
I once saw the Blue Angels do their air show over Coney Island beach. There’s nothing too notable about that, until you consider that at the time, I had never heard of the Blue Angels, and I was only at Coney Island because that’s where we often hung out when we didn’t have enough money to go anyplace good.

I was only expecting a civilized afternoon of sipping wine and judging the bikini competition, when four fighter jets came screaming toward me from somewhere out in the Atlantic, for no possible reason other than to kill us all, and it was safe to assume that rockets fired at the Boardwalk would be next on the agenda.  

“WTF is THIS?”

“Relax, Roger. It’s the Blue Angels. They’re gonna do a show.”

The whole planet shook when these things passed overhead, and I was simply relieved to know that they weren’t attacking us. “Whose angels?”

“BLUE. BLUE. Blue Angels.”

Well now I know who the Blue Angels are, and my hat’s off to the pilots, but I’ll always think about my rude introduction to this flying circus whenever I read about another “training exercise” being carried out in populated towns and cities across America.

After dark, when most people are looking forward to pillows and sleep, the percussion of helicopter rotors pounds the neighborhood and draws closer. Floodlights resurrect high noon as military vehicles close in from all directions. Soldiers rappel downward from the choppers, hitting the ground fully armed, and ready for combat. What would you expect the town’s residents to think when they aren’t they warned about these “training exercises” in advance?

Training exercises are probably much more effective training devices when carried out in facilities built for that purpose, but they’re carried out in populated areas because the goal is to train the population rather than the soldiers. Its purpose is to inspire in you the same anxiety I felt when being attacked by the Blue Angels, and cause you to make an association in your mind between that fear, and your “all-powerful” government. And if you’re not lucky enough to live in the town that’s subjected to this, you’ll get the second-hand version on the evening news.

They’ve given our local police departments scary-looking armored military vehicles that were designed for war, and made sure we knew that they’re willing to shoot us for no reason. They’ve spent millions on a propaganda campaign whose only goal is to convince you that they can hear your every word, and know your whereabouts at any time. They’ve peppered the alternative news with fear-mongers, who endlessly disseminate questionable information from “unnamed sources”, that always conveys the same theme of our government being all powerful, and always poised to crush any rebellion in a heartbeat.

The armored vehicles, the all-seeing eye, and the fiction writers are all manifestations of a theory of governance which dictates that any population must be kept in fear if they’re to be kept under control, and the desire to control us is what draws people into government in the first place.

If you look back over the last few decades in this light, you’ll remember that the “war on crime”, was launched by an endless stream of “Dirty Harry” and “Death Wish” type movies pouring in from Hollywood, nothing but cop shows on TV, and the TV news’ endless, and steady focus on every violent act committed within our borders. The propaganda campaign convinced Americans that even our safest streets were war zones, and every Zionist “news” outlet insisted there was a need to “empower the police”. Then we advanced to the “war on drugs”, which began with the same support from Hollywood and TV, and has caused far more damage than any number of drug addicts ever could have. That war convinced Americans that there was a need for longer sentences, tougher judges, and “no-knock warrants”.

Now we’re a decade into the “war on terror”, which has turned every American into a target for death or unlawful imprisonment, and turned every cop into a brutal thug, fighting to destroy the constitution that he swore to protect.

If you look closely at the wars on crime, drugs, and terror, you’ll notice that the American people have lost every one of them, and the victors were our own government, which hauled away our freedom and constitutional rights as the loot of every battle.

They didn’t have to fire a shot, or even deploy troops. They only had to scare you into believing that the streets were the battlefields of drug gangs, and that crime was out of control, and then they used your fear as their device for removing your constitutional rights, while simultaneously using the news media to convince you that salvation from this perceived danger is what the majority of Americans wanted. As long as you believed that it’s what the majority of Americans wanted, you weren’t likely to offer up much resistance to it, but the fact of the matter is that no American ever wanted any of this.

While these wars on our freedom were being waged, there was a parallel war against all places where Americans congregate, just to insure that uncontrolled conversation didn’t undermine their propaganda efforts. Bars, churches, unions, and every little protest group was subjected to government intrusion, and the big protest groups were entirely government controlled. Their tactics and concerns show us that what they fear most is any hint of unity growing among the American people.

Fear is good, or it might be more accurate to say it has its purposes, because the adrenalin rush increases your heart rate, sharpens your senses, and readies every muscle in your body for action, thereby enabling you to act upon your flight/fight decision to the best of your ability. That physiological adjustment was crucial to surviving animal attacks and cave-man battles, but how practical is fear in our modern world?

If I had a minute to think before the Blue Angels attack, I would have realized that no attacking enemy planes could get near Coney Island beach without being picked up by radar and met by American fighters long in advance. Unfortunately, I had no warning or time to think, and because fighter jets are capable of extreme damage, instinct immediately engage the fear mechanism.

