Founder of the WEF, Klaus Schwab, has decided that we “have to get used to” a total erosion of privacy:

5 thoughts on “Founder of the WEF, Klaus Schwab, has decided that we “have to get used to” a total erosion of privacy:

  1. I came across this perspective from one unnamed Native American:

    “As a Native American I see what’s happening to white men all over this world. The establishment, more specifically a Jewish cabal is out to destroy you. You are like my people, destroyed, demoralized, and an alien, destructive force is being forced upon you. Don’t let them do to you what they did to my people. Drunks and drug addicts stuck on reservations, with no hope at all. No voice. But they won’t stick you on reservations. No. They will simply kill you. Understand that they want you all dead. You are the only threat to them. When you are gone, all the races will be under the great Jewish heel forever. Fight back white man!!! The Native American spirit is with you!!!”

    Remembrances of Russell Means.

    I want this brother (or maybe a sister) to know his support is welcome and valued, and I also want him to know we come in all skin colors and many of us are not “destroyed” or “demoralized,” and that the uglier and more cruel the oppressor gets, the more determined and committed are we to stopping this evil. We understand the mission, and like the warriors of old, will give everything to the fight.


      1. And there you have it, from a man half away around the world and he knows it. The whole world knows this and the world is hating Israhell and pissed at the USA because of Israhell. Attention D.C. wake up and ditch Israhell, PLEASE.

    1. The most lethal weapon in the world right now, against every kind of scheming, coniving hijacking, manipulation they try to impose on humanity with their 3 letter agencies and organizations is the Bill of Rights! When they ever try imposing their privacy-eroding bullshit on any free American individual (or any individual willing to fight) without first going through the procedural due process of that specific LAW, which cuts through the crap, they come against the power of those 10 articles. When you believe in those 10 articles and you believe in freedom, you get the upper hand because you know your power, you have the weapon and the unwavering conviction that your freedom is well worth fighting for.

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