DNC Staffer Arrested For Possessing ‘Infant Porn’ Featuring Babies as Young as 6 Months Old

Free Thought Project – by Jack Burns

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio is hiring! There’s a vacancy in his administration for a computer programmer analyst, in the Department of Design and Construction. That’s because Jacob Schwartz, 29, a DNC staffer and former analyst, has been arrested and charged with being in possession of “kiddie porn” involving children as young as 6 months old.

Schwartz is also the president of the Manhattan Young Democrats and the downstate region vice president of the New York State Young Democrats. In other words, he was a “made” Democrat, part of the inner circle of budding influential NYC politicians, who was even friends with Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager, Robbie Mook.  

Schwartz was caught with 3,000 child pornography images and 89 videos on his laptop after he downloaded them from the Internet. He surrendered his laptop to police, signed a release granting them permission to do a search of his hard drive, and was subsequently arrested. He has since posted $7,500 bail.

De Blasio would not comment on the arrest, ignoring questions from reporters about one of his team members. The Post reported Schwartz got the job after completing an internship, with de Blasio’s administration. Those political internships are often paid little compensation in exchange for being able to work with high-profile politicians.

Schwartz’ internship led to a salaried position within the de Blasio administration, but in light of the charges against him, he has since been fired. A spokesperson reportedly said Schwartz “is being terminated immediately, and the agency is cooperating with investigators.”

According to court records obtained by the New York Post, Schwartz’ computer contained pictures and video of “young nude females between the approximate ages of 6 months and 16, engaging in sexual conduct… on an adult male.”

It’s unclear if the adult male is Schwartz, himself, or someone else; but those details will most likely be presented in court, should his case go to trial without a plea deal being arranged.

Schwartz’ father, a labor lawyer and Democratic blue blood, Arthur Schwartz, called his son’s downfall “a personal tragedy,” saying, “I understand these are serious charges…he’s already in therapy for this.”

But therapy won’t get this pedophile out of jail, if convicted.

As The Free Thought Project has predicted, the pedophile rings of the elite in the U.S. are starting to be broken. Perhaps the highest-profiled scandalous arrest started with a former Speaker of the House.

Yes! That’s right! The highest position any congressman can hold in the U.S. House of Representatives was held by Dennis Hastert, who, in 2016, was convicted of “illegally structuring bank transactions” to provide hush money and cover-up the fact he’d raped several of his wrestlers on his wrestling team decades ago.

But ask any pedophile expert and they’ll tell you, pedophiles do not change — they continue victimizing children, and amass large numbers of victims over their lifetimes.

The next one to fall was Anthony Weiner, husband to Huma Abedin, right hand assistant to Hillary Clinton. Weiner lost his place in Congress years ago when he was caught sexting other women.

Now he’s the center of an investigation in which he was found to have sexted a 14-year-old girl from North Carolina. It’s unclear if his cooperation led to Schwartz’ arrest, but it would not be surprising, given the relationship Weiner had with Washington elite.

Schwartz wasn’t just some low-level staffer at the DNC headquarters — he was an insider, whose father had a long history of promoting candidates. He worked with the Bernie Sanders’ campaign and once helped challeng Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s bid for the position by working on the campaign of one of his challengers, Zephyr Teachout.

As TFTP has predicted, members of the elite ruling class, engaged in an elaborate pedophile ring of child rapists, sex traffickers, and child pornographers, will soon be exposed. The children do not stay young their whole lives, and some are talking, conveying horrific stories of sex trafficking, torture, rape, child on child rape, and even ritualistic murder.

As we reported earlier, on an episode of Dr. Phil, a woman relayed how she had been sex trafficked by the political elite in the U.S. since she was a child, and had even been chipped. Her handlers implanted a tracking device inside of her so they could keep track of her at all times.

She said her parents sold her into modern-day sex slavery to one she called her “owner,” who would pass her around to the political elite, who then used her to have sex with children.

As Jay Syrmopolous recently described, “This is just the latest case to emerge in what is now being called #PedoGate. #PedoGate refers to an international pedophile ring composed of politicians and other high profile societal elites.”

“Domestically, there are relatively few high-level arrests, as anytime ‘the elite’ are mentioned alongside the term ‘pedophile,’ the Praetorian guard, aka the corporate media, shout down all those who dare pose any questions about those in power abusing the most vulnerable among us.”

Read more at http://thefreethoughtproject.com/nyc-dnc-staffer-arrested-child-porn/#Ti0KEMFTELjLies5.99

3 thoughts on “DNC Staffer Arrested For Possessing ‘Infant Porn’ Featuring Babies as Young as 6 Months Old

  1. I’ve been an ardent enemy of the political class all my adult life, so I don’t want to give the impression that I am making excuses for this dirtbag (who is a dirtbag because he’s a political apparatchik: if he likes watching videos of children being violated that just changes his level in the dirtbag hierarchy).


    There are two very likely things that make it highly likely that this dude is being hung out to dry.

    The first ‘very likely thing’ would involve being hung out to dry by the machine he belongs to; the second ‘very likely thing’ involves the injection of the offending material onto the guy’s machine. (The second likely thing is so easy you should be horrified: I know at least two dozen decent hackers who could do this to any machine running Windows).

