Eddie Robinson Reborn Into A World With Debt Cancellation

Video Rebel’s Blog

Mrs Jones: Hello. You are Edward A Robinson. Have a seat. We can talk confidentially Mr Robinson. I have your details on a CD the New Government sent me. I am your adviser here at the bank. You were released from state prison on a federal amnesty for non-violent drug offenders. You are here to make arrangements for your share of the federal debt cancellation program. As you know, all federal, state and local government debts have been abolished. Every adult citizen who is not in custodial care will receive a $25,000 credit to be used against all existing debts and outstanding utility bills. You were released this morning so you will be receiving that credit into your account as soon as we have created cooperative trusts to receive it. You are 23 years-old so you should be grateful you never will go onto Social Security. We have something far better for you.

I only have a little bit more to explain and you can ask questions in a minute. What we are doing is not inflationary. The idea of giving everyone a $25,000 credit write down instead of giving Bailouts to Wall Street bankers was originated by Dr Steve Keen of Australia. But the coup leaders invaded a lot of offshore tax havens and took more than 40 trillion dollars in assets from the bankers as part of a restitution program. They also took tens of trillions of dollars from government agencies that were hiding the money from taxpayers. Your share is $25,000. You have no debts. No credit cards and mortgages in prison. Anyway, can you sign this paper here? It is a zero interest 90 day loan. If you sign, I will give you a slip of paper that authorizes the teller to give you $300 cash right now. It will be paid off when you receive your credit in a month or so. Now do you have any questions?

Eddie: People call me Eddie. My father named me for Eddie Robinson the famous football coach at Grambling College. They told us at orientation when they released us that the bank would counsel with us about jobs and bills.

Mrs Jones: Eddie, you can cal me Amanda. I met your mother last week. I paid her utility bill with a $300 loan advance. The military has told us that there will be no more mortgage foreclosures and absolutely no utility cut offs until the credit write downs are completed. There are jobs everywhere now. Taxes have been cut. They found enough money in the Cayman Islands to pay all of our income taxes for next year. The first $90,000 for a family of four is tax free. And the coup leaders announced that any citizen qualified to do a job can apply for and must get a job held either by an illegal alien or anyone with a Green Card. It is similar to the law after WW II that required employers to hire returning veterans. All restaurants are hiring. And the bag factory. They start at $13 an hour and there are no deductions from your check. Social Security taxes are only paid by employers not younger workers who will never collect it.

The coup leaders have released new Tesla Technology to generate electricity. They will be averaging utility bills nationwide to cut our rates by 1/3rd each year until they are 1/3rd of what our bills are now. My advice to you is to get a job right away. Then we can talk about better long term prospects.

Eddie: I was thinking of going to the bag factory as soon as I leave here.

Mrs Jones: The New Government has been working with the churches. They have been holding meetings at 7 PM on Tuesdays and Thursdays to make plans for the future. We have already selected the black member of the city council to be president of our local cooperative trust association where I hope your retirement account will be. It will act as a credit union and make small loans and give you a credit card. It will also sell fire, auto, life and health insurance. All that financial power is for the first time in history in our hands. We have an educational campaign going in the churches.

Africans were bought for $20 and sold for $2,000 until the British ended slavery in 1833. But slavery continued after that. The people who used to own the government took two dollars worth of opium from Afghanistan or cocaine from Colombia and sold it on our streets in the US for $2,000. That is slavery. And government debt was a fiction that cost Americans more than a trillion dollars a year in phony interest payments. That was slavery too. Government debt is illegal now. Our new dollars are Treasury Notes. They are non-interest bearing just like President Lincoln’s Greenbacks. You and I are part of the first truly free generation, white or black.

We have plans. We want black people to start businesses. The New Government will be breaking up corporate farms. They will help you to get a farm if you want. There will be lots of construction jobs for American citizens. That is why you were given a Voter ID card with your photo and your mom’s address with the interactive strip just like a bank card. Illegal aliens can’t vote or collect benefits.

There is a federal program to rebuild infrastructure. Each state gets their share of $200 billion. Our state’s share is $4 billion a year to rebuild the state’s infrastructure. This eliminates any need for state and local bonds which are now illegal anyway. That includes money for water treatment. The New Government wants to improve health so they are promising clean water.

Eddie: I think I’ll go for the construction work. I was a fry cook but I didn’t like it. I did some construction work in prison.

