Edward Snowden Tells South China Morning Post: U.S. Has Been Hacking Hong Kong And China Since 2009

Edward SnowdenHuffington Post – by Rebecca Shapiro

The South China Morning Post published another article early Thursday morning local time about its exclusive interview with Edward Snowden, the person responsible for leaking top-secret information about the National Security Agency’s secret surveillance programs. The Post reported that Snowden said that the U.S. government “had been hacking into computers in Hong Kong and [in China] for years.”  

Snowden spoke with the Post’s Lana Lam from an undisclosed location. He said that the U.S. was “bullying” Hong Kong to extradite him and that he has been in constant fear for his safety. “I will never feel safe,” he said. “Things are very difficult for me in all terms, but speaking truth to power is never without risk.”

Lam also reported:

Snowden said that according to unverified documents seen by the Post, the NSA had been hacking computers in Hong Kong and on the mainland since 2009. None of the documents revealed any information about Chinese military systems, he said … Snowden believed there had been more than 61,000 NSA hacking operations globally, with hundreds of targets in Hong Kong and on the mainland.

Snowden’s claims came days after President Obama and China’s President Xi Jinpinggathered for an “informal” summit at the Annenberg Retreat at Sunnylands in Rancho Mirage, California, where discussions over cybersecurity issues were central. According to NBC News’ Andrea Mitchell, Obama stayed at the Sunnylands retreat during the summit, but Xi stayed at a nearby Hyatt, “reportedly worrie[d] about eavesdropping, underscoring the toughest issue dividing the U.S. and China.”

The Post published excerpts from its interview with Snowden on Wednesday afternoon local time. After revealing his identity through The Guardian on Sunday, Snowden checked out of Hong Kong’s Mira Hotel on Monday and reportedly moved to a safe house.

The former NSA contracter discussed his decision to flee to Hong Kong, a country he said he admired for its commitment to free speech. He added that he planned to stay in Hong Kong until he was “asked to leave.” He responded to Russia saying that it would consider offering him asylum if he requested. “My only comment is that I am glad there are governments that refuse to be intimidated by great power,” he said.


8 thoughts on “Edward Snowden Tells South China Morning Post: U.S. Has Been Hacking Hong Kong And China Since 2009


    Yeah!,.. RIGHT!!!!

    We have ONLY been hacking China/Hong Kong since 2009!!!!

    My God,… these gov’t operators really do think we are complete morons!!!

    Another irrefutable exhibition that Snowjob is a gov’t prop,… and that this is just a another con-job.

    I think this is all about as Henry said,.. “The Great Revealing…..”

    This is just to get epople use to the idea they are being watched,… and there is nothing anyone can do about it!

    The Communists are simply POURING out of the woodwork now!

    JD – US Marines – What a Snowjob this whole Off-Broadway Production is!

    1. Bahahahaha! Since 2009? OMG! So we’ve never hacked them before then? Wow. We were that good and well-behaved and mature before the financial crisis hit? Even after 9/11 hit? Wow, we were such angels back then. God would be pleased.

      OH PUHLLEASSEE!!!! Spare me the bullshit. Every country has been spying on every country since time began. He makes it sound as though China and Hong Kong have never spied on the U.S. before. BULLSHIT!

      As I said before, this guy is so pathetic, he ain’t even worth the drone fuel used to fly a drone to nail him, if the foreign government office still insists on wanting to do so.

  2. Remember, when the Evil are in control, they are afraid of everyone of truth because they are the untruth. Now, when both sides are the untruth, who do you believe? Is it the left, the right, conservative, liberal, up-down, what?—-You cannot believe most of what is printed or broadcast because it is controlled & edited to mean what the Elitist wants you to believe & nothing more, nothing bypasses their scrutiny, nothing! Every thing they do is a diversion to cover up the truth, period. Ok, that being the case, then what they say & do must be the opposite of what they mean, bingo!!!! Liberty & Freedom will only be attained by the truth, profess it, think it & act it out to its’ fullest….Do not believe all of what you see about Snowden, think what is his means of diversion covering up? The 100th Anniversary of the Evil Elitist Federal Reserve is Dec. 23, 2013, a date of New World Order control….Create confusion & chaos so you can complete the evil untruth…..Get the picture???? Fight for the real truth, LIBERTY & FREEDOM—–Good luck fellow Patriots

  3. When I watched that iconic interview with Snowden on YouTube I thought that the truth was being revealed to me and I still do! For that I shall always be grateful.

    1. You say you thought the truth was being revealed. We have been telling this same truth about Echelon since the Clinton era. What is it with you people? Nothing can be true to you unless one of the enemy tells you it’s so?
      Yeah, you’re right. He’s the f#@king hero. We are just a bunch of conspiracy theorists here to entertain you. Personally, I let out a big yawn and said, “Yeah, and?”

    2. I guess you believe that the U.S. has only been spying on China since 2009 and not a year earlier, too.

      Wait! Let me call Snowjob up and tell him that the U.S. has been spying on China and other countries since the country began. Will that make you feel better because he will be the one saying it and not me?

      Good grief. I’m sick of this shit. WAKE THE HELL UP!!!!

  4. Hong Kong is China’s golden goose, there’s tons of money flowing thru there eveyday, which makes it a logical choice for the thieving wealthy elite who are stealing wealth now across the planet, since they tapped out Americans after the FALSE FLAG/INSIDE JOB of 9/11.

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