    Furthermore, it beggars belief that an individual who liked child-violation videos would fail to adequately secure his ‘stash’ of offending material, given the consequences if discovered.

    In my estimation, the two ‘very likely things’ are both far more likely than “guy who likes child violation videos, fails to secure his porn stash”.

    I have some experience breaking security on large-scale stashes of this type, and let me tell you, these people take datasec really seriously. A team made up of people like me will always break it, because the kiddie-porn crowd can’t get first-tier talent to do their datasec – they have to rely on someone they can trust, which means someone from within their ranks. The kind of ‘bad wiring’ that causes people to view children as sexual objects, also means that the affected individual is incapable of top-tier performance in any cognitive domain.

    Generally, though, any readily-available off-the-shelf encryption librbary will defeat a government investiagtion (because anyone who works for government is third-decile talent – at best). And actual pedos have good incentives to be really obsessed with datasec when the adversary is government.

    Anyhow… let’s examine the “very likely things”.

    Very Likely Thing #1.

    The first “very likely thing” concerns how the political machines operate.

    Advancement in the major political machines works in a way that is very similar to organised crime: in order to advance, the aspirant must do two things – (1) show absolute commitment to the machine; and (2) furnish the machine with a mechanism to destroy him if he has a change of heart.

    The major crime orgs get an aspiring member to involve himself in a murder-for-hire (not necessarily as the trigger-man – some people are squeamish), and they retain the murder weapon as ‘insurance’. If the guy stops being useful (or worse, if he starts being hostile to the syndicate), then the gun is ‘found’ and the guy’s prints are on it… and a cold case is solved. (Side benefit: you don’t have to kill the guy – killing one of your own is very hard once they reach a non-trivial level of seniority).

    Political machines are also deeply into ‘talent spotting’ – scouring the campuses of significant institutions (any university in the top 100 globally) for individuals who (1) show broad commitment to the machine (usually as student politicians); and (2) are likely to be corruptible. If they are elite students, they are usually given a cursory investigation, but elite students don’t tend to bother with political nonsense: everyone needs to understand that political machines are second-tier talent at the top, and progressively worse at lower levels.

    Once a potential recruit has been identified, the recruit is encouraged to aspire to the ‘Inner Ring’ (as C.S. Lewis called it); this involves being a good operator for the machine, and, little by little, showing that he (or she) is willing to cross lines.

    So in the early going, it will be something kinda banal – if the aspirant is a ‘family values’ kinda guy, it’ll be just going to a strip club with someone he knows is above him in the machine hierarchy. If the aspirant is already known as risk-tolerant, then it’ll be something slightly more risqué.

    Then come the tests. Are you up for a big binge night at the same type of venue, with copious drug and alcohol use?

    “Dude – ever tried coke? Come on – it’s no big deal. We do this all the time. We’ve kept it on the down-low because you come across as kinda a straight arrow. Seriously – one little bump, man – everyone’s doing it.”

    If yes: we all know what happens next – two hours later the guy’s off his face, gets a blowjob from a tranny and doesn’t give a damn when the ‘surprise package’ (the lady-man’s tackle) is revealed… and it’s all on video.

    If not, the guy will usually make an excuse: “I seriously can’t guys – I’ve got this massive assignment due in 4 days and I have not even cracked the textbook. In fact I really ought to head off.”

    “No probs, man – it’s not for everyone. Shame you gotta leave though – are you good to get a cab home? We really have to stay though, coz [X] is going to turn up a bit later, and he’s expecting me and Charlie to be here. Pity – we were going to do all the intro stuff – you know he’s a big deal. Or thinks he is hahaha… right? See you at Uni next week.”

    The moment he walks out the door, the aspirant is no longer of interest to the machine. His political career ends right there, right then… and he has no idea.

    Those who ‘commit’ don’t know they’re entrapped (yet) – but their relationship with the Machine Men improves and they are encouraged to participate in progressively more morally-dubious tests.

    Ask yourself what this means about people at the very highest level of these machines.

    So it’s likely that this ‘stash’ of child-exploitation material is some part of the ‘ramping up’ of tests that his guy has had to ‘pass’ in order to advance. (This is still problematic, since it still requires him to have failed to properly secure the stash, which is a rookie error… but the guy’s a rookie and most political apparatchiks are incompetent when it comes to computer security).

    So… “very likely thing #2” becomes the Bayes-Nash Equilibrium.

    Very Likely Thing #2

    Data injection into this dude’s machine. If you’re code-literate, it would take you 45 minutes to follow a tutorial to write an exploit to enable remote injection of data onto a target’s machine. Put it in a folder somewhere relatively deep in UsersPublic – or if that’s sparse, use Users[Username]AppDataRoaming[pick a folder]

    If someone wanted to stop this dude in his tracks, that’s the way to go. It’s staggeringly easy to do.

    So given that he’s a ‘groomed guy’ (probably not a ‘made guy’ yet), the only question left is: was this incompetent storage of a stash of stuff he was encouraged to hold in order to satisfy the machine OR was the material injected into his machine by people on his own team, or someone else?

    1. Or..he could be just a stupid ,lazy ass pervert that needs a sea grass necktie……

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