ECPI University in Virginia Beach Bars Second Amendment Club

ECPI University Bars Second Amendment ClubAmmoLand

Covington VA –-( More anti-gun double-standards! This time it is ECPI University in Virginia Beach.

A student, Patrick Winslow, simply wants to form a Second Amendment Club, along the line of Students for Concealed Carry on Campus, and was told “NO!”

Responding for the School, William C. Salice, the Campus Director of Academic Affairs, wrote in an email: “Patrick, the University wouldn’t sponsor a club like this as it does not correlate to program enhancement or community service.”  

So a Club supporting and educating students on one of our most important, constitutionally-protected, civil rights has nothing to do with community service?

A club which has an intended purpose to make ECPI University safer for students, faculty, staff, and guests is not a community service?

Mr. Salice told Patrick during a recent conversation that he didn’t support campus carry as no one would know when somebody might “flake off.”

Well, that’s EXACTLY why students and everyone else should be able to protect themselves! Who knows when a madman is going to strike? And the madman does not need university permission to start slaughtering helpless people.

Anybody want to bet those who run the university consider themselves to be “tolerant” of the beliefs of others?

Let’s contact ECPI and urge them to approve the Second Amendment Club, as it would indeed provide an important community service.


The person we need to contact is Mr. William C. Salice.

Email address:

Suggested subject line: Support forming an ECPI Second Amendment Club!

Suggested message:

Dear Mr. Salice,

I urge you to support and embrace the proposed ECPI Second Amendment Club. Any club which supports and educates students about a key item in the Bill of Rights, the Constitution, and our American heritage is indeed performing an important public service, not only to ECPI students, but to the general public.

It’s important that students understand their liberties and freedoms so they can continue to enjoy and protect those rights in the future.

Blocking the Second Amendment Club would not only be an act of intolerance, the University would also be turning its back on its primary mission of education.

Nothing could be more American than having a Second Amendment Club on campus! Please support the effort to do so.


Alternatively, for those who might wish to reach Mr. Salice by phone, his number is: 757-671-7171 x55361

Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc. (VCDL). VCDL is an all-volunteer, non-partisan grassroots organization dedicated to defending the human rights of all Virginians. The Right to Keep and Bear Arms is a fundamental human right. Visit:

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