FBI Reportedly Has Fake Green Cards Given to Undocumented Immigrants Working at Trump Golf Course

Rolling Stone – by Peter Wade

Supervisors at the Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, New Jersey, provided fake green cards and Social Security numbers to undocumented employees, according to a report in the Washington PostAnibal Romero, a lawyer representing five immigrants who were undocumented while working at the Trump property, told the newspaper that he turned the fraudulent documents over to the FBI.  

“I’m confident that federal and state authorities will conduct a complete and thorough investigation,” Romero told theNew York Daily News in an interview. Romero first contacted Robert Mueller, the special prosecutor investigating the president, but Mueller told him it was not within his jurisdiction. A few weeks later, though, an FBI agent contacted Romero.

“He said to me that he had received a referral from Robert Mueller’s office and that he already knew the specifics and that he wanted to meet with me in person,” Romero said, so he met with two FBI agents in November. At the meeting he turned over fake green cards and Social Security numbers given to Victorina Morales by her supervisor at the Trump golf club. Romero also turned over pay stubs from former employee Sandra Diaz, who was undocumented at the time she worked for Trump but has since obtained legal immigration status.

According to Romero, the FBI said they would “coordinate” with the New Jersey attorney general, suggesting that they are investigating employment practices at Trump’s Bedminster club.

Diaz and Morales recently took their stories public in the New York Times earlier in December. “There are many people without papers,” Diaz told the Times, adding that she saw undocumented immigrants hired by the club.

When asked why she came forward, she said, “We are tired of the abuse, the insults, the way he talks about us when he knows that we are here helping him make money. We sweat it out to attend to his every need and have to put up with his humiliation.”

Rolling Stone

One thought on “FBI Reportedly Has Fake Green Cards Given to Undocumented Immigrants Working at Trump Golf Course

  1. Ok I get how everyone wants to blame Trump for everything that goes wrong on his watch I don’t care for his dictatorship either , but let’s get real
    , the person that hired these people and provided these cards to these illegals is the real person this anger should be directed at

    Trump isn’t vetting and hiring the golf club help
    He hired some schmuck to hire the schmucks
    Those are the people to direct your hate at
    Now , if this continues and he isn’t fired
    Than it’s time the top dog gets a jerk on his leash

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