Mrs Jones: The New Government and the churches want you to rebuild your life one step at a time. If you go to those Tuesday or Thursday meetings, you will meet people who can help you find work or get into a program. They have a mentor program led by men who have had a lot of experience recovering from worse things than what you have faced. I won’t be working at this bank next month. I’ll be going to our local co-operative trust to work. You can see me at one of those meetings. And by the way, I see you have a 19 month old son. The New Government has told us that the black slaves had a family formation rate in 1850 that was far higher than today because welfare was set up to destroy us by breaking up our families. We need all young men to settle down and to get married. Your son needs you. The New Media and the schools want all young men whatever their race to seriously consider marriage.

Eddie: I was thinking about my son a lot. I haven’t even seen him yet. My mom and my girl have sent me pictures. My girl wrote me in prison and said the New Government will help us buy a house.

Mrs Jones: I’ll have to explain to you the first time home buyers plan and the negative income tax. That $25,000 credit or really $50,000 you and your wife get can be used as a down payment on a house. Otherwise it all goes into your retirement account. We will add into your retirement account your share of the profits on the credit union, the credit cards, the sale of insurance and your employer will add his share of the Social Security payroll tax. You will not pay taxes. Every worker is guaranteed $12 an hour. If you make less, the IRS will credit your employer who will pay you the difference. If you were single and made only $8.00 an hour, you would get the extra $4 an hour paid to you on payday.

There is a child bonus program. If your wife gets a job and makes the minimum of $24,960 a year for 40 hours a week, she will get an additional $7,200 a year or $600 a month for the first child and $4,800 a year or $400 a month additional for the second. Nothing for the third and fourth children. So if both of you work, you will have a guarantee of $49,920 a year tax free through work and $7,200 for your child allowance. That is tax free so it is nearly the same as the median family income. If you get a better job, you will get to keep most of the child allowance though you might have to become a doctor to make enough to not qualify for the program at all.

Eddie: I was thinking seriously about getting married. I just didn’t see how I could ever provide for my family. I told my girl I would see her today after I went to orientation at the bank and then went to look for a job.

Mrs Jones: Something else we need to discuss. Every church in town has started couples counseling classes to prepare you for marriage and parenting. Please attend. If you have access to a DVD player, take this DVD ‘Up From Slavery’. It’s very inspirational. Quite a few really famous black people and even more everyday folk put a lot of love and effort into it. (She hands him the DVD.) Eddie, please send in the next man but give me a minute first. I’ll be expecting to see you at one of those meetings.

Eddie: Thank you Mrs Jones. I am grateful to you and the New Government for giving me a chance.

He walks out.

TJ: Hey Eddie, I ain’t seen you since the judge sent you away. I was a juvenile so I only did a stint at juvenile hall and then I did some time at boot camp.

Eddie: Hey, TJ. Things have changed. I thought my life was over when that judge sent me to prison. It was only 3 weeks after my 21st birthday. That woman in there can do you a whole world of good. She gave me this DVD ‘Up From Slavery.’ She just loaned me $300. I’ve got to get in line to get paid by the teller. Then I’m going to the bag factory.

TJ: I saw that place on the news. The military shut down the Mexican border until their government agreed to cancel their debts by seizing the bank accounts of the drug cartels. They also made them return the land they stole from the people. The military is giving every illegal alien family $3,000 to go home. And they promised them free water for their farms from Tesla technology. Some worthless land down there is worth a lot now. That bag factory lost a lot of people at a time when things are booming. My mom and her girl friend want to open a restaurant. She wants me to work in the kitchen. I have to think that one over.

Eddie: You can see me anytime at church. I’m going to sign up for couples counseling. Me and Sharon are getting married. Mrs Jones said you can go in now. Take care.

(I wrote this years ago. I updated. It seems we are on a trajectory towards Civil War. Consider this to be an alternate realty where Bankers are not allowed to run our lives.)

Would someone would do me a favor? Today is my birthday. Consider it your gift to me. I hate ties anyway. Could you do the following up as a meme with either Candace Owens, Diamond and Silk or a Black family in the background. Post it with an a URL so we can share it. Thanks.

White liberals believe that a Black man

can never be head of household.

White liberals believe that a white female

social worker is the proper head of household

for a Black family.

Video Rebel’s Blog

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