Free Range Parents Cleared: CPS Declares Kids Playing Outside Alone is Not Neglect

Activist Post

Police and Child Protective Services in Maryland twice removed the Meitiv children, 10 and 6, from their parents for child endangerment because they played alone at a nearby park.

The generation that grew up as latchkey kids is now being called “free range” parents if they let their children play outside unattended. And they’re being charged with neglect.  

Today it’s being reported that CPS has cleared parents Danielle and Sasha Meitiv of a second case of neglect. They were cleared of wrongdoing in their first case less than a month ago.

No harm ever befell the children except when they were kidnapped by overzealous authorities and kept away from their loving parents.

Due to the outrage caused by this case, the Maryland Department of Human Resources was forced to issue a new statewide policy stating “children walking or playing outside alone is not neglect and does not warrant the intervention unless the children are in danger or at risk.”

2 thoughts on “Free Range Parents Cleared: CPS Declares Kids Playing Outside Alone is Not Neglect

  1. Gee, so it takes a queer/lesbian/homo in child perverted services to tell me how to live my life. The lame POS’s can stuff it up their Kosher queer asses. A TOTAL WASTE OF LIFES TIME AND AN UNJUST TAKING. They should be shot. Buy a case of ammo TODAY. Liberty1775

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