dept refuses to address how much USAID money went to Wuhan Institute of Virology and collaborator Ralph Baric, who developed techniques for weaponizing viruses (h/t @decensorednews)…
Secretary of State Antony Blinken said at the start of this week that it was up to Ukraine whether or not to target Russian territory with US-provided weapons, a policy that brings the US and Russia closer to a direct clash. Continue reading “Blinken OKs Attacks On Russia With US Missiles”
Teachers in @WitchcraftElem1 were given a guide for using gender neutral terms. They’re told to stop using the terms “boys and girls” & “mother or father” and to use non gendered language because some students don’t know if they’re a boy or girl.
The unethical hypocrisy of net zero. Around 40,000 child slaves in Congo work in appallingly inhumane conditions in cobalt mines. The cobalt is a material in used numerous products – including the lithium-ion batteries used in many electric
AMERiCA LAST: Our Strategic Petroleum Reserves have been pilfered and sold to China by the Biden regime. The US only has 46 days worth of oil reserves left and things are getting worse.
When I was four, my mother took her first flight and first trip out of her native India to the U.S. with me and my younger brother in tow. We were going to meet my father, an electrical engineer and rocket scientist by training, who had won the U.S. visa lottery in 1970. He had moved to New York a year earlier. By the time we arrived he was working at McDonald’s because engineering jobs had dried up during a recession. Continue reading “The Government Censored Me and Other Scientists. We Fought Back—and Won.”