Debbie Hicks was arrested, convicted of a public order offence and fined for filming a completely empty hospital in December 2020—at a time when we were told repeatedly that the hospitals were “overwhelmed”—in an attempt to prove that the so-called “pandemic” was a scam. A Scottish Covid-19 inquiry recently heard from hospital staff that hospitals were indeed “half-empty” during that period. Hospital porter, Neil Craig: “We were used to the wards being full to capacity… but then you’d go into the wards and they were, like, half-empty.”

One thought on “Debbie Hicks was arrested, convicted of a public order offence and fined for filming a completely empty hospital in December 2020—at a time when we were told repeatedly that the hospitals were “overwhelmed”—in an attempt to prove that the so-called “pandemic” was a scam. A Scottish Covid-19 inquiry recently heard from hospital staff that hospitals were indeed “half-empty” during that period. Hospital porter, Neil Craig: “We were used to the wards being full to capacity… but then you’d go into the wards and they were, like, half-empty.”

  1. how I knew they were empty is from all the singing and dancing that went on in the halls of hospitals by nurses and doctors , when have you ever been in a hospital where the staff had that much dam time on their hands to act so self righteous ?

    fugging slickening, ruined what little trust I had I can tell you that Do No Harm Oath my ass

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