Did The Federal Government Just Legalize Marijuana?

potBen Swann – by Michael Lotfi

As states continue to nullify federal laws against marijuana and hemp, the federal government has been faced with an important question. It’s been more than 75 years, and marijuana and hemp  still remain illegal. Never mind the total lack of reasoning  behind the federal government’s ban. Is it time to end the law?

Less than 24 hours ago, it all came crashing down. According to the Associated Press, the justice department said that states can allow citizens to use the drug, license people to grow it and allow them to purchase it in stores. As long as the drug is kept away from the black market, children and federal property– It’s a go!  

According to Mike Maharrey, national communications director for the Tenth Amendment Center:

The genie is out of the bottle and she won’t ever go back in. The feds have lost and they know it. No matter how Holder and the DEA couch their words in an attempt to maintain an illusion of control, state actions continue to effectively nullify these unconstitutional marijuana laws.

When asked if the federal government just essentially legalized marijuana Maharrey responded:

The announcement makes it clear the feds have no will to fight the states on weed. They can call it an “illegal drug” all they want, but if they can’t, or won’t, stop people from using marijuana, their “law” means nothing.

The recent surge in nullification has sent states fighting against the federal government on pot use. It would seem that the federal government just gave up. A major victory for the states- no doubt.


9 thoughts on “Did The Federal Government Just Legalize Marijuana?

  1. If this is true it is about time dang it 🙂 🙂 . We all should be able to grow our own too though because not everyone can afford to pay $350. + for a ounce of Herb.

    1. “As long as the drug is kept away from the black market, children and federal property…”
      Watch out for that “federal property” clause Digger. Look at the past eight years alone executive orders, NDAA, unPatriot Act, DHS,TSA,etc.
      Food for thought.

        1. $600 and oz in the NYC area last time I checked and that was several years ago. That was the reason I went elsewhere and that $350 is retail.
          Just like any of those big box stores always buy in bulk and those prices are nearly cut in half.

  2. Surrrre, they won’t take away citizens’ guns either.

    I’m from Missouri… show me. Until I see MJ legalization written into Federal Law (CFR), with redactions of the existing Laws, then I will still have my doubts.

    This won’t fly because the criminals, police, private prisons, and CIA operations stand to lose too much money & Federal funding if this becomes law. Furthermore, if you know whom the people are which traffic 90% of all USA domestic drugs (including pot), then you will realize that this entire scenario is improbable.

    Why doesn’t the Federal DOJ just decriminalize all street drugs if they REALLY want to break the backs of the illegal drug lords?

  3. I’m not a pot smoker but what I find incomprehensible is that there is some kind if prohibition against growing hemp for fiber. I have several hemp shirts (imported from China of course) that are many times better than cotton shirts. Hemp is a stronger and better fiber/cloth than cotton, costs less to raise, uses less water, less or no insecticide needed.
    The cotton growers must have a really strong lobby to control the use of hemp.

  4. I came across this article a couple of days ago and was going to send it in until I read the comments on that site about it. One of the posters commented that this is a total farce. Apparently Obummer issued an E.O. (in 2011, I think it was) that basically made ALL the land in the U.S. Federal property. He even posted the number of that E.O. I’m inclined to believe it’s true, given the nature of the beast we’re dealing with here.

    Pig in a poke.


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