Since the announcement of the “Jade Helm” exercise, every Zionist shill and government troll pretending to be reporting “alternative news” on the internet has shown us photos of every military vehicle they could find, and insisted that they all existed to impose martial law, round up the dissidents, kill the resistors, etc. etc.

Naturally, there hasn’t been a shred of evidence to support any of this, but all of it amounts to evidence of a lot of people doing all they can to scare you, and of course, cause you to behave exactly like a “paranoid conspiracy theorist” when you try to tell your friends and/or family about this.

You’re going to have to take a minute to think about everything you read in the “alternative news”, because MOST of the “alternative news” is the Zionist’s alternative propaganda for people who no longer believe the original Zionist propaganda that’s on the TV.

So let’s use the minute of thought that the Blue Angels attack deprived me of, and apply it to the Jade Helm attack, the military exercises in populated areas, or the endless, unfounded fear being generated in the alternative Zionist news. Why is there such a combined, and desperate attempt to scare you? Isn’t that what bullies do to avoid the actual fight?

Could it possibly be that the thought of you NOT being afraid, is scaring the crap out of someone else?

The more they ramp up the fear-porn, the more confident you should be that they’re scared of you, and just like “the little man behind the curtain”, they’re blowing smoke in your face so you don’t realize how frightened they are.

Can I ask you to logically address the thought of “rounding up the dissidents” in a heavily armed nation of 300 million people? How many people could they possibly round up in one day, and what effect would that have on the remainder of the population?

What would you do if you saw your neighbors or family members dragged away in government vehicles without a legitimate explanation? Even if you were ignoring politics in favor of watching Family Feud today, you’d probably be preparing for a fight tomorrow. Even If you didn’t own a gun, you’d find a way to get one. Resistance would be growing around you, and there would be no question that you weren’t alone.

The point is, that any attempt to “round up the dissidents” will produce about ten times as many dissidents within a day, at which point in time, they will have lost the game for good. A tyrant might get away with that in a smaller population that’s been disarmed, but to try that in America, with today’s instant communication ability, would epitomize political foolishness.

Any relocation of the population will be accomplished by a false-flag type of operation, in which the victims will willingly board a bus or a train to “safety”.

They’re dealing with the dissidents just as they always have, because it’s their wisest, and most effective course of action. They’re ignoring them, discrediting them, and mocking them. They’re leading the dissent wherever possible (Alex Jones, et al), and infiltrating any organized dissent they can’t control, with the goal of causing whatever disruptions in that group that they can.

Many people have used the “little man behind the curtain” analogy when describing this fear that the Zionists try to instill in us, and they do so quite accurately because that’s exactly the analogy that the author of “Wizard of Oz” was making. This practice of frightening a population is nothing new, and the Zionists have always dominated the news business just to give them that ability, and the political power that accompanies it.

You have nothing to fear from this struggle. You’re belong to the largest and best equipped army the world has ever known, and even if they send in troops from several foreign nations, we still outnumber them exponentially.

When has being afraid of anything ever been beneficial to you? The fact of the matter is that the threats we face as humans today are handled better when the instinctive fear process is suppressed. We’ll fare better in combat and courtrooms when we learn to control our fear, rather than have it control us.

There will be more military exercises in public places. There will be more Snowden documents released every month to remind you that they know your every thought. There will be weekly revelations of “new military technology” that renders your rifle useless, and constant reminders that “resistence is futile”. You’ll hear about more raids at wrong addresses made by mentally-challenged SWAT teams, and more innocents killed by cops denied their power-trip pacifier. The idiots in your local police department may even get themselves an army surplus tank, but don’t let any of this worry you. There are at least a hundred million armed Americans who are tied of the lies, and tired of suffering the tyranny that’s behind the lies.

When the Zionists’ “little man behind the curtain” starts blowing smoke in your face, do the math instead of believing the lies, because you can’t scare numbers. Take a “Blue Angel’s minute” to think, accurately assess the situation, and realize that you’re on the side that can’t lose.

— Jolly Roger

“The only thing I’m afraid of, is fear” – Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington

27 thoughts on “Fear

  1. Great article. I’ve noticed these “Zionist shills” for for what they are. As soon as somebody tells you how much we have to love Zionist Israel, RUN for your life and sanity, you’ve just met the enemy or a complete idiot.

    If we were at the end of things, why would the PTB keep marching out their next policy for implementation (with no end in sight)? If the end was near, why would they be marching out new, crazy policies like “White Privilage”?

    Their time horizon is long-term, NOT short-term.

