First Book on Sandy Hook

AFP PODCAST: New Book on Sandy HookAmerican Free Press – by Dave Gahary

What allegedly happened on December 14, 2012, at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, where 20 elementary school children were massacred along with several adults, left the nation in a state of shock.

However, from the second the alleged event happened, the mainstream media began a barrage of reporting, 95% of which was absolutely wrong. This pathetic—or purposefully confused—reporting left truth-seekers, already distrustful of any official story coming from the United States federal government or from the controlled press, crying foul. And why not? As of the publication of this 32-page booklet in late January 2013, not a single solid fact has emerged from any official source proving what really happened inside Sandy Hook Elementary.

Podcast Play ButtonWho is Adam Lanza? What guns were actually used to commit the crime? Who were those other suspects arrested? What about the ever-changing stories offered by eyewitnesses? What about the very specific but inevitably incorrect mainstream news reporting? Was it designed to rope “Sandy Hook truthers” into speculation? Is there even more to the story? Is there more to the agenda?

Hard-hitting researcher, journalist and author of over 40 books, Victor Thorn, discusses his latest, SANDY HOOK: A Critical Analysis of the Media’s Pathetic Journalistic Practices and How They Spawned a Wave of Conspiracy Theories, the first book released on some of the more glaring anomalies of the Connecticut school shooting event, in this eye-opening interview (48:06).

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