December beats record for most illegal immigrant crossings of US-Mexico border of all time

By Libby Emmons – The Post Millennial

December beats record for most illegal immigrant crossings of US-Mexico border of all time

Customs and Border Patrol Agents have revealed to Fox News that over 276,000 illegal immigrants have crossed the US-Mexico border in December. This sets the record for most ever after September 2023, which saw 269,735—and December is not yet over. More than 7 million have entered since Biden took office, 2.2 million of them in 2022.

Illegal immigrants who cross the border and are apprehended are simply cataloged, given a court date and released into the United States. They are often flown or bussed to so-called sanctuary cities like New York and Chicago, which are buckling under the weight of the intense influx of illegal immigrants who demand food and shelter. These cities are mandated to provide it by their own laws, and the Biden administration is not helping.

“This new record number includes over 230,000 Border Patrol apprehensions of illegal immigrants in December, also the highest single month of apprehensions ever recorded for Border Patrol,” Bill Melugin reported for Fox. “We are now at over 760,000 migrant encounters since October 1st, making the first quarter of fiscal year 2024 also the highest ever recorded. Thats a population size bigger than Seattle in just three months.”

The Biden administration has continuously fought to keep the border open. When Texas erected its own barriers and barricades to keep people out, Biden told border agents to remove the wire, or to help illegal immigrants get around it. When illegal immigrants arrive in the US, they are able to claim asylum or refugee status and are given a court date to appear years down the road. Immigration courts are already backlogged.

The border crisis has led many to call for the impeachment of DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, who seems either unable or unwilling to staunch the flow.

This press to bring in more illegal immigrants has been aided by Biden admin-funded non-governmental organizations. This has been documented by Muckraker as well as Texas Governor Greg Abbott. Illegal immigrants are allowed to use their border apprehension documents for ID while regular passengers must go through screenings and show proper identification. This was revealed in a Twitter Spaces with pilots who shared their concerns about what is happening with US air travel.

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