6 thoughts on “Eerie sound heard coming from One World Trade Center

  1. OMG! It’s all the dead souls from the WTC saying, “Repent! Repent! For the end is near!” Then watch as next year is the third year, the tower will fall along with the Whore of Babylon.

    Yea, right tell me another one. What kind of wind does that? Anyone hear that kind of wind in Chicago, land of the skyscrapers? Then maybe I’ll believe it.

    1. Another time long ago, a fella named nimrod built the tower of babel to confound and prevent God from bringing a massive flood again. it seems as tho the insane-elite never learn from history. it seems as tho this one world tower is just the modern version of babel.

  2. 3,000 people dead all at once? Big time noises right? They were all murdered and are going to let us know about it.

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