Ellen Meets Las Vegas Survivors Jesus Campos and Stephen Schuck

Published on Oct 18, 2017 by TheEllenShow

Ellen sat down with Mandalay Bay security officer Jesus Campos and building engineer Stephen Schuck, who were the first people to encounter the assailant on the night of the mass shooting.

10 thoughts on “Ellen Meets Las Vegas Survivors Jesus Campos and Stephen Schuck

  1. So she’s a news show now?
    Is that because all of MSM has destroyed their credibility?
    Nawww can’t be
    Because she hasn’t got any credibility either

    I can’t even comment further on this joke

    1. Yeah, they’re switching credibility from news reporters to celebs. Some headlines today said that Mark Cuban, Kid Rock, and Oprah are all considering running for office. The Kid may not know what he’s in for. Well, I think I’ll just wait for the whole cast of Will and Grace to run before I cast my vote.

      The circus keeps pulling into town.


  2. How well Ellen reads the script. And I’m sure the two guys were counseled, “Speak softly; keep a low profile.”

    And Ellen in summarizing: “You’re talking about it now and then you’re not gonna talk about it again, and I don’t blame you…” Wow, it sounded like a command. No more talkin’, buddies.

    And lastly… A beautiful plug for the NFL, as it limps along while sales are plummeting.

    All the fake and all the contrived is gettin’ to me. Man, I need something real. Better go out in the yard and dig up some weeds.


  3. Every bit of names and information I’m writing down. DON’T LET “THEM” GET AWAY WITH THIS!. The Clark County Medical Examiner office is still in lockdown. The coroner I believe is John Fudenberg. Ellen has a big monetary investment in gaming machines exclusively at Mandalay. Is that a conflict of interest?
    What do we really know about Paradise Nevada where it all really took place and are we to believe 3 weeks later 500+ people injured and no one else succumbed to injuries? Named Sunshine hospital. Remember Coroner Wayne Carver at Sandy Hook hoping it “wouldn’t all come crashing down on Newtown” ? I found JamesFetzer.blogspot.com today and wrote down names from his article too. Paul Craig Roberts has doubts and Steve Pieczenik thinks no one died at all!

    1. I would add to your mention of the “500+” injured that NONE OF THEM to my knowledge has been “interviewed” by the fawning main stream press.
      In all of these contrived shooting scenarios, it is obvious that “normal” people who are supposed to have been savaged by these supposed killers EVER get a forum to openly testify about what has happened to them, unless they appear as do the phony “parents” from Crooked Hook, or the smilin’ chiles from the phony Charleston church shooting, or the Whorelando nightclub crisis actors.
      I could go on and on, but the truth is, ALL of this bullsh@t is obvious to anyone with 5 functioning brain cells. We need to continue to press this issue with anyone who will listen.

  4. It is all a big fkn Joke….Don’t tell me your well prepared narrative maggots…Show me the 24-7 Hi res..video surveillance …Until then…Pablam for the masses….

  5. OK boys, I’m 5 minutes into this disinfo propaganda piece and here are the signs I see that prove to me this is agitprop:
    1) The “Engineer” from the hotel has obviously been coached in how to interact with “his buddy” by using the “consolation backrub” EVERY TIME Geezus is supposed to be reliving the (intricately staged and rehearsed) details of his supposed encounter.
    2) EVERY detail of this testimony has been choreographed down to the exact words to be used, as evidenced by the lack of normal voice patterns, verbiage, and emotional involvement. EVERYTHING sounds like it has (and it WAS) been written down by some unfeeling psychopathic Spook from the clandestine services.
    3) The Degenerate was also obviously coached and under stress. While I do not normally volunteer to endure the sight of that pervert, in the position I work, I am frequently exposed to the average shows that hesheit does. The Degenerate was much more stumbling and deliberate with it’s words than normal, even when it has been allowed to meet with the “important folk”. It was obvious to me that it was under some abnormal amount of stress, though the very forced questions it asked showed that it too had been coached and engineered as to what points needed to be stressed, and I have never heard anywhere near the amount of stuttering and unintelligible sounds as was uttered by the Degenerate.
    4) The Degenerate was obviously coaching Geezus, as was evident by the types of statements it made to the actor to remind him of just how he was to portray the scenario.
    5) The 2 actors in this scenario obviously did not previously know each other, nor actually experience and relay in an uncoerced fashion some dangerous and exciting event they both experienced together , as evidenced by the artificial manner in which they recalled the experience.
    6) There is no substitute for REAL emotions and REAL memories expressed in one’s own words and grammatical patterns. The FACT that EVERY crisis actor or threatened with death stooge ALWAYS portrays themselves in an artificial way when presented to us by the propaganda press only solidifies the impression that we are being fed a string of lies meant to manipulate us into an impression of reality that is not only NOT REAL, but designed to keep us stupefied and deceived into believing that the Lie is Truth.

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