  2. Thanks JR, I grew up with blue angels, I lived near a Naval Air Station. The truth and nothing but the truth!

  3. Solid thinking.

    The battle is spiritual.

    Fear is the only thing holding the world back from better days.

    1. “The coward dies a thousand deaths the valiant but one” Shakespear.

      I am 75 this year, I can not run very limiting arthritis. One fake knee I can not even kneel on it. I walk with a cane terrible balance, I can tip over just standing still. I have no guns just a slingshot. My right shoulder is frozen and nothing will free it tried everything. Can not raise my right arm above my shoulder fight with tee shirts every day. I am overweight due to 7 months in a wheel chair from a very bad break of the R leg in an altercation with a snowman. LOL really foot got caught in a cable body turned foot stayed in one postition and I twisted the tibia and walla one bad break I got a container here full of metal screws, button type caps and funny small thin bars with holes in them. It didnt heal well and a tube of titanium replaced the bone lost from the fall.

      So I have resigned myself to being totally useless to the NWO and I am sure I will be eliminated as a useless eater. No fear here reality for sure. I am happy to be 75 for I would never be able to cope with the future as it is presented. My heart breaks for the little ones everywhere I look.

      1. I think you’re doing okay for 75 years old. I have at least half of those health problems at 52. — BUT…don’t underestimate that sling shot, GrinNBarret. I used to launch blockbusters with a wrist-rocket like artillery, and it was a lot of fun. (and a block-buster was 1/4 stick of dynamite back then. Now they’re like firecrackers)

  4. Well written and accurate. Fear and money is all they have. Imagine a court full of people exercising their rights. The BAR owned courts would crumble overnight. It’s all about compliance and they get that through fear, when that runs out they’ll have nothing.

  5. Excellent. I have read a lot more articles lately that are that are outlandish and quite unbelievable. Contradictions abound. Distractions!! Maybe this Pandora’s box of lies and other goodies cannot be closed which is making the traitors a bit nervous. The bill of rights and US Constitution is still in place for most of us just waiting to be used – wherein lies the remedy. I would not want to be one of those who have attempted to trash and destroy our constitution. You cannot destroy the truth.

  6. “… nothing but cop shows on TV, and the TV news’ endless, and steady focus on every violent act committed within our borders. The propaganda campaign convinced Americans that even our safest streets were war zones, and every Zionist “news” outlet insisted there was a need to “empower the police”.


    You & I both know they could NEVER have dumbed down the American people to the degree that they have, without t.v. ‘programming’. It’s been the single most destructive force in this country.

    Another outstanding article, JR.

  7. Your words are so true J.R. When our tyrants bite off more than they can chew, and you know they will, an uprising of the magnitude the world has never seen will spread like wildfire. Many are making some preparations for an unknown future but every one knows there’s a fight brewing. J.R., I agree with your assessment that they simply don’t have the manpower to pull it off when they run into major, overwhelming numbers shooting out of every window, nook and cranny in every city and town. We’ll be fighting for our country and our freedom. They’ll be following orders to shoot their own countrymen. We’ll see who has the fortitude to see the fight to the end. I’m looking forward to mass hangings of every traitor in our country, not one traitor spared. We must wipe the slate clean and take out the trash. Excellent article J.R., Millard

    1. Thanks, Millard. Many learned people will disagree, but I think that when Americans get mad enough, the war will end quickly.

      Our enemies may send troops from foreign nations, because it doesn’t cost anything to send someone else to die, but invading troops might lose the initiative really quickly, too, just as Americans are tired of these silly wars once they discover why they’re being waged.

      The awakening is global. We’re living through a world-wide renaissance of thought, and all of the war mongers still have to convince someone else to do the actual fighting for them.

  8. I had my fear the last weekend of February, 1997, relating to what I knew about the Republic of Texas movement and its psycho leader, and I was put into Jesus’s hands. I have not feared since.

  9. wow… thanks a lot. I’m glad people liked the article, and hopefully it will help people see the fear mongers for what they are.

    Another thing people should also remember is that if someone is trying to scare you, they’re definitely NOT on your side.

    I love that accompanying photo — I don’t know where you dig these things up from, Henry (or Laura?) , but they’re good.

  10. What scares the hell out of me is putting Lindsey Graham, Dennis Hastert, Barney Frank and Bruce Jenner all in the same room together, while Tiny Tim music is playing in the background.

    Great article JR …

  11. Hey JR, outstanding deductive reasoning written here. Thank you for sending this in for us all to consume. Keep on keepin on brother.

    i will be sending this to some who are waking up. It may supply the logic they need to become fully awake.

    1. Thanks, Paul. Sometimes giving people a new perspective is all it takes.
      They can ignore the truth as long as they’re able to, but sometimes it’s one particular piece of info that wakes ’em up.

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