France’s Le Pen: Pledges To Suspend All Immigration And Shield Voters From “Savage Globalization.”

World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: Now where have we heard this before…

Far-right leader Marine Le Pen on Sunday sought to mobilize her supporters six days ahead of France’s most unpredictable presidential election in decades by pledging to suspend all immigration and shield voters from “savage globalization.”  

Opinion polls have for months shown Le Pen and centrist Emmanuel Macron qualifying on Sunday for the May 7 run-off, but the gap with conservative Francois Fillon and far-leftist Jean-Luc Melenchon has been tightening.

“I will protect you. My first measure as president will be to reinstate France’s borders,” Le Pen said to wide applause and cheers from the crowd of about 5,000, prompting the National Front’s (FN) traditional “This is our home!” chant.

Source: ‘I will protect you!’ Le Pen tells voters ahead of presidential election

World Events and the Bible

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