Ft. Hood Shooter Was In Program For Returning Soldiers In Need Of “Complex Medical Care”

Ben Swann

Over the next few days we will learn much more about the man authorities have identified as the Ft. Hood shooter.

Four people are confirmed dead and at least 14 people are injured following Wednesday nights shooting at the army post.

The shooter has now been identified as 34 year-old Ivan Lopez. Early reports indicated there may have been two shooters. Reports also indicate the shooting began as a dispute between soldiers.  

What do we know about Ivan Lopez? At this point, not much but Specialist Lopez appears to have been part of the 1st Battalion, Warrior Transition Brigade. This is a brigade Ft. Hood describes as a place for mental and physical healing for soldiers returning from combat.

According to Ft. Hood’s website, “The Warrior Transition Brigade provides command and control, primary care, and case management for warriors who have suffered injury or illness while serving as a member of the U.S. Army. We ensure the each Service Member receives the appropriate medical care and administrative processing that is needed to return to duty.”

In this photo from the Killeen Daily Herald in 2010, Spc. Ivan Lopez was photographed as he ties a fly during an instructional class at Fort Hood.

Photo CTSY KDH Steven Doll

Photo CTSY KDH Steven Doll

The Fort Hood Herald refers to the Warrior Transitional Brigade as a program that “accepts Soldiers injured in combat, those with chronic medical conditions, those who are seriously ill, those with mental or emotional conditions, and Soldiers injured during training or off duty.”

The soldiers who are moved over to the WTB are in need of serious care.

“When Soldiers require at least six months of complex medical care, their doctors can put in a packet for them to be moved over to the WTB, where the Soldier’s only mission will be to heal and prepare for transition.”

As we have reported, with the tens of thousands of men and women returning home from combat, there are serious mental health issues that these soldiers are facing from PTSD to traumatic brain injuries, etc. These issues are very serious and something the American people must demand are dealt with.

With military veterans making up 50% of the homeless population in America, we owe this generation more than to just continually send these men and women off to war and while we spend billions in tax dollars looking for the next field of combat, lawmakers are cutting the costs of treating our soldiers.

Read more: http://benswann.com/ft-hood-shooter-was-in-program-for-returning-soldiers-in-need-of-complex-medical-care/#ixzz2xpCurDX1
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4 thoughts on “Ft. Hood Shooter Was In Program For Returning Soldiers In Need Of “Complex Medical Care”

  1. Yea yea yea….and I’m sure he was neglected as a child and had herpes when he was a kid.

    WHO CARES!!!!

    Enough with the bullshit! Just print the damn truth. It was a false flag operation designed to further demonize guns and promote gun confiscation all staged by the CIA and company.

    Now how hard is it to print that?

  2. What I heard this morning makes me think that he was just a loser that lost it. They are now saying that he was in the guard for a long time. If he was a National Guard troop for ten years and was still an E-4, there was a reason why. My guess is that he left the guard for active duty hoping it would be different. He was probably getting “downsized” with the troop reduction and he was a good candidate for getting out because he couldn’t make rank. If you don’t make E-5 by a certain number of years, you have to get out. Still guessing, but he went to mental health and claimed an injury so he could get paid when he got out. Doc prescribed mental meds, he had a bad reaction to them and he lost it.
    I don’t think this was a false flag. BUT, they will use this event to further their cause of disarming ALL combat vets.
    Just my opinion.

  3. So far, everything I’ve seen points to another, in a long line of HOAXES.

    In fact, looking back , I now feel that the original Ft Hood shooting with Major Hassan, was ALSO a HOAX event.

    A military base like FT Hood, is the PERFECT PLACE TO STAGE THIS KIND OF HOAX.

    “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”
    – William Casey, CIA Director (from first staff meeting, 1981)

  4. I heard that he never served overseas..never in combat

    PTSD..from what? his momma spanking him?

    Im not buying what the government is selling on this story

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